
Oleg Ingvarevich Krasnyi was born 1215 to Ingvar Igoryevich of Ryazan (c1190-1235) and died 8 March 1258 of unspecified causes.

Oleg Ingvarevich Krasnyi (the Red) (c1215-8 March 1258) - Grand Prince of Ryazan (1252-1258), a local saint, the son of Ingvar Igorevich.


During the Mongol invasion of Russia in the winter 1237 / 1238's in the Battle of Kolomna (1238) he was wounded and captured. Batu Khan tried to force Oleg to change his faith. Oleg refused, but was "spared for the sake of his rare beauty." The ruler of Ryazan reign was only released in 1252 .

After fourteen years of captivity returned to his homeland and reigned six more years. In 1258, feeling the approach of death, blessed Oleg took the vows in became a monk under the name of Kosma. He transferred the throne to his son Roman and peacefully died on March 8, 1258 .

On 10 (23) June , he is revered in Ryazan land as well as a local saint .



Brothers and sisters

  1. Roman Ingvarevich of Kolomna (c1212-1238) - Prince of Kolomna.
  2. Yevdokiya Ingvarevna (c1216-1278)- wife of the Vladimir Konstantinovich of Uglich (1214-1249).

=== Son ===:

Ростислав Ярославич (князь муромский)
Глеб Ростиславич (князь рязанский)
Игорь Глебович Рязанский
Ростислав Юрьевич Владимиро-Суздальский
Ефросинья Ростиславна, княжна владимиро-суздальская
Ингварь Игоревич Рязанский
Мстислав Владимирович Великий
Ростислав Мстиславич Смоленский
Кристина Ингесдоттер, принцесса шведская
Аграфена Ростиславна, княжна смоленская
Олег Ингваревич Красный

Rostislav Yaroslavich (prince of Murom)

Gleb Rostislavich (prince of Ryazan)

Igor Glebovich Ryazanskiy

Rostislav Y. Vladimiro-Suzdal

Efrosinya Rostislavna, princess of Vladimir-Suzdal

Ingvar Igorovich Ryazanskiy

Mstislav Vladimirovich the Great

Rostislav Mstislavich of Smolensk

Christina Ingesdotter, Princess of Sweden

Agrafena Rostislavna, princess of Smolensk

Oleg Ingvarevich Red



Offspring of Oleg Ingvarevich Krasnyi and unknown parent
Name Birth Death Joined with
Roman Olgovich of Ryazan (1237-1270) 1237 19 July 1270 Anastasya NN


Offspring of Ingvar Igoryevich of Ryazan (c1190-1235) and unknown parent
Name Birth Death Joined with
Roman Ingvarevich of Kolomna (c1212-1238) 1212 January 1238 Kolomna, Kolomna Rayon, Moscow Oblast, Russia
Oleg Ingvarevich Krasnyi (c1215-1258) 1215 8 March 1258
Yevdokiya Ingvarevna (c1216-1278)




Олег Ингваревич Красный ум. март 1258 oh Rodovod

Footnotes (including sources)

