
Lucy Smith was born 8 July 1775 in Gilsum, Cheshire County, New Hampshire to Solomon Mack (1732-1820) and Lydia Gates (1732-1818) and died 14 May 1856 Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois of unspecified causes.

Lucy Mack Smith was the mother of Joseph Smith, Jr. She is noted for writing the memoir: Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith, the Prophet, and His Progenitors for Many Generations. Lucy Mack Smith was a great and important leader of the gospel restoration movement during Joseph's life.



Lucy Mack Smith - Mother of Mormon Church Founder, Joseph Smith, Jr.

Early Family Life

Lucy Mack was born on 08 July 1775 in Gilsum, New Hampshire as the youngest of eight children born to Solomon Mack and Lydia Gates. Her older brother Jason eventually formed his own religious community, and her two sisters both had spiritual experiences giving them confirmation that their sins were forgiven and that they should call others to repentance.

Marriage and Children with Joseph Smith, Sr.

Lucy married Joseph Smith, Sr. in January of 1796. She brought with her a reasonable dowry provided by her brother Stephen and his business partner, plus the good moral example of her parents, and a solid grounding in religious faith. Her combined strength and spirituality made her perfect to be the matron of the religious movement that would be called Mormonism.

Later Years


Grave of Joseph Smith Sr and Lucy Mack Smith in Nauvoo IL.

In the confusion that followed the martyrdom of her sons, Joseph and Hyrum, Lucy supported the authority of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and Brigham Young. She became a symbol of continuity from the charismatic church to the organized church endowed with the spirit. She intended to travel to Utah Territory to join the Saints as soon as a settlement was established and resided with Emma Smith in Nauvoo. She died in Nauvoo in 1856. Lucy bore eleven children, and all but four preceded her in death.


Smith Family Cemetery at Smith Homestead in Nauvoo IL

The Smith Family homestead in Nauvoo is the final resting place for Lucy and several members of her family.


  • 1775-Jul-08 : Birth in Gilsum NH
  • 1796-Jan-24 : Marriage to Joseph Smith, Sr. at Tunbridge VT, as so stated by Lucy in her book. There they being operating a family store and farm.
  • 1797 : Birth and death of Infant son. History of Firstborn Son - Joseph Smith Sr Patriarchal Blessing Book is the primary source of this info.
  • 1798 : Birth of Alvin Smith (1798-1823), first child to survive to adulthood
  • 1800 : Birth of Hyrum Smith (1800-1844)
  • 1803 : Birth of third child, Sophronia
  • 1803 : Lucy faces major illness diagnosed at the time as "confirmed consumption" expected to be fatal
  • 1805 : moved to Sharon VT after farm failure
  • 1805-Dec-23 : Birth of Joseph Smith, Jr. at Sharon VT
  • 1808 : family moved back to Tunbridge VT
  • 1808 : Birth of Samuel Harrison Smith
  • 1810 : Family moves to Royalton, VT
  • 1810 : Birth of Ephraim, who dies in infancy at Royalton VT
  • 1811 : Birth of William at Royalton VT
  • 1811 : Family moved to Lebanon NH - older children are enrolled in school there.
  • 1812 : Birth of daughter Catharine at Lebanon NH
  • 1813 : Typhoid epidemic afflicts six year old Joseph. Over 6,000 deaths in the Connecticut River Valley.
  • 1813 : Family moves to Norwich VT to work as tenant farmers.
  • 1815-Apr-14 : Volcanic Eruption of Mount Tambora (Indonesia) is the only confirmed VEI-7 Event in the last 1600 years. It causes massive crop failures throughout New England. 1816 became known as the "Year Without a Summer" because of the effect on North American and European weather.
  • 1816 : Birth of son Don Carlos
  • 1816 : Smith Family moves to Palmyra NY.
  • 1820-Spring : First Vision of Joseph Smith Jr
  • 1821 : Birth of last child, daughter Lucy Smith
  • 1830-Apr-06 : Son Joseph organized the new Mormon Church
  • 1840 : Death of husband, Joseph Smith Sr.
  • 1844-Jun-27 : Martyrdom of her sons Joseph & Hyrum
  • 1856 : Death in Nauvoo, living in home of Emma Smith


