
Early New England Immigrant Ancestors of Heber Chase Kimball (1801-1868) and his wives.

Great, Great Grandparents of Heber C Kimball[]

Kimball/Head/Atwood Line[]

  1. GGGP 01: Mr Kimball - ( HCKimball, SFKimball, JKimball2, JKimball1, DKimball, BKimball) - son of English immigrant, Richard Kimball (1595-1675).
  2. GGGP 02: Mrs Kimball
  3. Samuel Gage (1638-1696) - Essex Co, Mass
  4. Faith Stickney (1652-1696) -
  5. John Head (1649-) -
  6. Dorothy
  7. Phillip Atwood -
  8. Sarah Tenney (1665-1739) - Essex Co, Mass

Roberts / Belknap Line[]

  1. Robert Roberts (1617-1663) - English Immigrant to Essex Co, Mass
  2. Susan Dowing (1618-1637) -English Immigrant to Essex Co, Mass
  3. Daniel Hendrick (1617-) - English Immigrant to Essex Co, Mass
  4. Dorothy Pike (1619-1659) - English Immigrant to Essex Co, Mass
  5. Samuel Belknap (1628-1701) -
  6. Sarah Jones (1630-1689) -
  7. Nathaniel Ayer (1638-1717) -
  8. [[Tamesin Treloar (1641-1700}]] -

Spalding / Cleveland/ Pierce Line[]

  1. John Spalding (1633-1721)
  2. Hannah Hale (1635-1689)
  3. John Brackett (1637-1687)
  4. Hannah French (1641-1674)
  5. Moses Cleveland (1624-1702) - Anc to Pres Grover Cleveland. Edward Cleveland was a son of Moses Cleveland (c1624-1702), thus a cousin of President Grover Cleveland (1837). He married a granddaughter of Walter Palmer (c1585-1661) so their descendants are cousins of both Presidents Cleveland and Ulysses S. Grant (1822).
  6. Ann Winn
  7. Samuel Pierce (1630-1678) -
  8. Mrs Pierce

Gates / Line[]

  1. Stephen Gates (1634-1707) - English Immigrant to Mass
  2. Sarah Woodward (1643-aft1707)
  3. GGGP 19:
  4. GGGP 20:
  5. John Clarke (1630-1677)
  6. Sara Smith (1642-1645)
  7. Samuel Leonard (1630-1720)
  8. Abigail Atwood (1647-1698)

Great, Great Grandparents of Vilate Murray[]

Vilate Murray (1806-1867) - First wife of Heber C Kimball

Murray / May Line[]

  1. GGGP 01: Mr Murray - ( RMurray6, EMurray5, JMurray4, MR3, MR2, MR2) -
  2. GGGP 02: Murs Murray
  3. Nathan Bradley (1638-1713) - English Immigrant to Conn.
  4. Hester Griswold (1648-1695)

Way / Sprague Line[]

  1. George Way (1655-1717) - ( RMurray6, EMurray5, MWay4, GWay3, GW2, GW1) -
  2. Sarah Neast (1660-1708)
  3. John Sprague (1630-1676) - (RMurray6, RMurray5, MWay4, LSprague3, JSprague2, JSprague1) - Son of English / Plymouth Colony immigrant Francis Sprague (1590-1676)
  4. Ruth Bassett (1632-c1694) - (RMurray6, RMurray5, MWay4, LSprague3, JSprague2, Ruth Bassett (1632-c1694)) -
  5. Unknown5
  6. Unknown6
  7. Unknown7
  8. Unknown8

Gould Family Line[]

Fitch Family Line[]

  1. GGGP 17: Mr Fitch
  2. GGGP 18: Mrs Fitch
  3. [[Thomas Waterman (1644-1708}]]
  4. Miriam Tracy (1645-)

Kingsbury Family Line[]

Great, Great Grandparens of Ann Gheen[]

Ann Alice Gheen (1827-1879) and her sister Amanda Trimble Gheen (1830-1904) were both married to Heber C Kimball.

