Comparison of Indian Captivity Stories
of the Cowan, Walker, and Handley Families
Index to Articles

This table is designed to provide a comparison of various Indian Captivity Stories related to the Walker, Cowan, and Handley families of SW VA, and Blount County TN. The table provides a summary of pertinent information from each story. The stories themselves can be found at the link in the last column. Related articles can be found by going to the Index listed above, or by starting at the foreword/title page and Introduction to these articles.

Ann (Walker) Cowan
SpouseDateLocationCapturedKilledEscapedTaken to Duration of Capt Outcome Source
Samuel Cowan 1777 Castle's Woods, Russel Co VA Ann (Walker) Cowan, Nephew William Walker (c1766-1823) brother Samuel Walker (?-c1777) Another man Detroit 3 years Released at end of Revolution, returned through Crab Orchard KY; If her release was in 1780, it's likely that she rejoined her family in Castle's Woods Mrs Scott
John Cowan c1776? Castle's Woods Ann (Walker) Cowan, husband John Cowan John Arter not stated, apparently the Great Lakes area. 20 years, see commentary Released c 1794 Thomas Carter
taken as a child not stated not stated Identified only as Aunt Walker, presumed to be Ann (Walker) Cowan -- -- taken by Northern tribes permanent married a chief, son became chief, later visited relatives Andrew Finis Cowan
William Walker (c1766-1823)
SpouseDateLocationCapturedKilledEscapedTaken to Duration of Capt Outcome Source
- c1777 Greenbriar Co VA William Walker, Ann Walker Cowan uncle (probably Samuel Walker) North to the Ohio forever adoped into Wyandotte, removed with them to Kansas Connelley, 1899‎
Mary Walker Cowan
SpouseDateLocationCapturedKilledEscapedTaken to Duration of Capt Outcome Source
Maj John Cowan not stated, late 1780's implied East TN son James, Major John Cowan carried north 7 years not stated JB Cowan
Maj John Cowan early 1790's Blount County? Mary Walker Cowan Major John son James north 7 years escaped, and rescued by 100 men from Blount county PD Cowan

Samuel Handley (1751-1840)
SpouseDateLocationCapturedKilledEscapedTaken to Duration of Capt Outcome Source
- Creek War, c. 1815 Crab Orchard KY, Cumberland Settlements Samuel Handley (1751-1840) - his company Willtown TN? months Adopted into tribe, released Randall J. Handly

Margaret Handley Pauley
SpouseDateLocationCapturedKilledEscapedTaken to Duration of Capt Outcome Source
John Pauley 1779 Near Handley's Fort, Union, VA Margaret Pauley James Pauly, John Pauley, children The Miami 6 years, released 1785 Married Chief White Bark, released and returned to family by 1785. Aftwards married Michael Tridley Erskine. Johnston, 1906
