
NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages is a prime source of genealogical information about New South Wales, the most populous state of Australia.

Civil registration in New South Wales commenced in 1856, though it seems to have taken several decades for all events to be registered. In an effort to increase compliance, for a period birth registration was allowed without the child's name being recorded, so the index says "UNNAMED". The Registry also hold copies of some church registers for the period 1788-1855, and these are included in the indexes (sometimes with multiple entries, probably due to the inclusion of bishops transcripts).

Indexes avaiable[]

Indexes are available online at The periods covered are:

  • Births: from 1788 to 100 years before this year (so 1788-1909 in 2010).
  • Deaths: from 1788 to 30 years before this year (so 1788-1979 in 2010).
  • Marriages: from 1788 to 50 years before this year (so 1788-1959 in 2010).

Note that indexes for birth registrations for 1788-1918 are also available on CDROM, held by various libraries.

This page is a "stub" and could be improved by additions and other edits.