Gheen/Ingram Family Line[]

  1. GGGP 01: Gheen
  2. GGGP 02: Gheen
  3. GGGP 03
  4. GGGP 04
  5. Arthur Ingram (1664-1702) - 3rd Viscount of Irvine - England
  6. Isabella Machell (1669-1764) -
  7. Robert Leatham (1610-)
  8. Sarah Latham (1618-1655) - England


  1. GGGP 09: Atkins
  2. GGGP 10: Atkins
  3. GGGP 11:
  4. GGGP 12:
  5. Buffington
  6. Ruth Cope (1687-1728)
  7. Ferree
  8. Leah Corlea DeBois (1687-1758)

Peirce/ Mendenhall Line[]

  1. George Peirce (1659-1733)
  2. Ann Gayner (1663-1725)
  3. Goodwin Walters (1675-1735)
  4. Elizabeth Songhurst (1660-1726)
  5. Benjamin Mendenhall (1662-1740) - English Immigrant to Pennsylvania
  6. Ann Pennell (1668-1749)
  7. Philip Taylor (1680-1732)
  8. Ann Conaway (1688-1735)

Timble / Brinton[]

  1. Robert Trimble (1675-)
  2. GGGP 26
  3. John Palmer (1667-1740)
  4. Mary Southery (1666-1745)
  5. Joseph Brinton (1692-1751)
  6. Mary Peirce (1690-1766)
  7. John Williamson (1690-1760)
  8. Sarah Smedley (1694-1789)

Great, Great Grandparents of Martha McBride[]

McBride Family Line[]

Brown Family Line[]

Mead Faimly Line[]

  • Conn / New York

Fiske/Mead Family Line[]

  1. William Fiske (1642-1728)
  2. Sarah Kilham (1642-1737)
  3. Josiah Brown (1637-1691)
  4. Mary Fellows (1650-) = See Mary Fellows (c1686-1747)
  5. John Mead
  6. Hannah Potter (1638-1700) - duaghter of Frances Child (1610-1662)
  7. GGGP 31 Leane
  8. GGGP 32 Leane

Great, Great Grandparents of Clarissa Cutler[]

Heber Kimball married four grand children of Lathrop / Pitkin Family Line:

  1. Clarrisa Crisey Cutler (1824-1852) - Plural wife of Heber Kimball who left him to join her father's Mormon Sect of Cutlerites in Manti, Iowa. Daughter of Alpheaus Cutler (1783-1864) and Lois Lathrop (1788-1878).
  2. Emily Trask Cutler (1828-1852) - sister of Clarrisa who also married Heber.
  3. Prescinda Lathrop Huntington (Buell, Smith) (7 September 1810 New York–1 February 1892 Salt Lake City), married on 4 February 1846 and had 2 children. Her grandfather John Lathrop is another distant cousin to the other Lathrop's here.
  4. Abigail Pitkin (1797-1847) - (17 July 1797 New York-15 May 1847 Winter Quarters). Married 7 January 1846 to Heber Kimball. She Died in Winter Quarters. Her mother, Abigail Lathrop, was a distant cousin to Lois Lathrop, the Cutler girls mother.

Cutler /Bigelow/Knight Line[]

  1. Thomas Cutler (1648-1722) - ( CCCutler, ACutler, KCutler, BCutler, JCutler, TCutler) - Son of 1635 English Immigrant
  2. Abigail Dewey (1652-1711) - ( CCCutler, ACutler, KCutler, BCutler, JCutler, ADewey) - Daughter of English Immigrants
  3. Samuel Bigelow (1653-1730) - ( CCCutler, ACutler, KCutler, BCutler, ABigelow, SBigelow) - Bigelow English Immigrant Parents John Bigelow (1616-1703) and Mary Warren (1624-1691), who is descended from English Royalty.
  4. Mary Flagg (1657-1720) - ( CCCutler, ACutler, KCutler, BCutler, ABigelow, MFlagg) -
  5. Joseph Knight (1657-1735) - ( CCCutler, ACutler, KCutler, LKnight, JKnight2, JKnight1) Son of English Immigrants
  6. Abigail Craggen (1662-1707) - ( CCCutler, ACutler, KCutler, LKnight,
  7. Robert Day (1684-1706) - ( CCCutler, ACutler, KCutler, LKnight, SDay, RDay) -
  8. Elizabeth D Dresser (1685-1730) - ( CCCutler, ACutler, KCutler, LKnight,

