Josiah Quinn Crowninshuield Bradlee, GORC, CCR, MStJ, FSA Scot, FRSA was born 29 April 1982 in George Washington Hospital, Washington, District of Columbia, United States to Benjamin Crowninshield Bradlee (1921-2014) and Sally Sterling Quinn (1941) .
Bradlee was born with a hole in his heart and had heart surgery at just three months old; and was then diagnosed with a syndrome called Veo Cardio Facial Syndrome also known as VCFS, when he was fourteen years old. His syndrome VCFS is responsible for his learning disabilities, which include dyslexia and ADD, attention deficite disorder; however he is also the Founder and CEO of FriendsOfQuinn.
Bradlee has been on the View with Barbara Walters and many other notable TV shows.
His ancestors are are from America, England, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Scotland and Spain.
First Known Imperial and Royal Families
He is a descendant of Maximilian I von Habsburg, Holy Roman Emperor (1459-1519); John I, King of Denmark, Norway and Sweden (1455-1513); James IV, King of Scotland (1473-1513); Henry VII Tudor, King of England (1457-1509); Connor O'Brien, King of Thomond (-1540); Casimir IV Jagiellon, King of Poland (1427-1492); Sir Thomas Stanley, KG (c1405-1459), Charles IV Valois, King of France (1368-1422).
FriendsOfQuinn is a social networking where young adults with learing disabilities can meet other like themselves and feel wanted and safe. It is also a place of where parents and friends of somebody with learning disabilities can go and meet.
American Hereditary Societies
- 1643 - Ancient and Chivalric Order of Albion
- 1783 - Society of the Cincinnati
- 1826 - Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States
- 1881 - Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
- 1894 - Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States
- 1894 - Military Order of Foreign Wars
- 1903 - Order of Americans of Armorial Ancestry
- 1908 - National Society Americans of Royal Descent
- 1911 - Order of Colonial Lords of Manors in America
- 1939 - Order of the Crown of Charlemagne in the United States
- 1958 - Order of Lafayette
- 1995 - Order of the Second World War
- 1996 - Noble Society of Celts
- 2007 - Bloodlines of Salem
- 2010 - Descendants of Sheriffs & Constables of Colonial & Antebellum America
Royal House of Braganza
Bradlee is a Knight with the House of Braganza, the senior royal house to the throne of Portugal as a Knight Officer of his personal order, the Royal House of Braganza, the second highest rank in the order in 2016. Portuguese knights are styled Cavaleiro; Bradlee's style is now Cavaleiro (Cav.) before his name and Casa Real (CCR) for post nominals. Case Real means "of the Royal House." Bradlee was knighted for philanthropy.
Other Memberships
- Knightly Order of St. Edward the Confessor
- Royal Society of St. George
- Fellow of the Antiquarian Society of Scotland - Post nominals are FSA Scot
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts - Post nominals are FRSA
- Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain - Post nominals are FRAS
Chivalric Orders
- Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Eagle of Georgia and the Seamless Tunic of Our Lord Jesus Christ
- Grand Cross of the Royal Order of the Crown of Hawaii
- Knight Commander of the Royal House of Braganza
- Member of the Most Venerable Order of Saint John of Jerusalem
Notable American Ancestors
Bradlee is a descendant on his father's side, of the Boston Brahmin Putnam, Crowninshield, and Choate families, which were some of the first families of Massachusetts and Boston. His notable American ancestors are mostly from Massachusetts, but they are also from Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New York.
