Lucia Balderas was born 1818 in Banate, Iloilo, Spanish East Indies to Vicente Balderas (1775-) and Tiburcia Balderas . She married Tomas Juanico in Banate, Iloilo, Spanish East Indies.

Burial record of Apolinario Juanico y Balderas, son of Doña Lucia Balderas and Don Tomas Juanico. The record is dated 30 June 1910, entry n. 7 of the Burial Registry (1910 to 1935) at the Roman Catholic Parish Cemetery of Banate, Iloilo in the Philippines.
The extant documents in the canonical books of the Roman Catholic Parish of Banate, Iloilo (Philippines) record some information about Doña Lucia Balderas. The burial record of his son, Don Apolinario Juanico y Balderas refers to Don Vicente Balderas and Doña Tiburcia as her parents, being Apolinario’s maternal grandparents. He died at the age of 80 years old, on 30 June 1910. The data can be found on entry n. 7 of the Burial Registry (1910 to 1935) of the Parish. It also indicates that she was married to Don Tomas Juanico (a Gobernadorcillo of Banate). Don Apolinario himself is also listed among the Gobernadorcillos of banate during the colonial period.

Burial Registry of Matea Balderas y Baviera, 51 years old, dated 27 October 1918, page 52 of the Burial Registry (1910 to 1935) at the Roman Catholic Parish Cemetery of Banate, Iloilo in the Philippines.

Burial registry of Bonifacia Juanico, dated 22 November 1913, entry n. 110 of the Burial Registry (1910 to 1935) at the Roman Catholic Parish Cemetery of Banate, Iloilo in the Philippines.
Another document is the burial record of her niece Matea Balderas y Baviera, also granddaughters of Vicente and Tiburcia Balderas. Her parents were Don Martin Balderas (a Gobernadorcillo of Banate) and Doña Apolonia Baviera y Barte, granddaughter of Felix Baviera, the first Gobernadorcillo of Banate in 1837. She died at the age of 51 years old and was buried in the Catholic Cemetery of Banate, on 27 October 1918. The record is found on page 52 of the Burial Registry (1910 to 1935) of the Parish. Consequently, this record affirms that Don martin and Doña Lucia are siblings.
She is mentioned in the burial registry of her grandchildren Bonifacia and Luisa, daughters of her son Apolonio, who was married to Juana del Carmen. These records also affirm that she was married to Don Tomas Juanico.

Burial record of Luisa Juanico, dated 28 September 1923, on page 73 of the Burial Registry (1910 to 1935) at the Roman Catholic Parish Cemetery of Banate, Iloilo in the Philippines.