
Ivan Vasilyevich Prince Sitsky was born circa 1540 to Vasili Andreyevich Prince Sitsky (c1515-1578) and Anna Romanovna Zakharina-Yuryeva (c1490-c1550) and died circa 1602 of unspecified causes.


Ivan Sitsko (d. 1608 ) - Prince, bell 1579, steward in 1577, lord 1585-1601, governor, in 1601 forcibly tonsured a monk named Sergius, son of Prince Vasily Sitsko and Anna Romanovna Zakharina-St George. In the discharge books , he is sometimes referred to as Prince Sitsko-Yaroslavsky. As a father and some brothers Ivan mentioned among the guardsmen [1] .

In discharges Ivan was first mentioned in 1577 in the list stolnik that "with the monarch." In 1578, he was a parochial dispute with the cupbearer , later king of Boris Godunov . Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible ordered the prince Sitsko stand with him at his comrades in the sovereign's table on Christmas Day, but the prince Sitsko said he nevmestno be companions with Boris, and hit my forehead on the older king's brother Basil Godunov in the homeland, and finally, and Boris F., in turn, petitioned the king to beat Ivanov's father, the nobleman Vasily Sitsko. Then the king ordered to disassemble the dispute boyar Prince Ivan Mstislavsky , Boyar Prince Ivan Yu Golitsyn and deacon Andrei meat, and their trial and perpetrate account Godunov many places more Boyar Prince Vasily Sitsko and granted him the right instrument. In 1580, after the Moscow envoys were expelled from Krakow , arose again in talks with Tsar Ivan IV the Stefan Batory , but these negotiations did not lead to anything. Polish king appointed a five-week deadline for the arrival of the Moscow ambassadors, and sent him to Prince Sitsko and brewery, with a retinue of 500 men. When they are at the end of August 1580 arrived at the camp under Batory Great Luki , he took them into the tent proudly sat in the hat when they bowed to him from the king, did not want to tell them "polite speech". Ambassadors demanded that he commanded the siege of the Great Bow, but instead of answering the same night Zamoyski was besieged fortress. The ambassadors agreed to give Kurland and 24 cities in Livonia , but would like to get all the Bathory of Livonia, as well as the Great Luke, Smolensk , Pskov and Novgorod . Then the prince Sitsko and brewery, declaring that nothing more can not give up, demanded the release or permission to write to Ivan the Terrible. Leave had not been given, and allowed to send a messenger to the king, which they performed on the same day. Ambassadors were presented a second time in three days Bathory, and then they had to accompany the king on the theater of war: they were taken to Nevl in Polotsk in Kreva , long held in the village Tryabine, January 30, 1581 was brought to Warsaw, and only released February 19 with the answer: "there will be no embassy, ​​no peace, no truce, until the army of Moscow is not clear Livonia." In 1582, Prince Sitsko sent to Tula voivod large shelf, but due to petition the governor and the advanced guard regiments, Mikhail Saltykov , Yefim Varfolomeyevich Buturlin and Prince Mikhail Vasilyevich Nozdrovatogo they nevmestno be less Sitsko prince, the king sent to Tula to other provincial governors, and Prince Sitsko appointed Dedilov voivod right hand. In another bit list says, "how will converge on the Vesti Ukrainian governor governors from Tula, and then be in the best regiment in Dedilova, and stand in Kaluga." In 1583, Prince Sitsko - Governor right hand in Novgorod. In 1585, Ivan Sitsko granted to the nobles the king Fedor Ioannovich , attended the reception, Ambassador of Lithuania. In 1586 Ivan cited as the governor Rzhevskij , Georgian ambassadors at reception in the spring of this year and in 1589 he dined at the Golden House. In the same year he was in the Livonian campaign "in addition". In 1588, Ivan was present in the Order of the Great parish . In 1591 Ivan analyzed by parochial Prince George Nikitich Trubetskoy the boyar Prince Andrei Ivanovich nail-Suzdal . Was topping in the distribution of money to pay desyatne Pereslavl-Zaleski . In 1591 Ivan was appointed voivod in Astrakhan . Of the king's instructions, given to him to send back, we see that his predecessor, Province of Prince Troyekurov , was marked by many disturbances, which had to be eliminated. This mandate Prince Sitsko vividly portrayed patrimonial and economic practices of the then Moscow government in its administrative rules. After the usual orders to the treasury, bread, etc., is a series of instructions on the admission of Astrakhan, without delay, grain stocks, intended for dispatch to the Terek to serving people and the immediate delivery of them there, on the correct release of salt up the Volga and collection for her duties with the weight, as well as proper supervision of the fishermen that they did not catch fish more than what may "and shall be salted and ostryapat isprodat" as an extra fish lying on the sand, rot and spoil the air. In addition to concerns about the bread, salt and