
Middle Spring Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Southampton Township, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, USA



  • location: Reverend Middle Spring Presbyterian Church, 135 Middle Spring Road, Shippensburg, PA (717) 532-8198
  • Scotland Ireland sign - Middle Spring Church, Founded 1738 by pioneer Scotch-Irish Presbyterians. Until 1781, the church was at the old cemetery which is about one-tenth mile NW from here. Present church built, 1847; parsonage built, 1855.

Graves Next to Church[]

  • Pennsylvania American Revolutionary WarAmerican Revolutionary War First War Memorial - 1754 - 1846 This tablet contains names of men from bounds of Middle Spring Church who fought in wars of Colonial Revolutionary 1812 and 1846. Colonial 1754 - Chap. Jno Blair, Capts. Jno Brady, Alex Culbertson, Jno Montgomery, Thos Wilson, Lts Wm Reynolds, Wm Maclay, Ensigns Andrew Finley, John Reynolds, John Cisney. Revolution 1776 - Chap. Robt Cooper, Wm Linn, Surgeon Alex Stewart, Cols John Davis, Jas Dunlap, Robt Peoples, Abram Smith, Lt Cols David Bell, Robt Culbertson, Jno Work
  • Iroquois Confederacy Flag War of 1812 Shawnee Flag Mexico Second War Memorial - To the memory of the soldiers here buried who participated in the French and Indian War, the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812 and the Mexican War 1904.

Lower Cemetery[]

Grave 1 - Hugh Brady, Hannah Brady, pioneers, 1709 [inscription on back:] Sons: John, Joseph, Samuel, Hugh, Ebenezer, William, James, Daughters: Mary, Margaret

Grave 2 - ? body ? Isabella Rippey, the wife of [Samuel] Rippey, who departed this life on the ? day of March, 1778 in the [39th] year of her age

Grave 3 - In memory of Samuel Rippey Sinior, who departed this life the 22nd day of Aug., 1791 in the seventy-eighth year of his age

Grave 4 - In memory of William Findley Brackenridge, son of John & Margaret, who departed this life ? 1852, aged 40 years ?

Grave 5 - In memory of John Brackenridge ?

Grave 6, two names on one marker

Grave 6a - Anna Mary, Died Nov. 6, 1846, Aged 11 years & 10 days ?
Grave 6b - Jemima, Died Apr. 13, 1860, aged 21 years & 5 days, daughter of James & Martha Brackenridge

Grave 7 - In memory of James Brakenridge son of John & Margaret Brakenridge, who departed this life Sept. 5th, 1838, aged 32 years, 9 months & 17 days, A kind and affectionate ? and indulgent parent ?

Grave 8 - In memory of Joseph C. Brakenridge, son of John & Margaret Brakenridge, who departed this life June 27th, 1838 aged 27 years, [7] months & 27 days ?

Grave 9, eight names on one marker

Grave 9a - 1771, John Brackenridge Sr., 1851
Grave 9b - 1782, Margaret, his wife, 1850
Grave 9c - their sons: 1809, John Brackenridge, 1833
Grave 9d - 1810, Joseph C. Brakenridge, 1838
Grave 9e - 1805, James Brakenridge, 1838
infant Grave 9f - also an infant son
Grave 9g - daughters of James & Martha Brackenridge: 1835, Anna Mary Brackenridge, 1846
Grave 9h - 1839, Jemima Brackenridge, 1860

Grave 10 - Sacred to the memory of John, son of John & Margaret Brackenridge, who departed this life the 9th day of March 1833, Aged [24] years & 7 days

Grave 11, four names on one marker, common inscription: In memory of those who are buried in this lot

Grave 11a - 1739, Agness Brakenridge, 1804, wife of the late James Colwell
Grave 11b - 1776, Nancy Colwell, 1803, wife of John Brakenridge
Grave 11c - their children: James Colwell Brakenridge, Mary Ann Brakenridge

Grave 12, two names on one marker

Pennsylvania United States military Grave 12a - James Quigley died 1782 Ens'd. in Colonial Service, 1756 in Rev. John Steel's Co. of Cumb. Co. Rangers, Priv. in Rev'y Service in Col. Robert Adams' Co. 6th Bat'n. PA
Grave 12b - Jeanette, wife of James Quigley

