

John Apthorp was born 25 August 1730 in Quincy, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, United States to Charles Apthorp (1698-1758) and Grizzell Eastwicke (1709-1796) and died 1773 of unspecified causes. He married Alicia Mann (1739-1763) 27 June 1758 in St Martin-in-the-Fields, Westminster, Greater London, England, United Kingdom. He married Hannah Greenleaf (1744-1773) 12 December 1765 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States.


Offspring of John Apthorp and Alicia Mann (1739-1763)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Sarah Grizzell Apthorp (1759-)
Alicia Apthorp (c1760-)
Catherine Apthorp (1761-1842)

Offspring of John Apthorp and Hannah Greenleaf (1744-1773)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Hannah Apthorp (1767-1851)
Frances Western Apthorp (c1768-1836)
John Trecothick Apthorp (1769-1849) 24 December 1769 Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States 8 April 1849 Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States Grace Foster (1774-1795)
Mary Spear Foster (1774-1854)


Footnotes (including sources)

‡ General
¶ Death
  • perished at sea while sailing to Charleston, South Carolina