fish, the prince ordered mandate to do Sitsko building a stone wall around Astrakhan, resulting in him was charged with the duty to discuss what is more advantageous, if burn only new limestone, or to use in business and the old lime-studded bricks from a nearby and distant barns, 80 to 100 miles from Astrakhan. The question of the suitability of the old lime was raised by Prince Troyekurov, but it was a disagreement among the governor and the clerk, but because Prince told myself Sitsko watch and decide how to proceed. According to its position near the Caspian Sea Astrakhan was of great importance: the Cossacks went servitors there is against "people Kazyeva Nogai Ulus", then against the 'thieves' Cossacks', then against the "king neposlushnika Shevkalskogo." As a result, all atamans and the Cossacks, who assisted, we had to give royal salary, but those that will be on "Shevkalskoy service" (that is to act against Shevkalskogo ruler) to feed on flour, cereals and oatmeal. On the way to Astrakhan Sitsko prince had to take in Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan cooked there boats, boats and anchors and to receive from the governor in Kazan and Sviyazhsk for 1500 rubles, "the policeman Astrakhan stone work," and in Nizhny Novgorod, 1,000 rubles for all the same "Shevkalskoy service." In 1597, Prince Sitsko with boyar Prince Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky analyzed by parochial between Peter Nikitich Sheremetev and Prince Fedor Andreevich Nogotkov . That same year, Ivan was present in large painted Faceted Chamber in the reception, Ambassador Cesarsky. In 1598, when a campaign of Tsar Boris Godunov in Serpukhov, Ivan was the third warlord right hand, and Prince Alexander Andreyevich Repnin third voivod best in the regiment. From this arose the curious case of parochial, which shows the collision of family and clan interests, in July of the same ", the prince instead of brow beating marigolds all Princes Obolensky , Prince Repnin that was less Sitsko Prince, did not hit my forehead in the homeland, to make friends with the prince and Sitsko pleasing Fedor Nikitich Romanov , because Romanov, Prince and Prince Repnin Sitsko each other brothers and great friends. But ye thought that Fedor Romanov in order, so thieves nechelobitem Prince Repnin poruha and reproach DONE at the fatherland of its kind of the Romanovs and the other strangers around their birth family of Prince Obolensky. The Emperor granted to them, told them it's written petition, that their whole family in the homeland poruhi and there was no reproach from others' labor. And the sovereign prince Nogotkova granted, ordered the discharge petition to record that the prince was a prince Repnin Sitsko of friendship, and Prince Repnin Prince Sitsko guilty one, and his family all the princes of this Obolensky poruhi in the homeland there is no one. " Also in Prince Ivan Vasilyevich Sitsko scores were parochial: to Prince Ivan Vasilyevich Gagin Great , Ivan Fyodorovich Kolychovym Hook , Grigory Meshchaninova-Morozov , Mikhail Saltykov Glebovich , Pankraty Yakovlevich Saltykov and Prince. Tyufyakinym Vasily Vasilyevich . Apparently Prince Sitsko only for a time was called from Astrakhan, and then he stayed in the province until 1601. In support of this hypothesis is written in the 1651 "Rite of what was seen during the construction of the Russian sovereigns in the princely dignity murzas Nagayskoy Horde", this "Rite" says that in the Province of Prince Sitsko under Tsar Boris, when he got to reign in Nogai Horde Ishterek Prince, "and better safe than those in the pores in the Astrakhan ordered to keep a great, and in the city and the prison was crowded and skillfully, for any better safe." In 1601 the Romanovs suffered disgrace from Tsar Boris Godunov. Victims and their families, among whom was Prince Ivan Sitsko. He and his wife and son, Vasily were imported from Astrakhan to Moscow constrained. The prince himself was deprived of Sitsko boyars and became a monk named Sergius in Kozheozerskom monastery , founded by St. Serapion of about 1565 and was located in the county Kargopolsky . His wife, Euphemia Nikitishna, tonsured with the name Eudoxia Desert Jail Sung at White Lake , where she died April 8, 1602. Ivan himself died in 1608. On the estates of Ivan Vasilyevich Sitsko know that in 1585/1586, he owned a hamlet with a village Shooting and 6 heathlands, as well as 306 quarters of land in seredney sherenskom camp Moscow district (the former estate of Il'in) [1] . The name of Prince Ivan Vasilyevich Sitsko related a very interesting fact of peasant land tenure end of the XVI century, that is the time that preceded the enslavement of the peasants. Judging from the cadastres of the Moscow district (1585-1586 years), first among the quit-rent owners, and the number and the number of leased land occupied by peasants alone, and partnerships. Owners of single issued peasant Prince Ivan Vasilyevich Sitsko, yarmulke, holding 12 449 chetyami wasteland.

