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SMW characteristics:
"24" years married, at 1900 census +
"Ardtarig" +
"Ardtarig"? +
"Australia Marriages, 1810-1980", database, ''FamilySearch'' ( : 28 January 2020), Ann Thacker in entry for Edward William Fenick Hamilton, 1844. +
"Australia Marriages, 1810-1980", database, ''FamilySearch'' ( : 28 January 2020), Edgar Charles Maher, 1945.
<new note>The marriage was celebrated on Tuesday of last week at the Roman Catholic Church, Tamworth, of Mrs. Dorothy Potter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. Hooker, of Inverell, and Mr. Edgar Maher, of Peel Street, Tamworth.
::[ ''The Inverell Times'', 11 April 1945, page 3] +
"Australia Marriages, 1810-1980", database, FamilySearch, Rosanna Caroline Wall in entry for John Neal McKenny, 1845.[] +
"Australia Marriages, 1810-1980," database, ''FamilySearch'' ( : 12 December 2014), Henry Cording and Marion Grace Cramp, 10 Jan 1900; citing Bracknell, Tasmania, Australia, reference 16; FHL microfilm 992,687. +
"Australia Marriages, 1810-1980," database, ''FamilySearch'' ( : accessed 28 May 2016), John Cornwell and Ann Eaton, 25 Mar 1830; citing Richmond, New South Wales, Australia, reference ; FHL microfilm 993,950. +
"Australia Marriages, 1810-1980," database, ''FamilySearch'' ( : 12 December 2014), George Henry Avery and Ellen Baker, 13 Dec 1898; citing Kempsey, New South Wales, Australia, reference cn; FHL microfilm 993,743. +
"Australia Marriages, 1810-1980," database, ''FamilySearch'' ( : 12 December 2014), Spencer Hall Green and Margaret Jane Barsden, 14 Jan 1840; citing Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia, reference ; FHL microfilm 993,953. +
"Australia Marriages, 1810-1980," database, ''FamilySearch'' ( : 12 December 2014), Spencer Hall Green and Margaret Jane Barsden, 14 Jan 1840; citing Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia, reference ; FHL microfilm 993,953. +
"Australia, Marriages, 1810-1980," index, ''FamilySearch'' ( : accessed 25 Apr 2014), Gabriel Timbs and Eliza Fogarty, 09 Dec 1844; citing Camden, New South Wales, Australia, reference ; FHL microfilm 993955. +
"Australia, Marriages, 1810-1980," index, ''FamilySearch'' ( : accessed 01 Jul 2013), James Haswell and Elizabeth Baxter, 23 Nov 1850. +
"Australia, Marriages, 1810-1980," index, ''FamilySearch'' ( : accessed 27 Apr 2013), Samuel Clarke and Elizabeth Smyth, 13 May 1844. +
"Australia, Marriages, 1810-1980," index, ''FamilySearch'' ( : accessed 27 Apr 2013), Samuel Clarke and Elizabeth Smyth, 13 May 1844. +
"Australia, Marriages, 1810-1980," index, ''FamilySearch'' ( : accessed 22 Oct 2013), George Dawes and Isabella Riley, 18 Apr 1843. +
"Australia, Marriages, 1810-1980," index, ''FamilySearch'' ( : accessed 27 Oct 2014), Ephraim Bunker and Mary Ann Betts, 31 May 1852; citing St. John, Camden, New South Wales, Australia, reference ; FHL microfilm 993964. +
"Australia, Marriages, 1810-1980," index, ''FamilySearch'' ( : accessed 27 Oct 2014), Ephraim Bunker and Mary Ann Betts, 31 May 1852; citing St. John, Camden, New South Wales, Australia, reference ; FHL microfilm 993964. +
"Australia, Tasmania, Civil Registration, 1803-1933", database with images, ''FamilySearch'' ( : 26 August 2016), Charles Bradshaw and Phillis Sophia Cramp, 1875 +
"Australia, Tasmania, Civil Registration, 1803-1933", database with images, ''FamilySearch'' ( : 26 August 2016), Charles Bradshaw and Phillis Sophia Cramp, 1875.
<new note>"Australia, Tasmania, Civil Registration, 1803-1933", database with images, ''FamilySearch'' ( : 26 August 2016), Charles Bradshaw and Phillis Sophia Cramp, 1875.
<new note>"Australia Marriages, 1810-1980," database, ''FamilySearch'' ( : 12 December 2014), Charles Bradshaw and Phillis Sophia Cramp, 11 Feb 1875; citing Hobart Town, Tasmania, Australia, reference bk 173 #455; FHL microfilm 992,594. +