
The Prince of Chernigov was the knyaz, the ruler or sub-ruler, of the Rus' Principality of Chernigov, a principality which lasted four centuries straddling what are now parts of Ukraine, Belarus and the Russian Federation.

List of princes of Chernigov[]

Ruler Native name Born Reign Death Parents Consort Notes
Mstislav Vladimirovich Мстислав Владимирович c983 1024—1036 1036
Svyatoslav Yaroslavich 11 History Of Russia by William Tooke Святослав Ярославич 1027 1054-1073 1076 Yaroslav Vladimirovich
Ingegerd of Sweden
Cecilia of Dithmarschen
Oda von Babenberg
Vsevolod Yaroslavich Vsevolod yaroslavich Всеволод Ярославич 1030 1073-1076 1093 Yaroslav Vladimirovich
Ingegerd of Sweden
Anastasia Monomachos
Anna Polovetskaya
First reign
Vladimir Monomakh Vladimir-II-Vsevolodovich Monomakh Владимир Всеволодович Мономах 1053 1076-1077 1125 Vsevolod Yaroslavich
Anastasia Monomachos
Gytha of Wessex
Unknown Cuman princess
First reign
Boris Vyacheslavich Борис Вячеславич c1054 1077 1078 Vyacheslav Yaroslavich
Oda of Stade
Vsevolod Yaroslavich Vsevolod yaroslavich Всеволод Ярославич 1030 1077—1078 1093 Yaroslav Vladimirovich
Ingegerd of Sweden
Anastasia Monomachos
Anna Polovetskaya
Second reign
Oleg Svyatoslavich Олег Святославич c1053 1078 1115 Svyatoslav Yaroslavich
Cecilia of Dithmarschen
Theophano Mouzalonissa
Daughter of Osaluka-Khan
Vladimir Monomakh Vladimir-II-Vsevolodovich Monomakh Владимир Всеволодович Мономах 1053 1078—1094 1125 Vsevolod Yaroslavich
Anastasia Monomachos
Gytha of Wessex
Unknown Cuman princess
Second reign
Oleg Svyatoslavich Олег Святославич c1053 (again)1094—1097 1115 Svyatoslav Yaroslavich
Cecilia of Dithmarschen
Theophano Mouzalonissa
Daughter of Osaluka-Khan
Davyd Svyatoslavich Давыд Святославич c1052 1097—1123 1123
Yaroslav Svyatoslavich Ярослав Святославич 1074 1123—1127 1129
Vsevolod Olgovich Всеволод Ольгович 1104 1127—1139 1146
Vladimir Davydovich Владимир Давыдович c1118 1139—1151 1151
Izyaslav Davydovich Изяслав Давыдович c1100 11511154 1161
Svyatoslav Olgovich Святослав Ольгович c1108 1154—1155 1164
Izyaslav Davydovich Изяслав Давыдович c1100 1155-1157 1161 second time
Svyatoslav Olgovich Святослав Ольгович c1108 1157-1164 1164 second time
Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich Святослав Всеволодович 1164—1178
Oleg III Svyatoslavich Олег Святославич 1178-1180
Yaroslav Vsevolodovich Ярослав Всеволодович 1181–1198[1][2]
Igor Svyatoslavich Ivan Bilibin 181 Игорь Святославич 1151 1198-1202[3])[1] 1202 Svyatoslav Olgovich
Yekaterina of Novgorod
Eufrosinya Yaroslavna of Halych
Oleg II Svyatoslavich Олег Святославич 1202-1204[3][1]
Vsevolod Svyatoslavich Всеволод Святославич Чёрмный 1204–1210[1]
Ryurik Rostislavich Рюрик Ростиславич 1210-1212
Vsevolod Svyatoslavich Всеволод Святославич Чёрмный again 1212–1215[1]
Gleb Svyatoslavich Глеб Святославич c1160a 1215-c1217 c1217[4])[1] Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich
Mariya Vasilkovna
Anastasiya Ryurikovna
Mstislav Svyatoslavich c1162 c1217–1223)[1] 1223 Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich
Mariya Vasilkovna
Marfa Shvarnovna
Mikhail Vsevolodovich Mikhail of Chernigov Михаил Всеволодович 1179 1224-1226 1246 Vsevolod Svyatoslavich
Maria of Poland
Yelena Romanovna (first time)
Oleg Svyatoslavich Олег Святославич c1185 1226 c1230 Svyatoslav Olgovich
Mikhail Vsevolodovich Mikhail of Chernigov Михаил Всеволодович 1179 1226-1234 1246 Vsevolod Svyatoslavich
Maria of Poland
Yelena Romanovna (second time)
Mstislav Glebovich Мстислав Глебович c1178 1235-1239 1239 Gleb Svyatoslavich
Anastasiya Ryurikova
Rostislav Mikhailovich 1227 1241–1242 1262


Mikhail Vsevolodovich Mikhail of Chernigov Михаил Всеволодович 1179 1242-1246 1246 1246 Vsevolod Svyatoslavich
Maria of Poland
Yelena Romanovna (for the second time)
Roman I Mikhailovich the Old (1246/1247 – after 1288)[1][5][6]
Oleg Svyatoslavich Олег Святославич c1185 c1230
Mikhail II, late 13th – early 14th century
Mikhail III Aleksandrovich, 14th century
Roman II Mikhailovich (the younger), died 1370
* "Dmitry" Kaributas Algirdaitis (Koribut or Korybut), c. 1372–1393
Roman II Mikhailovich (the younger), restored, 1393–1401
  • Absorbed by the Lithuanians, c. 1401

See also[]

  • Prince of Novgorod-Seversk
  • Prince of Briansk


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i Dimnik, Martin. The Dynasty of Chernigov - 1146-1246. 
  2. ^ Other source suggests that Yaroslav II Vsevolodovich ruled from 1181 ([1], retrieved on 2009-04-13), but his brother Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich became grand prince of Kiev in 1176 and promoted him to Chernihiv; Dimnik, Martin op. cit. p 137.
  3. ^ a b A number of historians claim Igor Svyatoslavich died in 1202 ([2], retrieved on 2009-04-13); he most probably died in the spring of 1201, because most chronicles place the news of his death as the first entry for the year; Dimnik, Martin op. cit p. 237.
  4. ^ Some historians claim Gleb Svyatoslavich died in 1219 ([3], retrieved on 2009-04-13); he was last mentioned under 1215 and he died between 1215 and 1220; Dimnik, Martin op. cit p. 291.
  5. ^ Under the year 1261, the chronicles report that prince Vasilko Romanovich of Vladimir-Volynsky married his daughter Olga to Andrei Vsevolodovich of Chernigov. Based on this report, some historians claim that Andrei Vsevolodovich was the prince of Chernigov between 1245 and 1261 ([4], retrieved on 2009-04-13). However, the chronicler's identification of Andrei as a prince of Chernigov merely signified that he was an Olgovich (a member of the dynasty of Chernigov); Dimnik, Martin op. cit p. 380.
  6. ^ The Lyubetskiy sinodik speaks of a certain "Lavrenty Vsevolod Yaropolchi"; R. V. Zotov suggests that Vsevolod succeeded Mikhail Vsevolodovich to Chernigov from 1246 to 1263(see also: [5], retrieved on 2009-04-13); the chronicles, however, do not support Zotov's assertions; Dimnik, Martin op. cit p. 380.


  • Dimnik, Martin: The Dynasty of Chernigov - 1146-1246; Cambridge University Press, 2003, Cambridge; ISBN 978-0-521-03981-9.
  • Martin, Janet, Medieval Russia, 980-1584, (Cambridge, 1995)

External links[]