Marriage and children

Wife: Efimiya Nikitishna Romanova (died April 8, 1602), the daughter of a boyar Nikita Romanovich Zakharyin-St. George's . Children: Basil (d. 1608) Daughter , husband: N Trahaniotov .


  • Иван Васильевич Сицкий ум. 1608
  • Книга:Богуславский В.В.: Славянская энциклопедия. Киевская Русь - Московия|2
  • Книга:Кобрин В. Б.: Материалы генеалогии княжеско-боярской аристократии XV-XVI вв
  • Книга:Лобанов-Ростовский А. Б.: Русская родословная книга|2
  • Книга:Петров П.Н.: История родов русского дворянства|1
  • Книга:Русский биографический словарь|24|519—521Ivan Sitsko (d. 1608 ) - Prince, bell 1579, steward in 1577, lord 1585-1601, governor, in 1601 forcibly tonsured a monk named Sergius, son of Prince Vasily Sitsko and Anna Romanovna Zakharina-St George. In the discharge books , he is sometimes referred to as Prince Sitsko-Yaroslavsky. As a father and some brothers Ivan mentioned among the guardsmen [1] .

Content [ remove ] 1 Biography 2 Marriage and children 3 Notes 4 References [ edit ] Biography

In discharges Ivan was first mentioned in 1577 in the list stolnik that "with the monarch." In 1578, he was a parochial dispute with the cupbearer , later king of Boris Godunov . Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible ordered the prince Sitsko stand with him at his comrades in the sovereign's table on Christmas Day, but the prince Sitsko said he nevmestno be companions with Boris, and hit my forehead on the older king's brother Basil Godunov in the homeland, and finally, and Boris F., in turn, petitioned the king to beat Ivanov's father, the nobleman Vasily Sitsko. Then the king ordered to disassemble the dispute boyar Prince Ivan Mstislavsky , Boyar Prince Ivan Yu Golitsyn and deacon Andrei meat, and their trial and perpetrate account Godunov many places more Boyar Prince Vasily Sitsko and granted him the right instrument. In 1580, after the Moscow envoys were expelled from Krakow , arose again in talks with Tsar Ivan IV the Stefan Batory , but these negotiations did not lead to anything. Polish king appointed a five-week deadline for the arrival of the Moscow ambassadors, and sent him to Prince Sitsko and brewery, with a retinue of 500 men. When they are at the end of August 1580 arrived at the camp under Batory Great Luki , he took them into the tent proudly sat in the hat when they bowed to him from the king, did not want to tell them "polite speech". Ambassadors demanded that he commanded the siege of the Great Bow, but instead of answering the same night Zamoyski was besieged fortress. The ambassadors agreed to give Kurland and 24 cities in Livonia , but would like to get all the Bathory of Livonia, as well as the Great Luke, Smolensk , Pskov and Novgorod . Then the prince Sitsko and brewery, declaring that nothing more can not give up, demanded the release or permission to write to Ivan the Terrible. Leave had not been given, and allowed to send a messenger to the king, which they performed on the same day. Ambassadors were presented a second time in three days Bathory, and then they had to accompany the king on the theater of war: they were taken to Nevl in Polotsk in Kreva , long held in the village Tryabine, January 30, 1581 was brought to Warsaw, and only released February 19 with the answer: "there will be no embassy, ​​no peace, no truce, until the army of Moscow is not clear Livonia." In 1582, Prince Sitsko sent to Tula voivod large shelf, but due to petition the governor and the advanced guard regiments, Mikhail Saltykov , Yefim Varfolomeyevich Buturlin and Prince Mikhail Vasilyevich Nozdrovatogo they nevmestno be less Sitsko prince, the king sent to