Boyd Family Line[]

  1. BOYD 9- ( CCCutler, ACutler, EBoyd,
  2. BOYD 10
  3. BOYD 11
  4. BOYD 12
  5. BOYD 13
  6. BOYD 14
  7. BOYD 15
  8. BOYD 16

Lathrop / Huntington Line[]

  1. Israel Lathrop (1659-1733) - ( CCCutler, LLathrop, SLathrop, ELathrop, SLathrop3, ILathrop) - grandson of famous Puritan Immigrant, Rev. John Lathrop.
  2. Rebecca Bliss (1663-) - ( CCCutler, LLathrop, SLathrop, ELathrop, SLathrop3, RBliss) - Daughter of English Immigrants.
  3. Thomas Waterman (1644-1708) - ( CCCutler, LLathrop, SLathrop, ELathrop, EWaterman, TWaterman) -
  4. Mariam Tracy (1648-1741) - ( CCCutler, LLathrop, SLathrop, ELathrop, EWatermam, MTracy) -
  5. John Hough (1655-1715) - ( CCCutler, LLathrop, SLathrop, HHough, JHough,
  6. Sarah Post (1657-1746) - ( CCCutler, LLathrop, SLathrop, HHough, JHough,
  7. George Denison (1671-1720) - ( CCCutler, LLathrop, SLathrop, HHough, HDenison,
  8. Mary Brewster Wetherall (1668-1711) - ( CCCutler, LLathrop, SLathrop, HHough, HDenison,

Huntington / Gifford Line[]

  1. Christopher Huntington (1660-1735) - ( CCCutler, LLathropLHuntington,
  2. GGGP 26: Mrs Huntington - ( CCCutler, LLathropLHuntington,
  3. Caleb Abell (1647-1731) - ( CCCutler, LLathropLHuntington, - He is the son of American Gateway Ancestor Robert Abell (1605-1663) who is linked to English Royalty.
  4. Margaret Post (1652-1700) - ( CCCutler, LLathropLHuntington
  5. Samuel Gifford (1668-1714)
  6. Mary Calkins (1667-1748)
  7. John Hyde (1667-1727)
  8. Experience Abell (1674-1763) - Daughter of Caleb Abell (1647-1731) above.

Great, Great Grandparents of Prescinda Huntington[]

Heber Kimball married four grand children of Lathrop / Pitkin Family Line:

  1. See William Huntington (1784-1846)/immigrant ancesters for this family tree.

Great, Great Grandparents of Abigail Pitkin[]

Heber Kimball married four grand children of Lathrop / Pitkin Family Line:

  • Pitkin, Abigail (1797-1847) - (17 July 1797 New York-15 May 1847 Winter Quarters). Married 7 January 1846 to Heber Kimball. She Died in the Mormon refugee camp of Winter Quarters. Her mother, Abigail Lathrop, was a distant cousin to Lois Lathrop, the Cutler girls mother. (Clarrisa Cutler and Prescinda Huntington) - no children.
  • Pitkin, Laura (1790-1866) - (10 September 1790 Connecticut-16 November 1866 Salt Lake City). Married on 3 February 1846. Frequently served as mid-wife for the Kimball family. No Children.

Pitkin Family Line[]

White Family Line[]

Lathrop Family Line[]

  1. Joseph Lathrop (1624-1702) - ( APitkin, ALathrop, ELathrop, BLathrop, HLathrop, JLathrop2) -
  2. Mary Ansell (c1629-1713) - ( APitkin, ALathrop, ELathrop, BLathrop, HLathrop, MAnsell) -
  3. John Lathrop (1645-1688) - ( APitkin, ALathrop, ELathrop, BLathrop, ELathrop, JLathrop3) -
  4. Ruth Royce (1645-1732) - ( APitkin, ALathrop, ELathrop, BLathrop, ELathrop, RRoyce) -
  5. Samuel Baker
  6. Fear Robinson
  7. Samuel Annable
  8. Mehitable Allyn

Leonard Family Line[]

Great, Great Grandparents of Lucy Walker[]

Lucy Walker (1826-1910) - Born in Vermont - Daughter of John Walker (1794-1869) and Lydia Holmes (1800-1842) - md to Joseph Smith (1805-1844) and Heber Kimball.

