
Kzak Khan was born 1147 to Belyuk Khan (c1120-c1170) and died 1206 of unspecified causes.

Hzak Khan (Hza, Kzak) - Cuman Khan, the head of the Cumans Of Don river (the Burchevichs), a son of [[Belyuk Khan (c1120-c1170)|Belyuk Khan[1] Khan.


The Hypatian Codex narrate about defeat of Hzak by the Olgovichs in 1166:

in 1167 or 1168 by Prince Oleg Svyatoslavich of Starodub (1147-1204), Princes of Novgorod-Seversky, during his joint campaign with Yaroslav Vsevolodovich of Chernigov, Hzak Khan's wife and children were captured.

In 1170-ies began to prepare a revenge against the Russian principalities, having entered into an alliance with the Donovan Polovtsy, in particular Konchak Khan.

In 1185, together with Konchak Khan and other khans defeated Igor Svyatoslavich and Roman Hzych, a son of Hzak, captured Vsevolod Svyatoslavich, Igor Svyatoslavich's brotherHzak Khan sent messengers to Kiev with a proposal to exchange prisoners (Igor and his wife and children). Therefore, Hzak Khan refused Konchak's proposal to release the captives, freed only Igor Svyatoslavich and his son - the young prince Vladimir Igorevich.

After the victory over Igor, Hzak raided Posemye, there were no defenders, including Putyvl. Igor Svyatoslavich took revenge on Hzak, having carried out two campaigns against him.

However, it did not stop the raids of hzak, who in 1193 together with other Polovtsian khans (possibly Oseluk ) attacked the Principality of Pereyaslavl. However, the outcome of the campaign is unknown.

See also


Offspring of Belyuk Khan (c1120-c1170) and unknown parent
Name Birth Death Joined with
Izai Belyukovich (c1157-1193)
Hzak Belyukovich (c1147-c1206)
Mariya Belyukovna (c1155-c1200)


Footnotes (including sources)

