
The Prince of Vitebsk was the knyaz, the ruler or sub-ruler, of the Rus' Principality of Vitebsk, a principality which lasted four centuries straddling what are now parts of Belarus and the Russian Federation.

Ruler Native name Born Reign Death Parents Consort Notes
Years of reign in Vitebsk Name Native name Years of life Parents Notes
1101-1129 Svyatoslav Vseslavich Святослав Всеславич (c1065-c1130) Son of Vseslav Bryachislavich
1129-1132 Vasilko Svyatoslavich Василько Святославич (c1095-1144) Son of Svyatoslav Vseslavich
1132- 1164 Vseslav Vasilkovich Всеслав Василькович (c1120-c1186) son of Vasilko Svyatoslavich
1073 - 1078
Vladimir-II-Vsevolodovich Monomakh
Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh ( 1053-1125) The grandson of Yaroslav the Wise, son of Vsevolod Yaroslavich Received Smolensk after the expulsion of Prince Izyaslav Yaroslavich from Kiev and the transfer of Vsevolod Yaroslavich to reign in Chernigov. Later Princes of Chernigov, Princes of Pereyaslavl, Grand Prince of Kiev
c1093 - 1095
Mstislav I of Kiev (Tsarskiy titulyarnik)
Mstislav Vladimirovich (1076-1132) Grandson of Vsevolod Yaroslavich, son of Vladimir Monomakh Received the Principality of Smolensk from his father. Earlier Prince of Novgorod and Rostov ; later - Prince of Rostov, Novgorod and Belgorod, Grand Prince of Kiev.
Coat of Arms of Principality of Smolensk
Izyaslav Vladimirovich (c1077-1096) Vsevolod Yaroslavich's grandson, son of Vladimir Monomakh transferred to Smolensk instead of Mstislav's brother ; Earlier the prince of Kursk, later - Prince of Murom
1095 - 1097
Coat of Arms of Principality of Smolensk
Davyd Svyatoslavich (c1052-1123) grandson of Yaroslav the Wise, son of Grand Prince of Kiev Svyatoslav Yaroslavich Took Smolensk, expelling Prince Izyaslav; Earlier Prince of Pereyaslavl, Murom and Novgorod; later Princes of Chernigov
1097 - 1113
Coat of Arms of Principality of Smolensk
Svyatoslav Vladimirovich (c1080-1114) Vsevolod Yaroslavich's grandson , son of Prince Vladimir Monomakh Later Prince of Pereyaslavl
Coat of Arms of Principality of Smolensk
Yaropolk Vladimirovich (1082-1139) Vsevolod Yaroslavich's grandson, son of Prince Vladimir Monomakh Later Prince of Pereyaslavl , Grand Prince of Kiev
10 1113 to 1127
Coat of Arms of Principality of Smolensk
Vyacheslav Vladimirovich (1083-1154) Vsevolod Yaroslavich's grandson, son of Prince Vladimir Monomakh Later, Prince of Turov, Pereyaslavl, Peresopnytsk and Vyshgorod, Grand Prince of Kiev
Ruler Native name Born Reign Death Consort Notes
Svyatoslav Vseslavich Святослав Всеславич c1065 1101-1129 c1130
Vasilko Svyatoslavich Василько Святославич c1095 1129-1132 1144
Roman Vyacheslavich Роман Вячеславич c1130 1162-1165 c1170
Davyd Rostislavich Давыд Ростиславич 1140 1165-1167 (with interruptions) 1197 Merged the principalities of Smolensk and Vitebsk and ruled from Smolensk
Vasilko Bryachislavich Василько Брячиславич c1165 1186-1221 c1210
Bryachislav Vasilkovich Брячислав Василькович c1200 1221-1232 c1250
Vseslav Vasilkovich Всеслав Василькович c1120 1132-1164 1186 Son of Vasilko Svyatoslavichh
Bryachislav Vasilkovich Брячислав Василькович (c1140-c1186) align=center |1168-1175 Son of Vasilko Svyatoslavichh
Vseslav Vasilkovich Всеслав Василькович (c1120-1186)| align=center |1175-1178 Son of Vasilko Svyatoslavich
Bryachislav Vasilkovich Брячислав Василькович (c1140 1178-1181 c1186) Son of Vasilko Svyatoslavichh
Vseslav Vasilkovich Всеслав Василькович (c1120-1186)| align=center |1181-1186 Son of Vasilko Svyatoslavichh
Izyaslav Bryachislavich Изяслав Брячиславич c1225 1232-1262 c1264 Son of Bryachislav Vasilkovich
Konstantin Bezruky Константин Безрукий c1240 1262-1263 c1295 Rostislav Mstislavich Yevdokiya Aleksandrovna
Izyaslav Bryachislavich Изяслав Брячиславич c1225 1264-1264 c1264 Son of Bryachislav Vasilkovich
Mikhail Konstantinovich Михаил Константинович c1268 1270-c1297 c1306 Konstantin Rostislavich Bezruky
Yevdokiya Aleksandrovna
Vasilko Bryachislavich 1297-1320
Algirdas (1320-1377) (from 1345, Grand Duke of Lithuania)
Ulyana of Tver 1377-1393
Vytautas c1350 1393 1430 Kęstutis
Birutė of Palanga
Anna of Smolensk
Uliana Ivanovna Olshanska
Fedor Vesna 1394-1396
Švitrigaila c1373 1396 1452