Offspring of Joseph Smith (1771-1840) and Lucy Smith
Name Birth Death Joined with
Infant Smith (1797-1797) 1797 Tunbridge, Orange County, Vermont 1797 Tunbridge, Orange County, Vermont
Alvin Smith (1798-1823) 11 February 1798 Tunbridge, Orange County, Vermont 19 November 1823 Palmyra, Wayne County, New York
Hyrum Smith (1800-1844) 9 February 1800 Tunbridge, Orange County, Vermont, United States 27 June 1844 Carthage Jail, Carthage, Hancock County, Illinois, United States Jerusha Barden (1805-1837)
Mary Fielding (1801-1852)
Mercy Rachel Fielding (1807-1893)
Sophronia Smith (1803-1896) 17 May 1803 Tunbridge, Orange County, Vermont, United States 28 October 1876 Colchester, McDonough County, Illinois, United States Calvin W. Stoddard (1801-1836)
William McCleary (1793-1846)
Joseph Smith (1805-1844) 23 December 1805 Sharon, Windsor County, Vermont, United States 27 June 1844 Carthage Jail, Carthage, Hancock County, Illinois, United States Emma Hale (1804-1879)
Samuel Harrison Smith (1808-1844) 13 March 1808 Tunbridge, Orange County, Vermont, United States 1 August 1844 Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, United States Mary Bailey (1808-1841)
Levira Clark (1815-1883)
Ephraim Smith (1810-1810) 13 March 1810 Tunbridge, Orange County, Vermont 24 March 1810 Royalton, Windsor County, Vermont
William B Smith (1811-1893) 13 March 1811 Royalton, Windsor County, Vermont, United States 13 November 1893 Osterdock, Clayton County, Iowa, United States Caroline Amanda Grant (1814-1845)
Roxie Ann Rosanna Grant (1825-1900)
Eliza Jane Sanborn (1827-1889)
Rosella Goyette (1830-1923)
Katherine Smith (1813-1900) 28 July 1813 Lebanon, Grafton County, New Hampshire, United States 2 February 1900 Fountain Green, Hancock County, Illinois, United States Wilkins Jenkins Salisbury (1809-1853)
Joseph W Younger (1803-1900)
Don Carlos Smith (1816-1841) 25 March 1816 Norwich, Windsor County, Vermont, United States 7 August 1841 Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, United States Agnes Moulton Coolbrith (1811-1876)
Lucy Smith (1821-1882) 18 July 1821 Manchester, Ontario County, New York, United States 9 December 1882 Colchester, McDonough County, Illinois, United States Arthur Millikin (1817-1882)


Offspring of Solomon Mack (1732-1820) and Lydia Gates (1732-1818)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Lovina Mack (1762-1789)
Lovisa Mack (1762-1794)
Lydia Mack (1674-1826)
Stephen Mack (1766-1826) 15 June 1766 Marlow, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, United States 11 November 1826 Pontiac, Oakland County, Michigan, United States Temperance Bond (1771-1850)
Jason Gates Mack (1766-1835)
Daniel Gates Mack (1770-1851)
Solomon Mack (1773-1851)
Lucy Mack (1775-1856) 8 July 1775 Gilsum, Cheshire County, New Hampshire 14 May 1856 Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois Joseph Smith (1771-1840)

History Book

Lucy Mack Smith is also well known for her biography that she wrote about her famous son - which covers a lot of elements of Smith Family History:

Burial Site


Smith Family Cemetery, in Nauvoo, Illinois, is the final resting place of this person and several other historical figures in the early LDS Church including the prophet Joseph Smith (1805-1844), his wife Emma Hale (1804-1879), brother Hyrum Smith (1800-1844) and several family members. Additionally their parents are buried there.

Overlooking the Mississippi River, the cemetery is located on Water Street, and is open 24 hours a day to visitors.



Footnotes (including sources)

MainTour, jamesbhall
