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January 25 in recent years
2009 (Sunday)
2008 (Friday)
2007 (Thursday)
2006 (Wednesday)
2005 (Tuesday)
2004 (Sunday)
2003 (Saturday)
2002 (Friday)
2001 (Thursday)
2000 (Tuesday)

January 25 is the 25th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 340 days remaining until the end of the year (341 in leap years).




Holidays and observances[]

Note: The date "Jan/25/1994" is "commemorated" as a font-character in the (MS Win98) "HM Phonetic" font (@1994) -- possibly its "birthday". (See keymap-code "ctrl-2")

External links[]

This page uses content from the English language Wikipedia. The original content was at January 25. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with this Familypedia wiki, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons License.

148 Familypedia people were born on January 25

 FatherMotherAge mother at birth
Carel Steven Adama van Scheltema (1815-1897)Henricus Nicolaas Adama van Scheltema (1786-1870)Madelaine Petronelle Perrenoud (1785-1816)
Gladys Anderberg (1934-1999)
René-Charles Angélil (2001)René Angélil (1942-2016)Céline Marie Claudette Dion (1968)
Lucy Janet Armstrong (1861-1923)William Armstrong (1831-1900)Mary Ann Daley (1838-1902)
Cameron Ashley (1764-1834)John Ashley (1734-1779)Ellie Axford (1736-1800)
Ronald Paul Bangasser (1950-2007)
Tamás Barcsay de Nagybarcsa (1868-1936)Béla Barcsay de Nagybarcsa (1838-c1895)Mária Sándor de Kénos (c1848-c1900)
Sarah Barnard (1694-1756)John Barnard (1657-1732)Elizabeth Stone (1672-1694)
Benjamin Bateman (1826-1900)
Joseph Bearse (1651-1728)Augustine Bearse (1618-bef1698)Mary unknown (bef1639-)
Dennis Berkeley (1920-1998)Joe Berkeley (1896-1975)Jennifer Treffry (1899-1968)
Robert Bolling (1682-1749)Robert Bolling (1646-1709)Anne Stith (1665-1709)
Robert Boyle (1627-1691)Richard Boyle, 1st Earl of Cork (1566-1643)Catherine Fenton (-1629)
Samuel Brigham (1689-1771)Samuel Brigham (1652-1713)Elizabeth Howe (1665-1739)
Marcus Brown (1751-1820)
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163 Familypedia people died on January 25

 FatherMotherAge at death
William Roberts Abell (1755-1839)David Abell (1722-1781)Alice Roberts (1720-1784)
Abu al-Qasim Muhammad ibn Abbad (984-1042)Ismail of Seville, Judge/Iman of Seville
Asa Rogers Adair (1845-1923)James Adair (1807-1868)Jane Ann Swart (1814-1863)
Rebecca Appleton (1765-1853)Samuel Appleton (1726-1769)Mary Wentworth (1740-1810)
Avril Arsenault (1890-1972)Edmond Arnsenault (1869-1929)Marie-Odile Bidard (1868-1940)
Herbert John Austin (1891-1892)Frank Urquhart Austin (c1854-1916)Catherine Levingston (1856-1942)1
Mary Bailey (1808-1841)Joshua Bailey (1770-)Susanna Boutwell (1773-1856)
Maria Cornelia Bakker (1856-1932)Leendert Bakker (1825-1866)Gerarda van Steen (1822-1893)76
Robina Watson Balfour (1871-1925)John Bryden Balfour (1835-1900)Christina Ingram Wallace (1850-1887)54
Joshua Ballinger (1762-1814)Samuel Ballinger (1733-1822)Elizabeth Groff (-1786)
Jean-Claude Barbier (1944-2016)
Mary Chapman (1601-1663)
Electa Jane Barney (1840-1883)Royal Barney (1808-1890)Sarah Bowen Estabrook (1811-1895)
Caroline Sophia Bath (1872-1937)Christopher Bath (1828-1900)Caroline Ann English (1839-1925)
Anna Alena Bechinie von Lažan (1617-1680)Tobiáš Bechinie von Lažan (c1560-c1632)Anna Bechinie von Lažan (c1592-c1620)
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130 Familypedia people were first married on January 25

 FatherMotherJoined with
Divera Doedes (1681-aft1723)Donatus Jacobus (1644-aft1700)Grietje Hermans (-c1700)Dirk Bakker Paaij (1675-aft1723)
William Adair (1820-1891)John Adair (1795-)Joanna Conant (1798-)Mary Britton (1827-1907)
Neeltje Appelman (1739-1812)Gerrit Appelman (1705-1781)Willempje aan de Noorderdijk (c1714-1753)Jacob Weel (1738-c1802)
Catherine Arnold (1690-1776)Elisha Arnold (1661-1710)Susanna Carpenter (1666-1753)James Ballou (1684-1764)
August von Anhalt-Plötzkau (1575-1653)Joachim Ernst von Anhalt-Dessau (1536-1586)Eleonore von Württemberg (1552-1618)Sibylle zu Solms-Laubach (1590-1659)
Johanna Charlotte von Anhalt-Dessau (1682-1750)Johann Georg II. von Anhalt-Dessau (1627-1693)Henriëtte Catharina van Nassau (1637-1708)Philipp Wilhelm von Brandenburg-Schwedt (1669-1711)
Emily Astor (1819-1841)William Backhouse Astor (1792-1875)Margaret Alida Rebecca Armstrong (1800-1872)Samuel Cutler Ward (1814-1884)
Ann Atkinson (1766-)William Atkinson (c1727-1809)Elizabeth Douglas (1734-1819)Thomas Peacock (1760-1822)
Jacob Baas (1733-1808)Adrianus Adrianusz (1693-)Lijsbeth Pieters (-)Aafje Jans (1739-1781)
Trijntje Backer (-1781)Cornelis BackerJan de Haan (1738-1789)
Cornelis Bakker (1801-aft1824)Cornelis Bakker (1773-1820)Trijntje Roosendaal (c1770-1807)Antje Laan (1791-aft1824) + Aafje Bakker (1805-1844)
James Ballou (1684-1764)James Ballou (1762-1741)Susanna Whitman (1658-1734)Catherine Arnold (1690-1776)
Henry Jefferson Bate (1816-1892)Samuel Bate (1776-1849)Matilda King (c1787-1869)Elizabeth Kendall Mossop (1819-1910)
Alexander Beckstead (1802-1870)Francis Beckstead (1773-1841)Margarita Catherine Barkley (1770-1837)Catherine Elinore Lince (1807-1889) + Keziah Albine Petty (1835-1907) + Clarrisa Ann Brown Gilson (1837-1911)
Arthur Edward Birch (1899-1970)Edward Birch (1874-1911)Lillian Amelia Barlow (1877-1964)Brenda Judith Mary McKenna (1904-1955)
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