
  • 5th Duc de Normandie


Richard III of Normandy, Duke of Normany, was born 997 to Richard II, Duke of Normandy (963-1027) and Judith of Brittany (982-1017) and died 1027 of unspecified causes. He married Adèle Unknown (c1000-) 1027 JL .

Richard III was the Duke of Normandy who reigned from August 1026 to his death. His brief reign opened with a revolt by his brother.


Richard III was the eldest son of Richard II of Normandy and Judith of Brittany (982-1017). Around 1026, Richard was sent by his father in command of a large army to rescue his brother-in-law, Reginald, later Count of Burgundy, by attacking bishop and count Hugh of Chalon, who had captured and imprisoned Reginald in Chalon-sur-Saône.[1]

When Richard II died in August 1026, his eldest son, Richard III became Duke of Normandy. Shortly after his reign began his brother Robert, discontented with his province of Hiemois on the border of Normandy, revolted against his brother. He laid siege to the town of Falaise, but was soon brought to heel by Richard who captured him, then released him on his oath of fealty. No sooner had Richard disbanded his army and returned to Rouen, when he died suddenly (some say suspiciously). The duchy passed to his younger brother Robert I.[2]

Fecamp Castle


Ruins of Fecamp Castle, home of the Dukes of Normandy.

Fecamp Castle (aka: Château de Fécamp) is a 10th century castle built for use by the Dukes of Normandy as a principle residence in the town of Fecamp, Normandy. Today its ruins are located near the abbey church of La Trinité in the center of the town of FeCamp. Its design was a simple structure surrounded by a moat.

According to Dudon de Saint-Quentin , Richard I, Duke of Normandy (933-996) was born around 932, between the walls of the “ Fiscanni castri ”, the castle of Fécamp[3] .The place was abandoned in favor of Caen with William the Conqueror and Robert the Magnificent, and is no longer mentioned after 1162 [4] .


1st Marriage: Adela Unknown

In January 1027, he was married to Adela, of a noble lineage. She is usually identified with Adela, a younger daughter of King Robert II of France, who married to Baldwin V, Count of Flanders after Richard's 6 August 1027 death.[5]

This identification is in doubt as Adela was sent in infancy to be raised in the Flemish court.[6] Adela married Count Baldwin V of Flanders in 1028.[7]

Richard's marriage to the unknown Adela was childless.


By an unknown woman, he had two children:

  1. Alice, who married Ranulph, Viscount of Bayeux[8][9]
  2. Nicholas, monk at Fecamp, Abbot of Saint-Ouen Abbey, Rouen (died 26 Feb 1092)[8][10]


Offspring of Richard III of Normandy and unknown parent
Name Birth Death Joined with
Nicolas of Normandy (c1025-1092) 1025 1092
Alix of Normandy (1027-c1074) 1027 1074 Ranulphe I de Briquessart (1023-1066)


Offspring of Richard II, Duke of Normandy (963-1027) and Judith of Brittany (982-1017)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Richard III of Normandy (997-1027) 997 1027 Adèle Unknown (c1000-)
Adelaide of Normandy (1002-1038) 1002 1038 Renaud I de Bourgogne (c990-1057)
Robert II, Duke of Normandy (c1000-1035) 1000 Normandy, France 22 July 1035 Nicaea, Bithynia, Turkey Herleva of Falaise (1003-1050)
Estrid Svendsdatter of Denmark (c997-c1065)
William of Normandy (c1008-aft1025) 1008 1025
Eleanor of Normandy (c1012-aft1071) 1012 1071 Baldwin IV of Flanders (980-1036)
Matilda of Normandy (c1014-aft1033) 1014 1033

Offspring of Richard II, Duke of Normandy (963-1027) and Papia of Envermeu
Name Birth Death Joined with
Mauger de Rouen (c1019-c1055) 1019 1055
Guillaume de Talou (c1022-aft1054) 1022 1054 Beatrice de Ponthieu (c1035-c1082)

See Also


  1. ^ François Neveux, A Brief History of the Normans, trans. Howard Curtis (Constable & Robbinson, Ltd, London, 2008), pp. 97-8
  2. ^ David Crouch, The Normans: The History of a Dynasty, (Hambledon Continuum, 2007), p. 46
  3. ^ Stéphane William Gondoin, "Fortified castles in the time of William the Conqueror ", Norman Heritage , no . 94 , July-August-September 2015, p. 36 ( ISSN 1271-6006 ).]
  4. ^ [Norman Worlds]
  5. ^ Detlev Schwennicke, Europäische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der Europäischen Staaten, Neue Folge, Band III Teilband 1, Herzogs und Grafenhäuser des Heiligen Römischen Reiches Andere Europäiche Fürstenhäuser (Marburg, Germany: Verlag von J. A. Stargardt, 1984), Tafel 11
  6. ^ Stewart, Peter. "Adèle of France". 
  7. ^ Detlev Schwennicke, Europäische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der Europäischen Staaten, Neue Folge, Band II (Marburg, Germany: Verlag von J. A. Stargardt, 1984), Tafel 5
  8. ^ a b Detlev Schwennicke, Europäische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der Europäischen Staaten, Neue Folge, Band III Teilband 1, Herzogs und Grafenhäuser des Heiligen Römischen Reiches Andere Europäiche Fürstenhäuser (Marburg, Germany: Verlag von J. A. Stargardt, 1984), Tafel 79
  9. ^ See David C. Douglas, William the Conqueror (1977): 93 (“At the beginning of Duke William’s reign the vicomte of the Bessin was Rannulf, who was the son of a vicomte named Anschitil. He married a daughter of Duke Richard III and was among the defeated rebels at Val-ès-Dunes. None the less, the office continued in the family, for he was succeeded by another Rannulf (II) who was established at Avranches before the Norman conquest, and who survived until after April 1089. Moreover, this second Rannulf married Maud, daughter of Richard, vicomte of the Avranchin, thus linking together two powerful vice-comital dynasties which were later in turn to determine the succession of the earldom of Chester.”).
  10. ^ David C. Douglas, William the Conqueror (University of California Press, 1964), p. 32. See also Wailly et al., Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France 23 (1894): 379 (E Directorio Monasterii Sancti Audoeni Rotomagensis, Ex Calendario: “26 Febr. Obiit Nicholas abbas.”), 385 (“Selon cheu qui est contenu es croniques des Normans, Richart li tiers, duc de Normendie, fix du secont Richart duc, out un fix appelé Nichole, qui fu moine à Fescampe, et après fu abbe de l’abaie de Saint-Ouen de Rouen”), 387 (Extrait des Chroniques de Saint-Ouen de Rouen: Nicholas, Abbot of Saint-Ouen, Rouen styled “son of Duke Richard III” [Nichole, fix au tiers duc Richart de Normendie]).
  • John Morby, Dynasties of the World: a chronological and genealogical handbook (Oxford, Oxfordshire, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 1989), page 86. Hereinafter cited as Dynasties of the World.
  • Royal Genealogies Website (ROYAL92.GED), online.

French nobility
Preceded by
Richard II
Duke of Normandy
Succeeded by
Robert the Magnificent

Footnotes (including sources)
