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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Family Search, M112375. <new note''>Goulburn Herald'' (Obituraies, Deaths Inquests Pre 1901 Crookwell District, Goulburn Printers, Goulburn,), Wed 20.10.1880. Crookwell & District Historic Society. Surety:2 <new note>jan balgowan, balgowan family file. <new note>The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Family Search, C112374. <new note>Cowra Family History Group, ''Rugby Rye Park & Reids Flat Burials''<br />Published 2001 cowra Family History Group Inc.<br />P.O. Box 495<br />Cowra NSW 2794 Australia<br />ISBN 0 958 660034, Dryborough Private Cemetery. <new note>Helen V Lloyd, ''Reid's Flat, On the Banks of the Lachlan''<br />Published in 1999 Printed by Southwood Press Pty Ltd ISBN 0646279356), Page 127. <new note>[[AWT]]:db: monaropioneers, id: I21151 — no longer available <new note>[[AWT]]:db: yewenyi, id: I578 — no longer available  +
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Family Search, M112375. <new note>Crookwell Gazette, Fri 25.2.1887. <new note>jan balgowan, balgowan family file. <new note>Helen V Lloyd, ''Reid's Flat, On the Banks of the Lachlan'' (Published in 1999 Printed by Southwood Press Pty Ltd ISBN 0646279356), page 127. <new note>The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Family Search, C112374. <new note>Cowra Family History Group, ''Rugby Rye Park & Reids Flat Burials''<br />Published 2001 cowra Family History Group Inc.<br />P.O. Box 495<br />Cowra NSW 2794 Australia<br />ISBN 0 958 660034, Dryborough Private Cemetery. <new note>[[AWT]]:db: monaropioneers, id: I21137 — no longer available <new note>[[AWT]]:db: yewenyi, id: I465 — no longer available  +
[[wikipedia:en:Robert Harley (1579–1656)]][[Category:People on Wikipedia]] <new note>[ Sir Robert Harley] at [[thePeerage]] <new note>[ Sir Robert Harley] at Genealogics <new note> <new note>[[WorldConnect]]: [ db: yewenyi, id: I6326]  +
[[wikipedia:en:Brilliana_Harley]][[Category:People on Wikipedia]]  +
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Family Search, Batch number: C039592 <new note>[[AWT]]:db: 1740824, id: I80410025 — no longer available <new note>[[AWT]]:db: :3083796, id: I592733605 — no longer available <new note>[[AWT]]:db: :3083796, id: I621798501 — no longer available <new note>[[AWT]]:db: elvaboyle, id: I6102 — no longer available <new note>[[AWT]]:db: morganfoley, id: I11849 — no longer available <new note>[[AWT]]:db: snake2000, id: I16187 — no longer available <new note>[[AWT]]:db: yewenyi, id: I238 — no longer available  +
[[AWT]]:db: 1740824, id: I80410225 — no longer available <new note>[[AWT]]:db: :3083796, id: I592733607 — no longer available <new note>[[AWT]]:db: morganfoley, id: I11532 — no longer available <new note>[[AWT]]:db: yewenyi, id: I489 — no longer available  +
[[AWT]]:db: 1740824, id: I80410864 — no longer available <new note>[[AWT]]:db: :3083796, id: I592733608 — no longer available <new note>[[AWT]]:db: morganfoley, id: I13236 — no longer available <new note>[[AWT]]:db: yewenyi, id: I221 — no longer available  +
[[AWT]]:db: 1740824, id: I80410870 — no longer available <new note>[[AWT]]:db: :3083796, id: I592733613 — no longer available <new note>[[AWT]]:db: morganfoley, id: I13237 — no longer available <new note>[[AWT]]:db: yewenyi, id: I694 — no longer available  +
[[AWT]]:db: 1740824, id: I80410871 — no longer available <new note>[[AWT]]:db: :3083796, id: I592733614 — no longer available <new note>[[AWT]]:db: :3083796, id: I592733614 — no longer available <new note>[[AWT]]:db: morganfoley, id: I13238 — no longer available <new note>[[AWT]]:db: yewenyi, id: I705 — no longer available  +
[[NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages]] (, 2042/1867. <new note>Rhonda Brownlow. <new note>Lee Ann. <new note>NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages (, V18522502 38A/1852. <new note>Residents & Settlers of Crookwell, 2. Unsure as if this is the same as Crookwell Settlers or a different document. <new note>NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages (, 4654/1936. 4654/1936<br />BRIGHT, MATILDA JANE<br />WILLIAM & MATILDA JANE @ CONDOBOLIN. <new note>Ibid, V18453194 40/1845. <new note>Joyce Pickup. <new note>Crookwell and District Historical Society, Obituaries, Deaths, Inquests Pre 1901 Crookwell and District (ISBN 0-9587114-3-7), Page 37. <new note>[[AWT]]:db: yewenyi, id: I393 — no longer available <new note>[[AWT]]:db: monaropioneers, id: I176369 — no longer available  +
