
Izyaslav Svyatopolkovich
Брячислав Святополчич
was born 1106 in Kiev, Ukraine to Svyatopolk II Izyaslavich of Kiev (1050-1113) and Olena of Kipchak (c1070-c1125) and died 23 December 1127 of unspecified causes.

Izyaslav Svyatopolkovich ( Svyatopolchich ) (d. December 23, 1127 ) - the younger son of the Grand Duke of Kiev Svyatopolk Izyaslavich from his second marriage with Elena, the daughter of the Polovtsian Khan Tugorkan .

Year of birth unknown. He was probably born in Kiev [1] . Perhaps he owned some sort of inheritance in Turov land . Under the assumption of L. Voitovich, this could be the Principality of Kletsk . Voitovich also suggests that after the death of his elder brother Bryachislav, Izyaslav inherited Turov in 1123 [2].

Little is known about him. In the annals he is mentioned only once: according to reports of the Laurentian and Resurrection Chronicles , Izyaslav died on December 23, 1127 [3][4][1] .

Some information about the marriage and the offspring of Izyaslav is not available


  1. ^ a b Template:Книга:Коган В.М., Домбровский-Шалагин В.И.: Князь Рюрик и его потомки: Историко-генеалогический свод
  2. ^ Template:Книга:Войтович Л.: Княжеские династии Восточной Европы
  3. ^ Template:Книга
  4. ^ Template:Книга




Offspring of Svyatopolk II Izyaslavich of Kiev (1050-1113) and Daughter of Bohemia (c1060-c1093)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Anna Svyatopolkovna of Kiev (c1082-1136) Svyatoslav Davydovich of Chernigov (c1080-1143)
Predslava Svyatopolkovna of Kiev (c1085-aft1110) 1085 1110 Álmos of Hungary (c1070-1127)
Zbyslava Svyatopolkovna of Kiev (c1087-c1112) 1087 1112 Bolesław III Wrymouth of Poland (1086-1138)
Yaroslav Svyatopolchich of Volhynia (c1091-1123) 1091 May 1123 Vladimir-Volynsky, Volodymyr-Volynskyi Rayon, Volyn Oblast, Ukraine Daughter of Hungary (c1083-c1130)
Sophia of Poland (c1089-c1112)
Rogneda Mstislavna of Kiev (c1112-c1159)

Offspring of Svyatopolk II Izyaslavich of Kiev (1050-1113) and Olena of Kipchak (c1070-c1125)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Mariya Svyatopolkovna of Kiev (c1102-c1150)
Bryachislav Svyatopolkovich of Turov (1104-1123) 1104 28 March 1123
Izyaslav Svyatopolkovich of Turov (c1106-1127) 1106 Kiev, Ukraine 23 December 1127

Offspring of Svyatopolk II Izyaslavich of Kiev (1050-1113) and Nomen nescio
Name Birth Death Joined with
Mstislav Svyatopolchich of Novgorod (c1075-1099) 1075


Footnotes (including sources)