Tula to other provincial governors, and Prince Sitsko appointed Dedilov voivod right hand. In another bit list says, "how will converge on the Vesti Ukrainian governor governors from Tula, and then be in the best regiment in Dedilova, and stand in Kaluga." In 1583, Prince Sitsko - Governor right hand in Novgorod. In 1585, Ivan Sitsko granted to the nobles the king Fedor Ioannovich , attended the reception, Ambassador of Lithuania. In 1586 Ivan cited as the governor Rzhevskij , Georgian ambassadors at reception in the spring of this year and in 1589 he dined at the Golden House. In the same year he was in the Livonian campaign "in addition". In 1588, Ivan was present in the Order of the Great parish . In 1591 Ivan analyzed by parochial Prince George Nikitich Trubetskoy the boyar Prince Andrei Ivanovich nail-Suzdal . Was topping in the distribution of money to pay desyatne Pereslavl-Zaleski . In 1591 Ivan was appointed voivod in Astrakhan . Of the king's instructions, given to him to send back, we see that his predecessor, Province of Prince Troyekurov , was marked by many disturbances, which had to be eliminated. This mandate Prince Sitsko vividly portrayed patrimonial and economic practices of the then Moscow government in its administrative rules. After the usual orders to the treasury, bread, etc., is a series of instructions on the admission of Astrakhan, without delay, grain stocks, intended for dispatch to the Terek to serving people and the immediate delivery of them there, on the correct release of salt up the Volga and collection for her duties with the weight, as well as proper supervision of the fishermen that they did not catch fish more than what may "and shall be salted and ostryapat isprodat" as an extra fish lying on the sand, rot and spoil the air. In addition to concerns about the bread, salt and fish, the prince ordered mandate to do Sitsko building a stone wall around Astrakhan, resulting in him was charged with the duty to discuss what is more advantageous, if burn only new limestone, or to use in business and the old lime-studded bricks from a nearby and distant barns, 80 to 100 miles from Astrakhan. The question of the suitability of the old lime was raised by Prince Troyekurov, but it was a disagreement among the governor and the clerk, but because Prince told myself Sitsko watch and decide how to proceed. According to its position near the Caspian Sea Astrakhan was of great importance: the Cossacks went servitors there is against "people Kazyeva Nogai Ulus", then against the 'thieves' Cossacks', then against the "king neposlushnika Shevkalskogo." As a result, all atamans and the Cossacks, who assisted, we had to give royal salary, but those that will be on "Shevkalskoy service" (that is to act against Shevkalskogo ruler) to feed on flour, cereals and oatmeal. On the way to Astrakhan Sitsko prince had to take in Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan cooked there boats, boats and anchors and to receive from the governor in Kazan and Sviyazhsk for 1500 rubles, "the policeman Astrakhan stone work," and in Nizhny Novgorod, 1,000 rubles for all the same "Shevkalskoy service." In 1597, Prince Sitsko with boyar Prince Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky analyzed by parochial between Peter Nikitich Sheremetev and Prince Fedor Andreevich Nogotkov . That same year, Ivan was present in large painted Faceted Chamber in the reception, Ambassador Cesarsky. In 1598, when a campaign of Tsar Boris Godunov in Serpukhov, Ivan was the third warlord right hand, and Prince Alexander Andreyevich Repnin third voivod best in the regiment. From this arose the curious case