Genealogy research for the Phelps Family members known to have lived in Hampshire County, Massachusetts
- See also Phelps in Massachusetts for more related family history:
Notable Individuals
Notable Landmarks
See Also
- Phelps in Massachusetts
- Hampshire County, Massachusetts/Monuments and Memorials
:Note, for the following tables, that there may be more than one county or district of this name and that some contributors may have entered a different (possibly shorter and/or ambiguous) name when this one was meant. Search for similar names to get a more complete result. Common abbreviations are "Co." and "Cty", but there may have been no word for "county" (or equivalent) included, or such a word may have been wrongly included.
Familypedia people with surname Phelps in Hampshire County, Massachusetts
See also: Hampshire County, Massachusetts/bdm, Category:Phelps (surname), Category:Resided in Hampshire County, Massachusetts, and Category:People from Hampshire County, Massachusetts
Readers can sort columns using the triangles at top.
Born in Hampshire County, Massachusetts
Baptised in Hampshire County, Massachusetts
Married in Hampshire County, Massachusetts
- See also Category:Married in Hampshire County, Massachusetts
Grouping is for "first marriage", "second marriage", etc as indicated in column headings
Died in Hampshire County, Massachusetts
Buried in Hampshire County, Massachusetts
Remains date | Remains place | Birth place | Baptism place | Father | Mother | Joined with | |
Elizabeth Whiting Phelps (1779-1847) | 9999 | Old Hadley Cemetery, Hadley, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States | Hadley, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States | Charles Phelps (1743-1814) | Elizabeth Porter (1747-1817) | Daniel Huntington (1774-1864) | |
Samuel Phelps (1680-1745) | 9999 | Bridge Street Cemetery, Hampshire County, Massachusetts | Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States | Nathaniel Phelps (1653-1719) | Grace Martin (1656-1727) | Mary Edwards (1685-1729) | |
Temperance Phelps (1739-1810) | 9999 | Old Village Hill Cemetery, Williamsburg, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States | Hebron, Tolland County, Connecticut, United States | Solomon Phelps (1716-1796) | Temperance Barber (1718-1798) | Ezra Strong (1733-1804) |