Grave 13, two names on one marker

American Revolutionary WarAmerican Revolutionary War Grave 13a - Robert, son of James & Jeanette Quigley, born 1744 - died 1815, In Revolutionary Service Lieut. 7th Co. 1st Batt'n Cumb. Co. Militia PA
Grave 13b - Eleanor Jacobs, wife of Robert Quigley, born 1745 - died 1821

Grave 14, two names on one marker

Grave 14a - Robert McCune, Departed this life Dec. 30, 1857 in the 63rd year of his age.
Grave 14b - Elizabeth, wife of Robert McCune, departed this life Dec. 11, 1863 in the 70th year of her age

Grave 15, two names on one marker

Grave 15a - In memory of Robert McCune, who departed this life August the 29th 1816, Aged 65 years
Grave 15b - Also Mary, consort of Robert McCune, who departed this life Feb the 4th 1837, aged 75 years

infant Grave 16, two names on one marker

Grave 16a - Infant son of Robert & Elizabeth McCune ?
Grave 16b - Infant daughter? of Robert & Elizabeth McCune, died Apr. 20, 1836

infant Grave 17, three names on one marker

Grave 17a - Infant son of Robert & Elizabeth McCune, died March ?, [1821]
Grave 17b - also infant daughter, died Aug. 4, [1831]
Grave 17c - Sarah Catharine, dau of Francis & [Keziah] Searight, died Feb. 12, 1853, aged 11 months

Grave 18 - Mathew H. McCune, died Dec. 18, 1864 aged 37 yrs, 2 mos & 13 days

Pennsylvania Grave 19 - W.A. McCune, Co. [E], 130th PA [Inf]

Grave 20, two names on one marker

Grave 20a - Samuel Maclay, born AD 1766 - died AD 1843
Grave 20b - Margaret S. Maclay, born AD 1790 - died AD 1871

American Revolutionary WarAmerican Revolutionary War Grave 21 - In memory of Captain Samuel McCune, 1726 - 1789, Pioneer and Patriot, Served in War of the Revolution

Grave 22, two names on one marker

Grave 22a - John E. Maclay, son of Samuel, 1815 - 1892
Grave 22b - Charles H. Maclay, 1819 - 1897

Grave 23, two names on one marker

Grave 23a - In memory of Francis ? Patterson who departed this life ? 21, 1850 aged 66 years, 1 mo. & 20 days
Grave 23b - Samuel Oscar, son of Samuel D. Maclay, Died Jan. 28, 1878, aged ?, 7 mos, 28 days

married Grave 6, two names on one marker

Grave 24a - Eleanor, daughter of John Herron, Esquire and wife of David Maclay, who died on the 23rd day of Feb. 1825 in the 40th year of her age ?
Grave 24b - David Maclay, Esquire who died the [10th] day of February 1839 in the 77th year of his age ?

Pennsylvania Grave 25 - Hon. David Maclay, 1808 - 1901

Upper Cemetery[]

Grave 26, two names on one marker

Grave 26a - McCulloch: Mary Catharine Mateer wife of ?, born Jan. [23], 18?, Died Apr. ?, Aged 75 yrs ?
Grave 26b - ? K. Belle [Mateer], 1854 - [1934]

Grave 27 - McCulloch ?, Died Sept. ?, Aged ? 2 mos. ?

Grave 28, two names on one marker, common inscription: McCulloch

Grave 28a - J. Chalmers, 1851 - 1911
Grave 28b - Mary R., his wife, 1851 - [1923]

Grave 29 - Carolyn N. McCulloch, 1882 - 1970

Grave 30 - J. Huston McCulloch, 1879 - 1963

Grave 31 - Thomas Jefferson McCulloch, Sep. 29, 1852 - Nov. 12, 1928

Grave 32 - Martha Elizabeth McCulloch, Oct. 6, 1853 - Aug. 23, 1936

Grave 33 - Harper McCullo?h Hays, 1908 - 1931

married Grave 34, two names on one marker

Grave 34a - ? Patterson Hayes, Nov. 1?, 1874 - Dec. 15, [1963]
Grave 34b - Carrie F. McCulloch, wife of S. Patterson Hayes, Sep. 5, [1881] - Aug. [29], 1913

married Grave 35, two names on one marker, common inscription: Reed

Grave 35a - Helen B. Quigley, 1895 - 1956, wife of
Grave 35b - John Albert, 1898 - 1976

married Grave 36, two names on one marker

Grave 36a - J ?
Grave 36b - Ella A. Gross, his wife, 1867 - [1916]