Direct Ancestors
- Henry Adams (1582-1646), ancestor to President John Adams (1735 - 1826), early settler of Braintree, Massachusetts, farmer
- Hope Allen (1625-c1677), proprietor of 400 acres
- Capt. Philip L'Anglais (1651 - 1736), the wealthiest merchant of Salem with the biggest house in Salem, Massachusetts and accused for witch in 1692, he was also the owner of 27 vessels
- Sheriff Samuel Archer (c1608-1667), Sheriff of Salem, Massachusetts, Constable of Salem, Massachusetts, Selectmen of Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, served on the Essex County Petit Jury, Salem Surveyor of Fences in Millfield
- Charles Apthorp (1698-1758), Commissary and Paymaster of the Royal British Forces during the American Revolutionary War
- Hon. Maj. Gen. Humphrey Atherton (1608 - 1661), 12th Speaker of the Massachusetts Bay Colony House of Deputies, Major General of the Armies of New England
- Gabriel Baubeau (1651-1737), proprietor of 350 acres
- John Baker (1598-1680), proprietor and farmer of 150 ares, sold liquor and beer, inn holder
- Capt. Thomas Baker (1636-1718), iron worker, proprietor
- Hon. Thomas Boardman (1601-1673), Deputy and Representative to the General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony
- Maj. William Boardman (1614 -1672), Cook and 4th Steward of Harvard
- William Bozman II (1625-1665), proprietor of 1,200 acres, farmer, planter and government official in Maryland
- Chevalier Benjamin Crowninshield Bradlee (1921-2014), Executive Editor, and Vice President of the Washington Post
- Samuel Bradlee (1707-1768), Constable of Dorchester
- Rev. Peter Bulkeley (1582-1659), Founder of and first minister of Concord, Massachusetts
- Lt. Hon. Thomas Burnham (1623-1694), Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts
- Rev. George Burroughs (c1650-1692), Salem Witch Trials Victim, minister of Salem Village (now Danvers, Massachusetts)
- Rev. Thomas Carter (c.1588 - 1652), first minister of Woburn, Middlesex County, Massachusetts
- Henry Carsley (1602 - bef.1635), in 1623 he arrived in Jamestown, Virginia
- Capt. Isaac Chaplaine (1584 - 1628), in 1610 he arrived in Jamestown, Virginia
- Col. Judge John Chandler III, Esq. (1665 - 1743), a Commissioner of Peace for almost 40 years, and for seven years he was of His Majesty's Council
- George Choate (1762 - 1826)
- Dea. Hon. Stephen Choate (1727 - 1815), Representative and Treasurer of Ipswich, Massachusetts
- John Clarke (1575 - 1623), First Mate and Pilot of the Mayflower
- Hon. Thomas Clarke (1599 - 1697), Representative of Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts
- Rev. Robert Clements (1595 - 1658), Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts, Commissioner of Essex County, Massachusetts, Commissioner to End Small Causes, Associate Judge, given the right to sell wine
- James Cole (1600 - 1692), Constable, Highway Surveyor, Inn Keeper, Liscensed to sell liquor, fought in King Phillip's War, a first settler of Cole's Hill
- Col. Hon. Francis Boardman Crowninshield (1809 - 1877), 7th Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives
- Capt. George Crowninshield (1734 - 1815), Founder of George Crowninshield & Sons
- Capt. George Crowninshield, Jr. (1766 - 1817), Designer and Financier of Cleopatra's Barge, the first yacht built in America
- Capt. Hon. Jacob Crowninshield (1770 - 1808), Member of the Massachusetts Senate, Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Massachusetts 2nd district; he also brought the first elephant to America
- Hon. Nicholas Danforth (1589 - 1638), Deputy to the Massachusetts Bay General Court, Innkeeper, he was on two committees
- Capt. Richard Derby (1712 - 1783), ship captain merchant prince
- Hon. John Alexander McDougald (1864 - 1926), Mayor of Statesboro, Georgia
- John Dwight (1601 - 1660), Co Founder of the First Church of Dedham, Massachusetts
- Capt. George Fairbanks (1619 - 1681), Selectmen and first settler of Medway, Massachusetts, captain in the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts
- Capt. Hon. Hopestill Foster (1620 - 1676), Treasurer of Dorchester, Massachusetts, he was a Representative to the Great and General Court of Massachusetts, North America, Commissioner for small causes for which office he died, Selectmen of Dorchester, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, North America
