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General information
Given name: Middle name:
Surname: Sex:
Father (pasted?): Mother (pasted?):
Skill(s): AFN #:
Vista-folder user
Spouse/Partner(s) (pasted?):
Image: Upload file
Image caption:
Short name (required):
Full name:
General information - Footnote(s): Use "<new note>" between notes. Sources and footnotes may contain any text, and most other Wikitext, including brackets.
Please add your username (e.g. Yewenyi ) if you have made any contribution to this article (use plus (+) to separate

Birth information
Year: Month (digit(s)) Day: BCE?
Date modifier: (c = Circa, bef = Before, aft = After)
3 week old swaddled infant
Location - Birth Street address
Locality (village/city): Current county:
Current province/state/UK "country": Current nation:
Other place(s) (e.g. buildings or former names)
Birth - Footnote(s):

Death information
Year: Month (digit(s)) Day: BCE?
Date modifier: (c = Circa, bef = Before, aft = After)
Death at event: Cause(s) of death:
Stop black man
Location - Death Street address
Locality (village/city): Current county:
Current province/state/UK "country": Current nation:
Other place(s) (e.g. buildings or former names)
Death - Footnote(s):

Wedding 1 information
Married? :
Year: Month (digit(s)) Day: BCE?
Date modifier: (c = Circa, bef = Before, aft = After)
Weddingring 2007-6-23-1
Location - Wedding 1 Street address
Locality (village/city): Current county:
Current province/state/UK "country": Current nation:
Other place(s) (e.g. buildings or former names)
Wedding - Footnote(s):
