Mr. James Henry Ford, who died on the 14th inst. at a metropolitan hospital, had reached the advanced age of 91 years.
The deceased was a son of the late William Ford, discoverer of the Peelwood Mine.
A lifelong resident of Peelwood, hls wife predeceased him 15 years ago.
His principal interests were mining and pastoral.
Surviving sons are Josiah Oswald and Kenneth (Darby's Falls), Willlam (Bathurst) and James (Crookwell). Two sons, Albert and Rudolph, predeceased him, the latter being killed in France whist serving with the A.I.F, In World War I. Surviving daughters are Mrs. E. Hall (Goulburn) , Mrs. A. D. McIntosh (Bernard), Mrs. E. Whipp (Goulburn) and Mrs. A. J. McIntosh (Binda). Two daughters predeceased him.
Surviving grandchildren number 34 and great-grandchildren eight.
Following a service in the Peelwood Church of England the remains were laid to rest in the C. of E. section of the Peelwood Cemetery.
The Rev. T. E. Whiting conducted both the service in the church and that at the graveside.
The funeral arrangements were in the hands of Messrs. T. E. Kennedy and Son, of Crookwell.