- Capt. William French (1603 - 1681), Co Founder, proprietor and first Representative of Billerica, Massachusetts
- Richard Gale (1616 - 1678), Constable and proprietor of 250 acres in Watertown, Massachusetts
- Capt. Lion Gardiner (1499 - 1663), 1st Lord of the Manor of Gardiner's Island, Founder of, East Hampton, New York, Founder of New York State, Commander of Saybrook Fort, Connecticut, military captain, engineer in the service of the Prince of Orange
- Dr. Ernst Bruno von Gersdorff (1820 - 1883), Doctor of Medicine in Boston, physician
- Hon. John Greene (1597 - 1658), surgeon, deputy, co founder of Warwick, Rhode Island
- Hon. Thomas Greene (1628 - 1717), Commissioner, Deputy of Warwick, Rhode Island
- John Hall (1627 - 1701), Constable in Massachusetts
- Hon. Col. Gov. John Haynes (1594 - 1654), Lord of the Manor of Gourney in England, 5th Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1st Governor of the Colony of Connecticut, Deputy Governor to the Colony of Connecticut, Assistant to the Court of Connecticut, Magistrate of the courts of Cambridge, Watertown, Charlestown, Medford, and Concord, Massachusetts, North America, Magistrate to the Connecticut Particular Court Colonel of the Regiment of Charlestown, Massachusetts, Selectmen
- Maj. Hon. William Hathorne (1606 - 1681), Assistant Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1st Speaker of the Court of Salem, Major of the Salem Military Company, let troops to victory during King Philip's War, proprietor of 640 acres in Salem, Massachusetts
- Gov. Thomas Hinckley (1618 - 1706), 14th and last Governor of Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts, Representative, Magistrate and Assistant, Deputy Governor, Commissioner on the board of Plymouth and Massachusetts colonies, Councilor
- Capt. Gamaliel Hodges (1685 - 1765), sea captain
- Capt. John Hodges (1723 - 1799) "of Revolutionary fame," sea captain
- Hans Michael Holt (1696 -1676), arrived in 1717, part of the Second Germanna Colony and proprietor of 400 acres
- Col. Isaac Horsey (1665 - 1752), Justice of the Peace, an early settler of Somerset County, Maryland, from Virginia
- Daniel Hubbard (1706 - 1741), Sheriff of Massachusetts
- Rev. William Hubbard (1621 - 1704), minister, pastor of the Congregations Church of Ipswich, Massachusetts, and author of The History of New England, author of A Narrative of Troubles with the Indians
- John Kenrick (1604 - 1686), before he immigrated to North America he was Sheriff of London, England
- Richard Kirkland (c.1670 - 1743), proprietor of 700 acres, inn keeper in Anne Arundel County, Maryland
- Dr. Johann Casper Richter von Kronenscheldt (1661 - 1711), doctor in Boston, Massachusetts, helped a girl that was inflicted by witch hysteria during the Salem Witch Trials
- Edward Larkin (1615 - 1653), he was a wheel maker by trade, member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company
- Maj. Gen. Gov. Sir John Leverett (1616 - 1679), 10th Governor of Acadia, 19th Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Captain of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, Major General of the Massachusetts Bay Colony Militia, Massachusetts Agent for England, Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts, on a Committee to draft a petition to the king demanding the commission's recall
- Elder Thomas Leverett (1591 - 1650), ruling elder of England, selectmen, on the Committee to review causes. On 30 Nov 1635 he was on the Committee to oversee allotments
- Rev. John Lothrop (1594 - 1653), minister, a first settler of Barnstable, Massachusetts
- Maj. Ambrose London (c.1618 - bef.1706), Justice of the Peace in Somerset County, Maryland, planter
- Rev. John Maverick (1578 - 1636), he graduated from Oxford University and was the first minister of the First Parish Church of Dorchester, Massachusetts
- Hon. Dea. Thomas Marrett (1589 - 1664), on 26 Oct 1638 he was Surveyor of Lands in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, North America. On 15 Jul 1639 he was on the committee to divide a fence Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, North America. On 1 Oct 1639, 10 Nov 1640, 8 Nov 1641, 11 Nov 1644, 9 Nov 1646, 8 Nov 1647 he was Selectman of Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, North America. On 13 May 1640 he was a Representative to the Massachusetts Bay committee to value livestock.