Walker/Martin Line[]

  1. Zachariah Walker (1670-1753)
  2. Elizabeth Miner (1667-1749)
  3. John Judson (1676-1722) - grandson of immigrant Joseph Judson (1619-1690) and Elizabeth Chapman (1651-c1696) - Connecticut
  4. Sarah Beers (1678-1722)
  5. William Seaborn Martin (1653-1715)
  6. Abigail Nichols (1663-1734)
  7. Zachariah Walker (1670-1753) - same as #1 & #2 above
  8. Elizabeth Miner (1667-1749)

Miner / Root Line[]

  1. John Miner (1659-1731)
  2. Sarah Rose (1664-1731)
  3. Joseph Judson (1647-1710) - son of immigrant Joseph Judson (1619-1690) and Sarah Porter (1626-1696) (See above) - Connecticut
  4. Mary Walker (1650-1702) - Daughter of Zachariah Walker above?
  5. John Root (1646-1687)
  6. Mary Ashley (1644-1702)
  7. Joseph Hickok (1678-1717)
  8. Ruth Fairchild (1678-1727)

Great, Great Grandparents of Sarah Whitney[]

Sarah Ann Whitney (1825-1873) - Whitney Family Line - Kimball Cousin to Heber.

Whitney / Harrington Family Line[]

  1. Nathaniel Whitney (1675-1730) - ( NKWhitney, SWhitney3, SWhitney2, SWhitney1, NWhitney2) - Eli Whitney Immigrant Ancestors
  2. Mercy Robinson (1676-1740) -
  3. Joseph Hastings (1695-1783)
  4. Lydia Brown (1697-1768)
  5. David Harrington (1687-1758) - ( NKWhitney, SWhitney3, PHarrington, IHarrington, DHarrington2) - The Harrington Family is a gateway link to the Plantagenents
  6. Elizabeth Warren (1673-1705) - ( NKWhitney, SWhitney3, PHarrington, IHarrington, EWarren) - Granddaughter of English Immigrant - John Warren, The Immigrant 1585 - Gateway Ancestor
  7. GGGP 07: Mr Eagar
  8. Hannah Kerley (1678-1747)

Kimball Hayward Family Line[]

  1. Samuel Kimball (1651-1716)
  2. Mary Witt (1645-1675)
  3. Richard Carr (1659-1727)
  4. Dorothy Boyce (1659-1694)
  5. Samuel Hayward (1642-1713)
  6. Mehitable Thompson (1644-1700)
  7. James Albee (1640-1717)
  8. Hannah Cook (1650-1695)

Smith / Holbrook Line[]

  1. Walter Smith (1653-1709)
  2. Rebecca Prime (1656-1702)
  3. Jesse Lambert (1658-1718)
  4. Deborah Fowler (1658-1719)
  5. GGGP 21: Holbrook
  6. GGGP 22: Holbrook
  7. GGGP 23: Hitchcock
  8. GGGP 24: Hitchcock

Bradley / Wattles Family Line[]

  1. William Bradley (1681-)
  2. Elizabeth Chedsey (1692-)
  3. Joseph Grannis (1676-1753)
  4. Hannah Russel (1658-1751)
  5. John Wattles (1700-1766)
  6. Judith Fitch (1704-1742)
  7. Jonathan Tyler (1717-)
  8. Rachel Tuttle (1706-1749)

Great, Great Grandparents of Ruth Reese[]

Ruth Amelia Reese (1817-1902) - (10 May 1817 Pennsylvania-26 November 1902 Salt Lake City), married on 3 February 1846.

Great, Great Grandparents of Christine Golden[]

Christine Golden (1823-1896) - (12 September 1823 Hopewell, New Jersey-30 January 1896 Salt Lake City). They were married on 3 February 1846 in Nauvoo, Illinois.

Great, Great Grandparents of Mary Smithies[]

Mary Smithies (1837-1880) - (7 October 1837-1880), married 25 January 1857. - English Immigrant

Prominent Descendants[]

Four Cousins[]

Heber married several girls who were cousins.
