Report about the St. Johns Arizona Relief Society, printed in The Woman's Exponent, 01-Nov-1893.
ST. JOHN.(sic) In reading our interesting little paper the EXPONENT we often see the reports from other places but seldom anything from St. John's Arizona and as our Relief Society was reorganized on the 4th of March, we thought it proper to report the same. Sister Lucinda Richey was our esteemed president for thirteen years but being in poor health and advanced in years felt it too great a responsibility and therefore tendered her resignation. She was loved for her kind and loving manner and motherly counsel. Her life has been of of usefulness having raised a large family living mostly on the frontier, and passing through many trials incident to such a life. The following were chosen officers Anna D. Kempe President, Claudina Jensen and Elizabeth N. Gibbons, Counselors R.E. Berry Secretary, Christina Johnson Treasurer, Anna L. Anderson Ass't. Our meetings are held regularly and fairly well attended. We hold meetings every other Thursday our testimony meetings on fast days. We have fifty four members own real estate worth $2,740. also 109.60 in property and $350 cash. The people here are feeling much encouraged this year as we have blessed with rains and the gardens and young orchards look thrifty as does also the fields where crops were planted. Some did not plant as we have suffered greatly from drouth and grasshoppers the past three years but we have neither to complain of this year. E.R. BERRY, SEC.