

Jane Lloyd was born 2 November 1770 in Stepney, England, United Kingdom to James Lloyd (bef1770) and Eleanor Brown (bef1770) and died 3 August 1823 Richmond, New South Wales, Australia of unspecified causes. She married Edward Jaggers (-1794) 28 September 1785 in Christ Church, Spitalfields, England, United Kingdom. She married William Bryant (c1776) 1796 in New South Wales, Australia. She married William Eaton (1769-1853) 3 August 1800 in St Philips, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

She arrived in New South Wales on 15 October 1794 on the Surprize as a convict.


Offspring of William Bryant (c1776) and Jane Lloyd
Name Birth Death Joined with
Jane Charlotte Bryant (1796-1869) 17 May 1796 Windsor, New South Wales, Australia 6 February 1869 North Richmond, New South Wales, Australia John Crowley (1775-1833)
William Aston (-1884)
Martha Bryant (1798-1839) 26 June 1798 Windsor, New South Wales, Australia 31 August 1839 Windsor, New South Wales, Australia Thomas Cross (1775-1843)

Offspring of William Eaton (1769-1853) and Jane Lloyd
Name Birth Death Joined with
Mary Ann Eaton (1800-1889) 19 May 1800 Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 14 June 1889 Bosworth St, Richmond, New South Wales, Australia James Richards (1792-1827)
Isaac Cornwell (1798-1888)
Joseph Eaton (1801)
William Eaton (1802-1811)
Daniel Eaton (1804-1889)
John Eaton (1806-c1809)
Susannah Eaton (1807-1888) 10 June 1807 North Richmond, New South Wales, Australia 13 June 1888 Colchester, Piper-street, Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia Abraham Cornwell (1802-1884)
George Eaton (1809-1832)
John Eaton (1811-1904) 3 January 1811 Windsor, New South Wales, Australia 19 June 1904 "Teebar", Maryborough, Queensland, Australia Mary Ann Onus (1813-1887)
Ann Eaton (1813-1898) 16 February 1813 North Richmond, New South Wales, Australia 4 August 1898 Lennox-street, Richmond, New South Wales, Australia John Cornwell (1807-1889)


Footnotes (including sources)

‡ General
  • AWT:db: 1740824, id: I80408501 — no longer available
  • AWT:db: elvaboyle, id: I11880 — no longer available
  • AWT:db: farlows, id: I0086 — no longer available
  • AWT:db: muffinrusty, id: I0086 — no longer available
  • AWT:db: prkirby, id: I42 — no longer available
  • AWT:db: snake2000, id: I2999 — no longer available