Katherina Barbara Trump was born on May 21, 1879 in Germany to Johann Georg Trump and Kunigunde Barbara Bach. She immigrated to the United States in 1889 with her mother, brother Leonard, and sister Helen. She married Andrew Knolls and they lived in Ontario, Canada. Great-nephew writes in his autobiography, Wondrous Journey: Part I, "[W]e did make one annual trip...to the farm of Dad's Aunt Kate Knoll at Port Colbourne, Ontario, Canada. Kate was Dad's favorite aunt and we all enjoyed the visits with her and Great-uncle Andrew. We marveled at his Scottish brogue, his wheat fields, and the sulfur water." Katherina died on November 12, 1971 in Welland, Ontario, Canada.
- 1892 New York States Census, Westfield, Chautauqua County
- S.S. Rotterdam Passenger List