Joseph Eyre was born circa 1638 in Henrico County, Virginia, United States of America to William Eyre (c1616-) and died circa 1679 Henrico County, Virginia, United States of America of unspecified causes. He married Margaret Humphreys (c1642-aft1692) .
Orphans Court Book 1677-1739 of Henrico Co, VA Page 32
Ralph Hudspeath who marryed Margaret Eyres the daughter of Joseph Eyres decd did this day appear in open Court and acknowledge the receipt of his wives full part of her Legacy Left her by her grandfather Wm Humphreys decd and from Every part and parcel thereof doth hereby acquit release and discharge Marg. & Floye Exeix of the Last Will and Testament of the sd Humphreys and Her Heirs ex together with their Majorities Justices of the Peace of the sd County their heirs...................Gil Fugue who Maryed Jane Eyres the daughter of Joseph Eyres decd did this day appear in the oopen Court and acknowledge the receipt of his Wives full part of her Legacy left her by her grandfather Wm Humphreys decd and from Every part and parcel thereof doth hereby acquit releas and discharge Marg. & Floyd Exec of sd Humphreys will Exors together with their Majs Justices of the Peace their Heirs and Successors......
Name | Birth | Death | Joined with |
Jane Eyre (c1671-) | 1671 Virginia, United States of America | Guillaume Fuqua (c1667-1698) | |
Margaret Eyre (c1666-) | |||
Hannah Eyre | |||
William Eyre |