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March 29 in recent years
2009 (Sunday)
2008 (Saturday)
2007 (Thursday)
2006 (Wednesday)
2005 (Tuesday)
2004 (Monday)
2003 (Saturday)
2002 (Friday)
2001 (Thursday)
2000 (Wednesday)

March 29 is the 89th day of the year (90th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 276 days remaining until the end of the year.




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This page uses content from the English language Wikipedia. The original content was at March 29. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with this Familypedia wiki, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons License.

168 Familypedia people were born on March 29

 FatherMotherAge mother at birth
Michael Ainslie (1930-1999)Hugh Ainslie (1910-1969)Alicia Boylan (1906-1970)
Eliab Alden (1761-1844)Joseph Alden (1716-1787)Hannah Hall (1728-1766)
Susan Emeline Allphin (1861-1890)Israel Dodge Allphin (1814-1903)Susan Emeline Dameron (1833-1879)
James Burr Allred (1899-1959)Almond Renne Allred (1864-1949)Mary Magdalene Henson (1871-1954)
Rulon Clark Allred (1906-1977)Byron Harvey Allred (1870-1937)Mary Evelyn Clark (1884-1954)
Henry Alm (1899-1964)George Alm (1873-1953)Denise Jussila (1876-1960)
Maury Apatow (1937)Leo Apatow (1910-1987)Belle Zegansky (1916-1997)
Chloe Billie Michelle Armstrong (2008)Robby Armstrong (1973)Chimene Diaz (1970)
Louise Caroline Gindrat Arnold (1828-1905)Richard James Arnold (1796-1873)Louisa Carolina Gindrat (1804-1871)
Dinah Bailey (1874-1927)Joseph Bailey (1845-1928)Amelia Ann Fernance (1850-1917)
Dragoș Balcan (1970-)Nicolae Balcan (1931-2000)Silvia Dragomir (1937-2013)
Jonathan Ball (1680-1726)John Ball (1644-1722)Sarah Bullard (1645-1722)
Jeffrey Barlow (1874-1960)Scott Barlow (1852-1900)Alexandra Lawless (1853-1909)
Sarah Bass (1672-1751)John Bass (1630-1716)Ruth Alden (1643-1674)
William Bass (1654-1741)John Basse (1616-1699)Elizabeth Tucker (1619-1676)
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227 Familypedia people died on March 29

 FatherMotherAge at death
Patricia Abgrall (1896-1965)Tanguy Abgrall (1868-1950)Caroline Grosjean (1870-1944)
Rosa Aceves (1884-1973)
Jesse Milton Adair (1890-1966)Jasper Newton Adair (1847-1920)Mary Elizabeth Carter (1855-1914)
Henrietta Albury (1878-1954)Henry Albert Albury (1852-1878)Caroline Allen Unicomb (1857-1952)76
James Alden (1795-1870)John Alden (1759-1839)Sabine Neubauer (1768-1841)
James Tillmon Sanford Allred (1825-1905)James Allred (1784-1876)Elizabeth Warren (1786-1879)
Audrey Almog (1873-1967)
Jennifer Amerongen (1882-1955)
Dorrina Arrina (1764-1820)
Cameron Ashley (1764-1834)John Ashley (1734-1779)Ellie Axford (1736-1800)
Joseph Howland Auchincloss (1921-2013)Joseph Howland Auchincloss (1886-1968)Priscilla Dixon Stanton (1888-1972)
George Austin (1715-1774)
Arnold Bach (1870-1952)
Alyssa Balmer (1856-1919)
Andrew Barber (1890-1980)Jason Barber (1860-1940)Sarah Cullen (1850-1910)
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111 Familypedia people were first married on March 29

 FatherMotherJoined with
Jemima Ann Adair (1863-1919)George Washington Adair (1837-1909)Ann Catherine Chestnut (1844-1863)Charles Henry Hales (1848-1907)
Jean I de Forez (1275-1334)Guigues VI de Forez (c1250-1278)Jeanne de Montfort (1250-1300)Alix de la Tour du Pin (1280-1309)
Leanne Marguerite Anderson (1933-2007)John Francis Anderson (1903-1981)Dorothy Mary Londo (1913-2003)Jack Muir Tenney (1936-2005)
Humphrey Atherton (1607-1661)Edmund Atherton (c1576-1613)Mary Rudd (c1580-c1611)Mary Kennion (1613-1672)
Hugh Auchincloss (1915-1998)Hugh Dudley Auchincloss (1878-1947)Frances Coverdale Newlands (1878-1964)Katherine Lawrence Bundy (1923-2014)
Elisabeth Baker (1707-)William Baker (1679-1750)Rebecca Backhouse (1685-1720)Jonathan Shepherd (1707-1758)
Michael Barsky (1944-2005)Jordanna Blank (1946-2006)
William Bennett (1863-1923)Clara Bloomer (1870-1925)
Jan Bisping von Gallen (1917-2010)Jan Nepomucen Bisping von Gallen (1880-1947)Maria Józefa Zamoyska h. Jelita (1887-1961)Maria Helena Łoś (1915-2007)
Maria Helena Łoś (1915-2007)Jan Nepomucen Bisping von Gallen (1880-1947)Maria Józefa Zamoyska h. Jelita (1887-1961)Maria Helena Łoś (1915-2007)
Anthony Charles Lynton Blair (1953)Charles Leonard Augustus Parsons (1923-2012)Hazel Corscadden (1923-1975)Cherie Booth (1954)
Jordanna Blank (1946-2006)Michael Barsky (1944-2005)
Clara Bloomer (1870-1925)William Bennett (1863-1923)
Katherine Lawrence Bundy (1923-2014)Harvey Hollister Bundy (1888-1963)Katharine Lawrence Putnam (1890-1983)Hugh Auchincloss (1915-1998)
Stephen Cabot (1754-1779)Joseph Cabot (1720-1767)Elizabeth Higginson (1722-1781)Deborah Higginson (1754-1820)
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