Grave 37, two names on one marker, common inscription: McCune

Grave 37a - Mother, Margaret E., 1862 - 1946
Grave 37b - Father, William E., 1863 - 1950

Grave 38 - McCune, William ? McCune, 1824 - 1901, Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

Grave 39 - Harriet Ann Wylie wife of J. K. Stewart

married Grave 40, two names on one marker, common inscription: Wylie [second view]

Reverend Grave 40a - Rev. Samuel S. Wylie, 1844 - 1930
Grave 40b - Jane Mary McCune, his wife, 1844 - 1897

Grave 41 - Jane McCune Wylie, 1844 - 1897

Reverend Grave 42 - Rev. Samuel S. Wylie, 1844 - 1930

Grave 43 - Martha Brown, ?, Died May ?, [1876] ?

infant Grave 44, two names on one marker

Grave 44a - Martha B. Hemphill, 1873 - 1876
Grave 44b - Nancy J. Hemphill, 1880 - 1881

Grave 45, two names on one marker

Grave 45a - Rebecca Jane, eldest daughter of Rev. I.N. and R.H. Hays, born Dec. 24, 1853 - died May 8, 1874 ?
Grave 45b - Caroline Nancy ? dau. of Rev. I.N. & R.H. Hays, ? [31, 1878]

Grave 46 - Hugh B. McCune, born Oct. 11, 1803 - died Sept. 7, 1881

Grave 47 - In memory of Rebecca S., daughter of H.B. & Isabella McCune who died April 22, 1869, aged 23 yrs, 6 mos & 29 dys, Be ye also ready

Flag of the United States United States

United States Army Spanish-American War Grave 48 - Corp'l J. B. McCune, Co.A 3rd Ill Inf, War with Spain

Grave 49 - Our mother, Jane, wife of John McCune, died Mar. 29, 1888, aged 72 yrs, 7 mos & 13 ds ?

Grave 50 - Our father, John McCune, born May 18, 1807 - died Aug. 18, 1880 ?

Grave 51 - Margery Clark, wife [of] Moses Hemphill, died ? 5, 1872, aged 62 yrs & ? dys

Grave 52 - Our father, Moses Hemphill, died March 3, 1865, aged 59 yrs, 2 mos & 5 ds

Grave 53 - Our brother, William J., son of Moses & Margary Hemphill, died March 10, 1865, Aged 22 yrs & 11 ds

Grave 54 - Carrie Hemphill, born Jan. 11, 1837 - died Apr. 14, 1877

Grave 55 - Margaret Bell Hemphill, 1850 - 1921

married Grave 56, two names on one marker, common inscription: Rhodes

Grave 56a - Samuel C. Rhodes, 1849 - 1924
Grave 56b - Margaret S. McCune, his wife, 1843 - 1921

Grave 57 - Samuel Beattie, died July 8, 1854, aged 49 yrs.

Grave 58, seven names on one marker, common inscription: Quigley

Grave 58a - James S. Quigley, 1820 - 1892
Grave 58b - Elizabeth C. Quigley, 1831 - 1908
infant Grave 58c - Birdilla J., 1862 - 1863
infant Grave 58d - infant son, 1853 - 1853
Grave 58e - Mary B., 1858 - 1912
Grave 58f - Anna M., 1856 - 1936
Grave 58g - 1850, Carrie H., 1940

married Grave 59, two names on one marker

Grave 59a - Joseph Quigley, 1783 - 1868
Grave 59b - Mary Sharpe, his wife, 1786 - 1853

Grave 60 - In memory of Ele?a?ner?, wife of John Quigley, who departed this life Feb'y 22, 1854 in the 3? year of her age

Grave 61 - Martha E., dau. of Wm. & Mary A. Lusk, died May 2, 1859, aged 4 yrs & 5 mos ?

