Info on this Property
For indicating sources of information.
  • Sources primary: information that was created at the time under study, usually by a source with direct personal knowledge of the events being described. Examples: Census data, Marriage/Death/Baptism/Military discharge certificates.
  • Sources secondary: A document that relates or discusses information originally presented elsewhere. Examples: A contemporary non-eyewitness account of an event, autobiography, or history book on the period.
  • Sources: Sources not fitting into the first two categories should be saved in the sources field. These may be based on or derivative of secondary or other tertiary sources. Examples: Wikipedia, Gedcom files.

How used: The values for this property may be set using Form:Person. Contributors may place any information typical of source footnotes within the field, at any length up to the field maximum (initially 1,000 characters). Articles using {{showfacts person}} will have the contents of this property included as a end notes in a "Source documents and notes" section.

Wikitext is allowed in this property, but html should be avoided. Note that templates such as {{citation}} and {{Cite web}} which "generate COinS" cannot be used. Note that line breaks in the property value may make property list in the SMW facts box more readable but will be ignored when displayed in the article.

SMW characteristics:
  • subproperty of (allows search on) Event sources