Logofăt is a historical rank used in the principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia. The name derives from the greek Logothete, which was used for the similar function in the Byzantine Empire
The highest ranking official with this title was the Mare Logofăt (or Great Logofăt) who had the role of keeper of the official seal, being in charge of drafting and authentifying official documents of the principality. His functions were however equivalent to those of a chancelor or prime minister. In Moldova he was the highest ranking official in the sfatul domnesc (princely council). In Wallachia he was the second highest ranking official after the ban.
The mare logofăt was aided by the vtori logofăt (second logofăt) and treti logofăt (third logofăt), the name of their rank deriving from slavonic.
They relied on the work of lower ranking officials called logofăt (plural logofeţi) in charge of drafting the documents, diac (plural dieci) in charge of writing the documents and grămătic (plural grămătici) in charge of translations.
The Great Logofăt (or in his absence the Second Logofăt) was in charge of presenting to the sfatul domnesc or divanul domnesc (princely council) the litigious problems, having an important say especially in disputes related to land ownership.
Starting from the 18th century, several other types of logofăt functions were created:
- logofătul de taină (the secret logofăt) was the private secretary of the voivode who would brief him every evening on the matters which had to be discussed the next day and also had the responsibility of keeper of the privy seal.
- logofătul de obiceiuri (the customary logofăt) having the duties of recording the norms of customary law. He was also the master of ceremonies of the court
- logofătul de visterie (the treasury logofăt) having the duties of secretary of the vistiernic (treasurer) taking care of the finances of the state.
- logofătul de cămară (the chamber logofăt) havind the duties of secretary of the private finances of the voievod.
- Mihai Dim. Sturdza - Familiile boiereşti din Moldova şi Ţara Românească - Vol. I - Ed. Simetria, 2004 - ISBN 973-85821-7-2