Info on this Property: month
Purpose: For indicating this constituent property of a date

Terminology: A Date property is not directly set via a parameter. Instead it is formed of constituent parts so that partial dates may be input.

The constituent parts are postpended to the event (eg: birth_year). The properties are:

  • year (if the property value is 9999, then the year is unknown)
  • month
  • day
  • hour (Hour and minute: If indicated, please convert to Greenwich / GMT /UTC )
  • minute
  • if-bce (if true, the add "BC" to date.

  • Background: This is a revision of the original date scheme in which constituent parts of dates were derived from full date fields. The following fields are obsolete
    • date-y, date-m.
SMW characteristics:
  • Type:number
  • subproperty of (allows search on) Event month
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