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{{showfacts biography}} {{showfacts children |children-g1=Hannah Doty (1783-1865)+Jesse M. Doty (1784-1849)+Jacob Doty (c1784-1866)+William Doty (1786-1865)+Samuel B. Doty (1786-1832)+Prudence Doty (1792-1863)+Elizabeth Doty (c1793-?)+Joseph Doty (1795-1889)+Daniel Jonas Doty (1797-1889)+Rachel Doty (1798-1865)+John J. Doty (?-?) +David Doty (1798-bef1832)+Stephen Doty (1800-1874)+Elijah Doty (1803-1860)+Mary Doty (?-bef1829) }} {{Couple ancestors}} {{notable family}} {{namesake}} {{namesake}} {{footer}}
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