- Robert Mansfields (1594 - 1666), Constable of Salem, Massachusetts
- Hon. Thomas Mayhew (1593 - 1682), Self Proclaimed Governor of Martha's Vineyard, Patriarch to the Indians, Selectmen of Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts
- Michael Metcalf (1620 - 1654), an early settler of Dedham, Massachusetts
- William Monroe (1624 - 1718), immigrant from Scotland, Scottish soldier, selectmen
- Lt. Hon. Ephraim Morton (1623 - 1693), Representative, Justice of the Peace and Selectmen of Plymouth, Massachusetts
- Maj. Hon. Perez Morton (1752 - 1837), Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representative, 7th Massachusetts Attorney General
- Edmund Needham (1606 - 1677), juryman in 1649, 1655 and 1676 in Salem, Massachusetts
- Hon. John Newgate (1588 - 1665), Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts, Constable, on a committee to receive funds for Harvard, Hatter, Feltmaker, Haberdasher
- Richard Newtown (1605 - c.1640), proprietor of about 130 acres
- Rev. James Noyes (1608 - 1656), Co Founder of Newbury, Massachusetts
- Hon. William Patten (1605 - 1668), Deputy from Cambridge, Massachusetts to the Massachusetts Bay General Court, Fence Viewer, Highway Surveyor, proprietor of a 500 acre farm
- Hon. Capt. John Peabody (1590 - 1667), Deputy from Boxford, Massachusetts
- Hon. John Perkins (1583 - 1654), Deputy to the Massachusetts Bay General Court
- Sgt. John Perkins, Jr. (1609 - 1686), opened the first publishing house in Ipswich, Massachusetts
- Hon. John Phillips (1605 - 1682), Constable of Dorchester, Massachusetts, Deputy to the Massachusetts General Court from Hingham
- Col. Robert Pitt (1606 - c.1672), Colonel and Commander of Virginia's Militia
- Sgt. Hon. John Porter (1596 - 1676), Constable of Hingham, Massachusetts
- Dea. Luke Potter (1608 - 1697), a first settler of Concord, Massachusetts
- Walter Powell (1622 - 1696), Constable of Pocomoke City, Worcester County, Maryland
- John Prescott (1605 - 1681), Founder of Lancaster, Massachusetts
- Dea. Capt. Benjamin Putnam (1664 - 1715), Constable and Collector Danvers, Massachusetts, Tithingman, Selectman of Danvers, Massachusetts, he was the first Deacon of the First Church of Danvers, Massachusetts
- Lt. Thomas Putnam (1615 - 1686), inspector of Bridges of Salem Village, Essex County, Massachusetts, Surveyor of Highways of Salem Village, Essex County, 1st Parish Clerk of of Salem Village, Essex County, Selectman of Salem Village, Essex County, Grand Juryman of Salem Village, Essex County, constable of Salem Village, Essex County, Lieutenant in the Troop of Horses
- Chevalier Lt. Gen. William Wilson "Buffalo Bill" Quinn (1907 - 2001), Director of the Strategic Services Unit, in order he was the Commanding Officer of the 34th Infantry Regiment, then the 17th Infantry Regiment, then the United States Army Europe and finally the United States 7th Army; he was the Vice President of the Aerospace Group program at Martin Mrietta Corporation until 1972; he then established Quinn Associates, a consulting firm
- Dea. Hon. Edmund Rice (c.1594 - 1663), In 1638 he was a co-founder of Sudbury, Massachusetts
- Teague Riggin (c.1640 - 1707), Maryland proprietor of 1,000 acres, came over as an Irish slave
- John Roach (1653 - 1718), proprietor of 757 acres and five houses in Somerset County, Maryland
- Rev. Nathaniel Rogers (1598 - 1655), rector of Assington, Suffolk, England, pastor of Ipswich, Massachusetts
- Hon. Richard Russell (1611 - 1676) Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Deputies, Treasurer of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Assistant to the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Representative of Charlestown to the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, proprietor and purchaser of what is now known as Medford, Massachusetts, Town Selectmen, had a coat of arms
- Col. Hon. Eppes Sargent (1690 - 1762), Colonel of a militia in Massachusetts, Magistrate of Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, Selectmen in Massachusetts
- Dr. Howard Sargent, M.D. (1810 - 1872), Medical Doctor in Boston, Massachusetts
- Hon. Thomas Scruggs (1588 - 1654), Deputy to the Great and General Court of Massachusetts
- Hon. Judge Henry Shurburne (1611 - 1680), Judge of Portsmouth, New Hampshire
- Rev. Nehemia Smith (1605 - 1686), an original proprietor of Norwich, Connecticut
- Isaac Stearns (1597 - 1671), proprietor of 451 acres, owner of 20,00 pounds, Constable of Watertown, Massachusetts, Surveyor of Highways of Watertown, Massachusetts, Fence Viewer of Watertown, Massachusetts, on a committee to design a bridge
- Samuel Stone (1631 - 1715), he was very prominent in religious affairs. In Oct 1654 he served as a soldier in a company of sixty men under Maj. Simon Willard on a sixteen day expedition into Rhode Island against Ninigret, sachem of the Niantic Indians. He served on various committees and in 1673, 1681, 1688 and 1692 he was a Selectman. In 1694, 1697 and 1698 he was Assessor. His estate was worth an nearly 1,000 pounds, which was a considerable amount in those days
- Col. James Swan (1754 - 1830), merchant and financier, paid America's debt with France from the American Revolutionary War with his own finances.