[[AWT]]:db: monaropioneers, id: I176368 — no longer available <new note>[[AWT]]:db: yewenyi, id: I2136 — no longer available  +
''Residents & Settlers of Crookwell'', unsure as if this is the same as ''Crookwell Settlers'' or a different document. <new note>Lee Ann <new note>[[WorldConnect]]: [ db: yewenyi, id: I602] <new note>''[ Descendants of John Deehan]'' by Rhonda Brownlow  +
[ Descendants of John Deehan] by Rhonda Brownlow <new note>[[WorldConnect]]: [ db: yewenyi, id: I272] <new note> <new note> <new note>[ Bridget Mary Deehan (LJ6X-WM4)] at [[FamilySearch]] Family Tree  +
''Residents & Settlers of Crookwell'', 2. Unsure as if this is the same as ''Crookwell Settlers'' or a different document. <new note>Lee Ann. <new note>Rhonda Brownlow. <new note>[[AWT]]:db: yewenyi, id: I717 — no longer available <new note>[[WorldConnect]]: [ db: yewenyi, id: I717] <new note> <new note>[ William Marks] at ''[[Find A Grave]]'' <new note>[ William Marks (LDMV-GNP)] at [[FamilySearch]] Family Tree  +
Rhonda Brownlow <new note>[[AWT]]:db: yewenyi, id: I399 — no longer available <new note>[[WorldConnect]]: [ db: yewenyi, id: I399] <new note> <new note>[ Eliza Louisa Marks] at ''[[Find A Grave]]'' <new note>[ Elizabeth Louisa Frazer (L225-5M4)] at [[FamilySearch]] Family Tree  +
Residents & Settlers of Crookwell, 1. Unsure as if this is the same as Crookwell Settlers or a different document. <new note>G.J Webster, St James Binda (Argyle Press Goulburn.(048) 21 2700), 4. <new note>Lee Ann. <new note>Ian Brothers. <new note>Rhonda Brownlow. <new note>Susan Batho. <new note>Marg Curd. <new note>Bigga School Parents and citizens' Centenary Committee, ''A History of Bigga'' (Bigga Public School Centenary Committee Ian Chudleigh, Editor Printed by Pirie Printers Pty Ltd, Canberra, ACT), 187. <new note>[[WorldConnect]]: [ db: monaropioneers, id: I21074] <new note>[[WorldConnect]]: [ db: tumbulgumlas, id: I05530] <new note>[[WorldConnect]]: [ db: yewenyi, id: I389] <new note> <new note>[ Elizabeth Jane Marks (KFR9-QJV)] at [[FamilySearch]] Family Tree  +
Janice Nadin <new note>Lee Ann. <new note>Rhonda Brownlow. <new note>Crookwell & District Historical Society, Crookwell & District Historical Society Cemetery Transcriptions (ISBN 0 646 14659 9 Transcribed and Collated by Julienne Belford and assisted by Stuart Anderson. Printed 31 May 1993 Printed by Goulburn Printing Services Goulburn 2580.), Page 33. <new note>Obituary for brother Elijah Reuben. <new note>[ Percival Richard Marks] : Family tree by Brian MUCKLESTON (bmuckleston) - Geneanet <new note>[[WorldConnect]]: [ db: jml1761, id: I4498] <new note>[[WorldConnect]]: [ db: russell20, id: I3387] <new note>[[WorldConnect]]: [ db: yewenyi, id: I55] <new note> <new note> <new note>[ Percival Richard MARKS (KLV8-3KK)] at [[FamilySearch]] Family Tree  +
Rhonda Brownlow. <new note>Lee Ann. <new note>Janice Nadin. <new note>''Residents & Settlers of Crookwell'', 5. Unsure as if this is the same as Crookwell Settlers or a different document. <new note>Obituary for Brother Elijah Reuben. <new note>Anne Grant & Barry Cochran. <new note>[[WorldConnect]]: [ db: jml1761, id: I4594] <new note>[[WorldConnect]]: [ db: monaropioneers, id: I196192] <new note>[[WorldConnect]]: [ db: russell20, id: I688] <new note>[[WorldConnect]]: [ db: yewenyi, id: I688] <new note> <new note>[ Sydney James MARKS (KLV8-3VW)] at [[FamilySearch]] Family Tree <new note>[ Sydney James Marks] at ''[[Find A Grave]]''  +
''Residents & Settlers of Crookwell'', Unsure as if this is the same as ''Crookwell Settlers'' or a different document. <new note>Janice Nadin <new note>[[WorldConnect]]: [ db: jml1761, id: I4593] <new note>[[WorldConnect]]: [ db: russell20, id: I664] <new note>[[WorldConnect]]: [ db: monaropioneers, id: I21063] <new note>[[WorldConnect]]: [ db: yewenyi, id: I664] <new note> <new note> <new note> <new note>[ Elijah Reuben MARKS (KLV8-3JK)] at [[FamilySearch]] Family Tree  +
Rhonda Brownlow. <new note>Lee Ann. <new note>''Residents & Settlers of Crookwell'', Unsure as if this is the same as Crookwell Settlers or a different document. <new note>[[WorldConnect]]: [ db: russell20, id: I3376] <new note>[[WorldConnect]]: [ db: yewenyi, id: I16] <new note> <new note>  +

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