
Relationship between rulers past, present and future[]

RulerTitlePeriodRelation to BeatrixRelation to predecessor
Charles the BoldLord of the Netherlands1467-147715th great-grandfather-
Mary of BurgundyDame of the Netherlands1477-148214th great-grandmotherdaughter
Philip the FairLord of the Netherlands1482-150613th great-grandfatherson
Charles VLord of the Netherlands1506-155512th great-granduncleson
Philip IILord of the Netherlands1556-15811st cousin, 11 times removedson
Isabella of SpainDame of the Netherlands*1589-16211st cousin, 10 times removeddaughter
Philip IVLord of the Netherlands*1621-16481st cousin, 9 times removednephew
William the SilentStadtholder of Holland etc1572-154810th great-grandfather8th cousin four times removed**
MauritsStadtholder of Holland etc1585-16259th great-granduncleson
Frederik HendrikStadtholder of Holland etc1625-16479th great-grandfatherbrother
Willem IIStadtholder of Holland etc1647-16508th great-granduncleson
Willem IIIStadtholder of Holland etc1672-17021st cousin, 7 times removedson
Willem IVStadtholder of the Netherlands1747-17515th great-grandfatherfirst cousin, twice removed
Willem VStadtholder of the Netherlands1751-17954th great-grandfatherson
Lodewijk BonaparteKing of Holland1806-1810TBDTBD
Lodewijk II BonaparteKing of Holland1810-1810TBDson
Willem IKing of the Netherlands1815-18403rd great-grandfatherson (of Willem V)
Willem IIKing of the Netherlands1840-18492nd great-grandfatherson
Willem IIIKing of the Netherlands1849-1890great-grandfatherson
WilhelminaQueen of the Netherlands1890-1948grandmotherdaughter
JulianaQueen of the Netherlands1948-1980motherdaughter
BeatrixQueen of the Netherlands1980-selfdaughter
Willem-AlexanderHeir apparent-sonson
Catharina-AmaliaSecond in line-granddaughterdaughter

*de jure, de facto control over Southern Netherlands only

** William the Silent and Philip II both descend from Count Otto I of Guelders

See also[]

Monarchs of Belgium

This page uses content from the English language Wikipedia. The original content was at List of stadtholders for the Low Countries provinces. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with this Familypedia wiki, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons License.
This page uses content from the English language Wikipedia. The original content was at List of monarchs of the Netherlands. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with this Familypedia wiki, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons License.