Grave 62, two names on one marker

Grave 62a - Our father, William Speer, died July 26, 1873, aged 20 yrs, 16 ds
Grave 62b - Our mother, ?ne? Speer, Died ? 1874, Aged ?2 yrs ? mos 2? ds

Grave 63 - Our mother, Jane W. Speer, born Mar. 10, 1799 - died June 26, 1875

Grave 64 - Our father, David Speer, died April 4, 1858, aged 67 yrs

Grave 65, two names on one marker

Grave 65a - Our sister, Hannah J. Speer, born Mar. 19, 1833 - died May 19, 1873
Grave 65b - James P. Speer, died Jan. 27, 1866, aged 38 yrs & 13 ds

Grave 66 - My wife, Martha Jane Quigley, born Aug. 16, 1821 - died Mar. 25, 1884, in the ?

Grave 67 - Our father, John Quigley, born Oct. 10, 1813 - died Sept. 15, 1891, aged 77 yrs, 11 mos, 5 ds ?

Grave 68 - Elizabeth E. Quigley, born Aug. 4, 1851 - died Apr. 18, 1927

Grave 69 - My husband, David G. Quigley, died July 14, 1882, aged 51 yrs, 8 mos, & 1 day

Grave 70 - Sacred to the memory of Martha Strain, dau. of William & [Jane] Strain of Middle Spring and consort of James Hemphill, who was born ? 1773 and departed this life July [30th], 18?, Aged [57] yrs

Grave 71, two names on one marker

Grave 71a - Sacred to the memory of Cynthia Jack, dau. of James & Jane Jack of Big Springs and consort of James Hemphill, who departed this life ? 1827 in the 59th year of her life.
Grave 71b - This stone also marks the resting place of James Hemphill, born Jan. 10, [1776], Died July 25, 1852 ?

Grave 72 - Sacred to the memory of Jane Hemphill, who departed this life July [13th], 1817 in the 49th year of her age

Grave 73 - Sacred to the memory of Agnes Hemphill, who departed this life Aug. [29th, 1808] in the [12th] year of her age

Grave 74, two names on one marker, common inscription: Our brother and sister

Grave 74a - Jack Hemphill, died May 28, 1869 in his 58 year
Grave 74b - Caroline Hemphill, died May 2?, 1869, aged 66 years, asleep in Jesus

Grave 75, two names on one marker

Grave 75a - Wilson ? Linn, Nov. 20, 1879 - Feb. 3, 1944
Grave 75b - In memory of John G., son of William & Mary Linn, who departed this life March 27th, 1847 aged 13 yrs, 10 mos & 11 dys

married Grave 76, two names on one marker, common inscription: Our father and mother

Grave 76a - Mary, wife of Wm. Linn, died Apr. 3, 1867, in the 71st yr of her age ?
Grave 76b - William Linn, died Apr. 6, 1873, in the 86th yr of his age ?

married Grave 77, two names on one marker

Grave 77a - Mary, wife of William M. McCune, died Mar. 27, 1866, aged 63 yrs & 2 mos
Grave 77b - William M. McCune, died [Jun. 12, 1871], Aged 70 yrs ?

Grave 78, two names on one marker

Grave 78a - Annie McCullouch, died May 12, 1867, aged 17 yrs
Grave 78b - Sacred to the memory of Bathsheba, consort of Alexander McCullough & dau. of John & Sarah L. McCune, who departed this life June 15, 1852, aged 21 yrs, 11 mos, 20 days

Grave 79, two names on one marker, common inscription: Our father & mother

Grave 79a - John McCune, died May 31, 1855 in the 63rd yr of his age
Grave 79b - Sarah A. McCune, died Oct. 1, 1874, aged 72 yrs, ? mos

Grave 80, two names on one marker

Grave 80a - Benjamin McCune, died Oct. 22, 1868, aged 27 years
Grave 80b - Rosanna McCune, died Oct. 3, 1855 in the 51st yr of her age

Grave 81, three names on one marker

Grave 81a - In memory of Mrs. Eleanor Gibb, who departed this life Oct. 30, 1852, aged 66 yrs
Grave 81b - In memory of Elnora wife of Samuel McCune & dau. of Alexander & M. Sharp, died Apr. [12], 1835, aged 43 yrs, [9] mos & 1 dy
Grave 81c - John McCune, died in Philadelphia Nov. 7, 1874, aged 59 yrs, 1 mo, 25 days

