
  • Norman Knight
  • Viscount of Chateaudun
  • House of Chateaudun
  • Count of Perche


Rotrou Chateaudun II, Count of Perche was born circa 1025 in Eure Et Loire, Beauce, France to Geoffrey I du Perches (c992-1040) and Helvise of Montagne (c995-1032) and died 1 March 1080 Eure Et Loire, Beauce, Centre, France of unspecified causes.

ROTROU de Châteaudun, son of GEOFFROY Vicomte de Châteaudun & his wife Helvis [Elisabeth] de Corbon (-1 Mar [1080]). "Hugonis filii domini Gaufridi vicecomitis, Rotroci fratris eius, Eleusie matris eorum" subscribed the charter dated [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032] under which "Gauffridus Castridunensium vicecomes" founded the abbey of Saint-Denis de Nogent[2099]. "Gauffredus vicecomes Dunensis Castri" made a donation to Saint-Denis de Nogent by charter dated 1040, witnessed by "Hugo filius Gauffridi, Rotrocus frater eius"[2100].

"Rotrocus castri Mauritanie comes atque Dunensis castri vicecomes" names "Gaufridus pater meus comes" in his confirmation of donations to Saint-Denis de Nogent with the consent of "filiorum meorum…Gaufridi, Hugonis, Rotroci, Fulcoisi ac filie mee Helvise" by charter dated 11 Jan 1078[2101].

Vicomte de Châteaudun. Comte de Mortagne 1058. "Rotrochus comes de Mauritania et mea uxor Adeliz et filii nostri Rotrochus et ceteri nostri infantes" donated property to Saint-Vincent du Mans, for the anniversary of "avi mei Fulcuich comitis et avunculi mei Hugonis et patris mei vicecomitis Gaufridi" by charter dated to [1065][2102]. The necrology of Saint-Père-en-Vallée records the death "Kal Mar" of "Rotrocus comes"[2103].

Marriage and Family

m ADELISE de Bellême, daughter of GUERIN [Warinus] de Bellême & his wife ---. Her parentage is suggested by Orderic Vitalis who records that the great-grandfather of Rotrou [III] Comte du Perche was Guerin "quem dæmones suffocaverunt"[2104]. It is also suggested by the reference in the same source to her son Geoffroy having a justified claim to Domfront, a castle which had been constructed by Adelise’s paternal grandfather. The source which confirms her name has not been identified.

  1. Geoffrey Chateaudun II, Count of Perche (c1045-1100) - One of the noted Companions of William the Conqueror in the 1066 Norman Conquest of England. Received many lands there which he sold off early and returned to Normandy.
  2. Hugh de Chateaudun III (c1056-1110)
  3. Rotrou de Chateaudun (c1060-1144)
  4. Mathilde du Perche (c1058-1143)
  5. Fulco de Chateaudun (c1058-1078)
  6. Helvise du Chateaudn (c1060-1120)
  7. Robert de Chateadun (c1060-1120)


Offspring of Rotrou Chateaudun II, Count of Perche and Adelise de Bellême (c1025-1080)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Geoffrey Chateaudun II, Count of Perche (c1045-1100)
Hugh de Chateaudun III (c1056-1110)
Rotrou de Chateaudun (c1060-1144)
Mathilde du Perche (c1058-1143)
Fulco de Chateaudun (c1058-1078)
Helvise du Chateaudn (c1060-1120)
Robert de Chateadun (c1060-1120)



See Also

Footnotes (including sources)

