
Four or more generations of descendants of Jonathan Wilson (1713-1754) if they are properly linked:
1. Jonathan Wilson (1713-1754)

2. Rebecca Wilson (1739-1824)
2. Elizabeth Wilson (1740-)
2. Deborah Wilson (1743-)
3. Sybil Chapman (1776-)
3. Throop Chapman (1776-1864)
3. Isaac Cutler Chapman (1779-1803)
3. Deborah Chapman (1782-)
3. Benjamin Chapman (1783-1843)
4. Persis Chapman (1803-1884)
5. Orlando Stevens (1824-1900) ... (more)
5. Permelia Stevens (1826-1896) ... (more)
5. William Benjamin Stevens (1832-1910) ... (more)
5. Addison Stevens (1841-1922) ... (more)
5. Wesley Delano Stevens (1843-1918) ... (more)
4. Welcome Chapman (1805-1893)
5. Almina Chapman (1833-1833) ... (more)
5. Chestina Chapman (1833-1833) ... (more)
5. Rosetta Anise Chapman (1834-1914) ... (more)
5. Amelia Caroline Chapman (1835-1913) ... (more)
5. Joseph Smith Chapman (1838-1917) ... (more)
5. Hyrum Smith Chapman (1841-1928) ... (more)
5. Benjamin Chapman (1843-1843) ... (more)
5. Levi Chapman (1845-aft1903) ... (more)
5. Fidelia Chapman (1846-1909) ... (more)
5. Welcome Chapman (1849-1900) ... (more)
5. Phoebe Ann Chapman (1856-1932) ... (more)
5. Fannie Chapman (1858-1861) ... (more)
5. Samuel Welcome Chapman (1860-1940) ... (more)
5. Anthony Chapman (1862-1947) ... (more)
5. Lois Chapman (1864-1939) ... (more)
5. Calantha Chapman (1866-1866) ... (more)
5. John Chapman (1868-1869) ... (more)
5. Harriet Amelia Chapman (1869-1871) ... (more)
5. Henry Welcome Chapman (1874-1876) ... (more)
5. Lillie Sarah Chapman (1881-1882) ... (more)
5. Jesse Welcome Chapman (1857-1940) ... (more)
5. Eliza Ella Chapman (1859-1930) ... (more)
5. Elizur Chapman (1859-1936) ... (more)
5. Catherine Lorella Chapman (1863-1867) ... (more)
5. Jeremiah Chapman (1865-1866) ... (more)
5. William Chapman (1867-1869) ... (more)
5. Ellen Chapman (1874-1949) ... (more)
5. Allie Andrew Chapman (1876-1901) ... (more)
5. Benjamin Welcome Chapman (1881-1925) ... (more)
4. Samuel Joseph Chapman (1806-1875)
5. Samuel John Chapman (1835-) ... (more)
5. Mary Jane Chapman (1839-1928) ... (more)
5. Joseph Page Chapman (1841-1917) ... (more)
5. William Capers Chapman (1844-1917) ... (more)
5. James Foster Chapman (1847-1917) ... (more)
5. Thomas Livingston Chapman (1850-1920) ... (more)
5. Sarah Cornelia Chapman (1852-1941) ... (more)
5. George Washington Chapman (1854-1900) ... (more)
5. Emily Valeria Chapman (1857-1857) ... (more)
5. Julia Valeria Chapman (1859-1952) ... (more)
4. Alvira Chapman (1809-)
4. Levi Chapman (1813-)
5. Harvey Chapman (1843-1899) ... (more)
5. Alice Chapman (1844-) ... (more)
5. William Chapman (1848-1898) ... (more)
5. Dwight Chapman (1849-) ... (more)
5. Jane Chapman (1852-) ... (more)
5. Franklin Chapman (1855-1932) ... (more)
5. Nellie Chapman (1867-) ... (more)
4. Hyrum Chapman (1814-1904)
5. Baby Blanding Chapman (1840-1840) ... (more)
5. Benjamin Chapman (1841-) ... (more)
5. Henry Chapman ... (more)
4. William Chapman (1817-1904)
5. Orlando Samuel Chapman (1846-1926) ... (more)
4. Ruby Chapman (1821-)
4. Aines Chapman (1824-)
3. Hannah Chapman (1785-1824)
3. Dorcas Chapman (1787-)
2. Mary Wilson (1745-1774)
2. Jonathan Wilson (1747-1837)
2. Margaret Wilson (1750-)
2. Hannah Wilson (1752-)