Gustav Aminoff (1771-1836) was a major-general and governor. (April 14, 1771 Rättvik, Sweden - December 25, 1836 Ruovesi)
Aminoff graduated from cadet school in 1788. He attended Gustavus III of the 1788-1790 war in Puumala, bearded rapids and Pirttimäki battles. In 1796 he was the captain and the Swedish king Gustav IV Adolf's adjutant. In the same year he was promoted to rank of major and yliadjutantiksi. Finnish War broke out in 1808 Aminoff had already been promoted to colonel. After the war, he served as the Swedish fortress of Vaxholm kommendanttina. He did not like in Sweden, and resigned from the service of the Swedish army major-general in 1810. Aminoff moved back to Finland, where he was called in the same year Savo and Karelia, governor of the province.