House of Évreux
Blason ville fr Mortain (Manche)
Arms of the Count of Evreux
Country Royal Standard of the King of France France, Navarre
Parent house Capetian Dynasty
Titles *Count of Évreux
Founder Louis, Count of Évreux
Final ruler Charles III of Navarre
Founding year 1298
Dissolution 1425 (agnatic line)
1441 (sole heiress' death)
Ethnicity French

The House of Évreux was a cadet branch of the Capetian dynasty, the royal house of France, which flourished from the beginning of the 14th century to the mid 15th century. It became the royal house of the Kingdom of Navarre.

The House was founded by Louis, Count of Évreux. He was the third son of Philip III of France, by his second wife Marie of Brabant. His son and heir, Philip, was the husband of Joan II of Navarre and the first King of Navarre from the Évreux dynasty.

Louis' younger son Charles had no grandchildren. The Évreux dynasty ended with the death of Blanche I of Navarre, who died in 1441.

Notable members of the House of Évreux[]

See also[]

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