Wedding photo Nov 11 1932

Wedding photo Nov 19 1932


Nils Ragnar Haglund was born January 10 1910 in Falköping, county Västergötland, Sweden.


Sven Johan Haglund, b. Andersson in Ljusseveka, Haga (Värnamo), Sweden Nov 1 1879, d. in Almunge, Uppland Dec 8 1915.
Nanny Amanda Natalia Haglund, b. Sjögren in Ronneby, Sweden Feb 7 1887, d. in Jönköping, Sweden Aug 8 1981.


Edith Dagmar Maria (1908-2000), b. in Falköping, d. in Härnösand, Sweden.
Gustav Vilhelm (1911-1980), b. in Falköping, d. in Huddinge, both Sweden.
Anders Valter (1915-1976), b. in Almunge, Uppland, d. in Gävle, both Sweden.
Cerny Asta Carola (1921-2009), married name Lindh, maternal sister b. April 3 1921 in Jönköping, Sweden.


Married November 19 1932 to Ester, b. Persson February 16 1908 in Kyrkhult, county Blekinge, Sweden, d. March 19 1995 in Skärstadal, county Jönköping.


Aina Barbro b. May 5 1933 in Kyrkhult, Blekinge county.
Ingrid Dagmar b. August 26 1935 in the same parish.


Nils died in Skärstadal, county Jönköping, Sweden December 08 1998, a widower since his wife Ester died in the same place 1995.


Buried with his wife Ester at "Östra kyrkogården" (Eastern cemetery) in Skärstad, county Jönköping. Grave notation "16 ML M-Lund Del ML".


Nils was six when his father died in Länna bruk, Uppland, Sweden. He then stayed for nearly two years with an uncle's family, Gustav Svensson in Hudiksvall, before he rejoined his mother and three siblings, who had been forced to move to Huskvarna after the father's death, as they were domiciled / registered there.

In 1919, during the pandemic ‘the Spanish flu’, the family was affected with tuberculosis and sent to different hospitals. Nils and the siblings Edith and Gustav went to ‘Apelvikens Kustsanatorium' in Varberg. After 9 months, with the mother still in a sanatorium near Huskvarna, they were sent to different foster homes, Nils to Svenarum in the county of Jönköping. He stayed there until he joined the Army at Ing 2 (engineers) in Eksjö.

In the beginning of the 1930's he built roads in Blekinge province, arranged by the Government in times of unemployment. He took up correspondence studies and became a ‘vägmästare’ (road master), which gave him a foreman's position. In Kyrkhult he met Ester, his wife to be, and later they moved to Gränna in the county of Jönköping, where he got a job as ‘stadsarbetslagsförman’, responsible for road and street maintenance in the community.

Nils had started his schooling in 2nd class, at seven already acquainted with reading writing and simple maths. During the World War II he served at Ing 2 as a sergeant. He died at Skärstadalens äldreboende (home for old people), where he and Ester spent some years after having left their small villa in Gränna.

Nils with mother Nanny and sister Edith at Faktorigatan in Huskvarna

Nils with mother Nanny and sister Edith at Faktorigatan in Huskvarna

Road builders in Blekinge county in early 30´. Nils in hat, brother Gustav to the left.

Roadworkers in Blekinge county Sweden in the early 30´s. Nils in hat, brother Gustav to the left.