of parochial, which shows the collision of family and clan interests, in July of the same ", the prince instead of brow beating marigolds all Princes Obolensky , Prince Repnin that was less Sitsko Prince, did not hit my forehead in the homeland, to make friends with the prince and Sitsko pleasing Fedor Nikitich Romanov , because Romanov, Prince and Prince Repnin Sitsko each other brothers and great friends. But ye thought that Fedor Romanov in order, so thieves nechelobitem Prince Repnin poruha and reproach DONE at the fatherland of its kind of the Romanovs and the other strangers around their birth family of Prince Obolensky. The Emperor granted to them, told them it's written petition, that their whole family in the homeland poruhi and there was no reproach from others' labor. And the sovereign prince Nogotkova granted, ordered the discharge petition to record that the prince was a prince Repnin Sitsko of friendship, and Prince Repnin Prince Sitsko guilty one, and his family all the princes of this Obolensky poruhi in the homeland there is no one. " Also in Prince Ivan Vasilyevich Sitsko scores were parochial: to Prince Ivan Vasilyevich Gagin Great , Ivan Fyodorovich Kolychovym Hook , Grigory Meshchaninova-Morozov , Mikhail Saltykov Glebovich , Pankraty Yakovlevich Saltykov and Prince. Tyufyakinym Vasily Vasilyevich . Apparently Prince Sitsko only for a time was called from Astrakhan, and then he stayed in the province until 1601. In support of this hypothesis is written in the 1651 "Rite of what was seen during the construction of the Russian sovereigns in the princely dignity murzas Nagayskoy Horde", this "Rite" says that in the Province of Prince Sitsko under Tsar Boris, when he got to reign in Nogai Horde Ishterek Prince, "and better safe than those in the pores in the Astrakhan ordered to keep a great, and in the city and the prison was crowded and skillfully, for any better safe." In 1601 the Romanovs suffered disgrace from Tsar Boris Godunov. Victims and their families, among whom was Prince Ivan Sitsko. He and his wife and son, Vasily were imported from Astrakhan to Moscow constrained. The prince himself was deprived of Sitsko boyars and became a monk named Sergius in Kozheozerskom monastery , founded by St. Serapion of about 1565 and was located in the county Kargopolsky . His wife, Euphemia Nikitishna, tonsured with the name Eudoxia Desert Jail Sung at White Lake , where she died April 8, 1602. Ivan himself died in 1608. On the estates of Ivan Vasilyevich Sitsko know that in 1585/1586, he owned a hamlet with a village Shooting and 6 heathlands, as well as 306 quarters of land in seredney sherenskom camp Moscow district (the former estate of Il'in) [1] . The name of Prince Ivan Vasilyevich Sitsko related a very interesting fact of peasant land tenure end of the XVI century, that is the time that preceded the enslavement of the peasants. Judging from the cadastres of the Moscow district (1585-1586 years), first among the quit-rent owners, and the number and the number of leased land occupied by peasants alone, and partnerships. Owners of single issued peasant Prince Ivan Vasilyevich Sitsko, yarmulke, holding 12 449 chetyami wasteland. [ edit ] Marriage and children

Wife: Efimiya Nikitishna Romanova (died April 8, 1602), the daughter of a boyar Nikita Romanovich Zakharyin-St. George's . Children: Basil (d. 1608) Daughter , husband: N Trahaniotov .


Offspring of Ivan Vasilyevich Prince Sitsky and Yefimiya Nikitovna Zakharina-Yuryeva (c1550-c1615)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Vasili Ivanovich Prince Sitsky (c1570-1608) 1570 1608
NN daughter


Footnotes (including sources)