Grave 82, three names on one marker

Grave 82a - Samuel E. McCune, died Sept. 17, 1860, aged 40 yrs, 11 mos & 15 days
Grave 82b - Mary Ellen, wife of Elder McCune, departed this life July 14th, 1854 in the 33rd yr of her age
infant Grave 82c - and their babe aged 11 das

Grave 83, two names on one marker

Grave 83a - Thomas P., son of Wm. & [Mary] Linn, died Dec. 7, 1829, aged ? yrs & [11] days
Grave 83b - In memory of Jane, wife of William Green, who departed this life July 28th, 1834, aged 25 years

Grave 84 - Sacred to the memory of Grizzy Linn, who departed this life on the 1st day of August A.D. 1839 in the 81st year of her age

Grave 85, two names on one marker

Grave 85a - In memory of Doctor Andrew P. Linn, who departed this life July 5, 184? in the 41st yr of his age
Grave 85b - Sacred to the memory of James Linn who departed this life the 26th day of May A.D. 1835 in the 74th year of his age

Grave 86 - Memory of William Linn, who departed this life April16th A.D. 1812 in the 81st year of his age

Grave 87 - In memory of Bathsheba, consort of John McCune, who departed this life May 16th, 1847, aged 81 years

Grave 88, two names on one marker

Grave 88a - William Rodgers, born Dec. 5, A.D. 1772 - died Mar. 31, A.D. 1843
Grave 88b - Jane, relict of William Rodgers dec., born Oct. 18, A.D. 1772 - died Nov. 1, A.D. 1850

Grave 89, two names on one marker, common inscription: Our parents

Grave 89a - John Wallace, only son of James & Sara Elder Wallace of Dauphin County, PA, 1792 - 1845
Grave 89b - Jane McCune, his wife, dau. of John & Bethsheba Sterrett McCune of Middlespring, 1796 - 1849

Grave 90 - Jane, wife of Robert S. McCune, born Nine ? 18 ? - died Feb. 27, 1874

Grave 91 - Robert S. McCune, born Nov. 19, 1794 - died Apr. 30, 1874

Grave 92 - Elizabeth, dau. of Robert S. & Jane McCune, born Aug. 27, 1822 - died May 20, 1838

Grave 93, two names on one marker

Grave 93a - John Clark Stuart, born Oct. 24, 1843 - died Mar. [10], 1908
Grave 93b - Helen J. Stuart, 1845 - 1933

Grave 94, three names on one marker

Grave 94a - Elizabeth Robertson, died Apr. 5, [1874], Aged 88 yrs
Grave 94b - ?mes Robertson , died Nov. [5, 1864], Aged 77 ?
Grave 94c - Mary Ann Robertson, born Mar. 5, 1821 - died Feb. 3, 1902, at rest

Grave 95, two names on one marker

Grave 95a - Elizabeth McCune, born May 13, 1813 - died Dec. 22, 18?8
Grave 95b - Hugh McCune, born Dec. 5, 1815 - died Oct. 4, 1888

Grave 96 - Joseph McCune, born Mar. 17, 1818 - died June 12, 1880

Grave 97, two names on one marker

Grave 97a - Samuel B. McCune, born Apr. 2, 1811 - died Jan. 7, 1882
Grave 97b - Hannah McCune, born Aug. 9, 1802 - died Oct. 4, 1881

Grave 98 - Samuel McCune, born Apr. 9, AD 1814 - died Feb. 23, AD 1881, asleep until the day break and the shadow flee away

Grave 99, two names on one marker

Grave 99a - James McCune, died M?, 18?
Grave 99b - Abby McCune, died Feb. 10, 1870, aged 70 yrs, 2 mos & 1 day

Grave 100, two names on one marker

Grave 100a - In memory of Rebecca McCune ?
Grave 100b - James McCune ?


  • Details beyond simple text not as appears on original; comments appear in brackets: [ ]; "?" substituted for unknown letter(s)/word(s)/line(s); not all graves transcribed or photographed; grave numbers for the convenience of the transcriber and photographer only; photographs taken in June/July 2000 by Kay King.