
Genealogy research for the Phelps Family members known to have lived in Hampshire County, Massachusetts

  • See also Phelps in Massachusetts for more related family history:

Notable Individuals

Notable Landmarks

See Also

  • Phelps in Massachusetts
  • Hampshire County, Massachusetts/Monuments and Memorials

:Note, for the following tables, that there may be more than one county or district of this name and that some contributors may have entered a different (possibly shorter and/or ambiguous) name when this one was meant. Search for similar names to get a more complete result. Common abbreviations are "Co." and "Cty", but there may have been no word for "county" (or equivalent) included, or such a word may have been wrongly included.

Familypedia people with surname Phelps in Hampshire County, Massachusetts

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Born in Hampshire County, Massachusetts

 Birth placeBirth dateFatherMotherJoined with-g1
Elizabeth Whiting Phelps (1779-1847)Hadley, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States4 February 1779Charles Phelps (1743-1814)Elizabeth Porter (1747-1817)Daniel Huntington (1774-1864)
Martha Phelps (1717-1803)Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States19 September 1717Samuel Phelps (1680-1745)Mary Edwards (1685-1729)Ezra Clark (1716-1788)
Martin Phelps (1723-1795)Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States24 December 1723Nathaniel Phelps (1692-1747)Abigail Burnham (1696-1723)Martha Parsons (1727-1814)
Morris Charles Phelps (1805-1876)Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States20 December 1805Spencer Phelps (1782-1865)Mary Keniepp (1784-1851)Laura Clark (1807-1842)
Nathaniel Phelps (1692-1747)Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States13 February 1692Nathaniel Phelps (1653-1719)Grace Martin (1656-1727)Abigail Burnham (1696-1723)
Samuel Phelps (1680-1745)Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States9 December 1680Nathaniel Phelps (1653-1719)Grace Martin (1656-1727)Mary Edwards (1685-1729)
Spencer Phelps (1782-1865)Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States24 May 1782Spencer Phelps (1753-1829)Naomi Clark (1753-1784)Mary Keniepp (1784-1851)
Spencer Phelps (1753-1829)Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States20 February 1753Martin Phelps (1723-1795)Martha Parsons (1727-1814)Naomi Clark (1753-1784)

Baptised in Hampshire County, Massachusetts

Married in Hampshire County, Massachusetts

See also Category:Married in Hampshire County, Massachusetts

Grouping is for "first marriage", "second marriage", etc as indicated in column headings

 Birth placeBaptism placeWedding1 dateWedding1 placeJoined with-g1
Elizabeth Whiting Phelps (1779-1847)Hadley, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States1 January 1801Hadley, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United StatesDaniel Huntington (1774-1864)
Martha Phelps (1717-1803)Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States13 December 1739Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United StatesEzra Clark (1716-1788)
Martin Phelps (1723-1795)Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States6 September 1750Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United StatesMartha Parsons (1727-1814)
Nathaniel Phelps (1692-1747)Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States1 January 1716Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United StatesAbigail Burnham (1696-1723)
Nathaniel Phelps (1653-1719)Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut, United States11 August 1676Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United StatesGrace Martin (1656-1727)
Samuel Phelps (1680-1745)Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States12 December 1705Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United StatesMary Edwards (1685-1729)
Spencer Phelps (1753-1829)Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States19 March 1781Hampshire County, MassachusettsNaomi Clark (1753-1784)
 Birth placeBaptism placeWedding2 dateWedding2 placeJoined with-g2
Nathaniel Phelps (1692-1747)Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States27 March 1730Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United StatesCatharine King (1701-1791)
Spencer Phelps (1753-1829)Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States29 September 1788Chesterfield, Hampshire County, MassachusettsTheodamy Allen (1755-1841)

Died in Hampshire County, Massachusetts

See also Category:Died in Hampshire County, Massachusetts
 Death dateDeath placeBirth placeFatherMotherJoined with
Elizabeth Whiting Phelps (1779-1847)6 April 1847Hadley, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United StatesHadley, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United StatesCharles Phelps (1743-1814)Elizabeth Porter (1747-1817)Daniel Huntington (1774-1864)
Martha Phelps (1717-1803)9 September 1803Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United StatesNorthampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United StatesSamuel Phelps (1680-1745)Mary Edwards (1685-1729)Ezra Clark (1716-1788)
Martin Phelps (1723-1795)12 November 1795Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United StatesNorthampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United StatesNathaniel Phelps (1692-1747)Abigail Burnham (1696-1723)Martha Parsons (1727-1814)
Nathaniel Phelps (1692-1747)14 October 1747Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United StatesNorthampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United StatesNathaniel Phelps (1653-1719)Grace Martin (1656-1727)Abigail Burnham (1696-1723)+ Catharine King (1701-1791)
Nathaniel Phelps (1653-1719)19 June 1719Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United StatesWindsor, Hartford County, Connecticut, United StatesNathaniel Phelps (1624-1702)Elizabeth Unknown (1622-1712)Grace Martin (1656-1727)
Nathaniel Phelps (1624-1702)27 May 1702Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United StatesCrewkerne, Somerset, England, United KingdomWilliam Phelps (1593-1672)Mary Unknown Phelps (1597-1626)Elizabeth Unknown (1622-1712)
Samuel Phelps (1680-1745)9 December 1745Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United StatesNorthampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United StatesNathaniel Phelps (1653-1719)Grace Martin (1656-1727)Mary Edwards (1685-1729)
Spencer Phelps (1753-1829)24 January 1829Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United StatesNorthampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United StatesMartin Phelps (1723-1795)Martha Parsons (1727-1814)Naomi Clark (1753-1784)+ Theodamy Allen (1755-1841)
Temperance Phelps (1739-1810)25 October 1810Williamsburg, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United StatesHebron, Tolland County, Connecticut, United StatesSolomon Phelps (1716-1796)Temperance Barber (1718-1798)Ezra Strong (1733-1804)

Buried in Hampshire County, Massachusetts

 Remains dateRemains placeBirth placeBaptism placeFatherMotherJoined with
Elizabeth Whiting Phelps (1779-1847)9999Old Hadley Cemetery, Hadley, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United StatesHadley, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United StatesCharles Phelps (1743-1814)Elizabeth Porter (1747-1817)Daniel Huntington (1774-1864)
Samuel Phelps (1680-1745)9999Bridge Street Cemetery, Hampshire County, MassachusettsNorthampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United StatesNathaniel Phelps (1653-1719)Grace Martin (1656-1727)Mary Edwards (1685-1729)
Temperance Phelps (1739-1810)9999Old Village Hill Cemetery, Williamsburg, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United StatesHebron, Tolland County, Connecticut, United StatesSolomon Phelps (1716-1796)Temperance Barber (1718-1798)Ezra Strong (1733-1804)