- Nathaniel Sylvester (1610 - 1880), Lord of the Manor and co purchaser of Shelter Island, New York
- Hon. Samuel Symonds (1588 - 1654), Deputy Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony
- Anthony Taylor (1607 - 1687), large proprietor, served on many juries and special inquest and grand juries. Fence Viewer, Appraiser, Constable, Selectmen, Tavern Keeper and a felt maker by trade
- Lt. Robert Turner (1611 - 1651), shoe maker by trade in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, Lieutenant in the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company in Massachusetts
- Col. Edward Ward, Jr. (1694 - 1766), proprietor of 560 acres in Virginia, was a colonel of a militia in virginia and served in the Indian Wars.
- William Warner (1594 - 1648), 1st proprietor of Ipswich, Massachusetts
- Dr. Lemann William Williams (1888 - 1959), Doctor in Statesboro, Bulloch County, Georgia
- Lt. Gov. John Wentworth (1671 - 1730) , 1st Lieutenant Governor of the Province of New Hampshire
- William Wentworth (1615 - 1697), Sawmill proprietor, church elder, follower of John Wheelwright
- Michael Williams (c.1617 - 1650), Constable of Pocomoke City, Worcester County, Maryland, proprietor of 443 acres
- Lt. Hon. Archelaus Woodman (1613 - 1702), Deputy and Representative to the Massachusetts Bay Colony Court
- Gov. George Wyllys (1590 - 1644), Lord of the Manor of Fenny Compton, 4th Governor of the Colony of Connecticut
European Ancestors
Notable Ancestors
- Gen. Hezekiah Haynes (-1693), collateral descent
- Rev. John Rogers (c1570-1636), lineal descent
- Richard Rogers (1550?-1618), theologian, collateral descent
Noble Ancestors
Lineal Descent
- Thomas Fiennes, 8th Baron Dacre, KB
- Henry Percy, 8th Earl of Northumberland (1532-1585)
- Francis Talbot, 5th Earl of Shrewsbury (1500-1560)
- Heinrich August Freiherr von Gersdorff
- Heinrich XXIX Graf von Reuss-Ebersdorff
- Johann V, Prince von Anhalt-Zerbst
First Kings of Royal Families and Countries
Lineal Descent
- Gorm the Old of Denmark, reign (c936-c958)
Normand Dynasty
- William the Conqueror of England (c1028-1087)
House of Wessex
- Cerdic of Wessex (-534)
House of Capet
- Hugh Capet of France (c939-996)
Ottonian dynasty
- Otto I of Germany (912-973)
Arpad dynasty
- Bela I of Hungary (c1015-1063)
- Fergus of Ireland in 300 BC
Fairhair dynasty
- Harlad Fairhair of Norway (860-c9490
Piast dynasty
- Boleslaw I the Brave of Poland (967-1025)
Portuguese House of Burgundy
- Afonso I of Portugal (1106/1109/1111-1185)
House of Alpin
- Kenneth MacAplin of Scotland (810-858)
House of Iniguez
- Inigo Arista, 1st King of Pamplona (c824-851/52)
House of Jimenez
- Ramior I,1st King of Aragon (bef1007-1063)
- Sancho I Garces, King of Pamplona (c860-925)
House of Champagne
- Theobald I the Posthumous, King of Navarre (1201-1253)
House of Munso
- Eric the Victorious of Sweden (c970-c995)
House of Aberffraw
- Oain Gwynedd of Wales (c1100-1170)
European imperial ancestors
Lineal Descent
Irish Clans
- Butler
- MacCarthy Mor
- O'Brien
- O'Carroll
- FitzGerald
- FitzMaurice
- MacNamara
- O'Quinn
- O'Reilly
- O'Toole
Scottish clans
Lineal descent
- Bethune
- Borthwick
- Bruce
- MacDougall
- Douglas
- MacDonald
- Campbell
- Crichton
- Cunningham
- Dunbar
- Drummond
- Edmonstone
- Eriskine
- Johnstone
- Fleming
- Forbes
- Gordon
- Graham
- Gunn
- Hamilton
- Henderson
- Home
- Hunter
- Kennedy
- Kerr
- Lindsay
- MacLeod
- Mackenzie
- Matheson
- Maxwell
- Montgomery
- Munro
- Murray
- Ogilvy
- Ross
- Ruthven
- Scott
- Seton
- Sinclair
- Stirling
- Stewart
- Sutherland
- Urquhart
- Wallace
External links
Footnotes (including sources)
‡ General |
Qbradlee82,, Afil,, Qbradlee30, Robin Patterson