
Samuel Gorham was born 3 January 1722 in Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States to Josiah Gorham (1692-1775) and Priscilla Sears (1701-1760) and died 12 May 1789 Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States of unspecified causes. He married Abigail Hallett (1727-1789) 30 April 1747 in Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts.


Offspring of Samuel Gorham and Abigail Hallett (1727-1789)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Joseph Gorham (1748-1751)
Priscilla Gorham (1750-1816)
Isaac Gorham (1754-) 30 April 1754 Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States Sarah Thacher (1749-1809)
Elizabeth Crowell (1756-1866)
Elizabeth Hallet (1764-1852)
Joseph Gorham (1754-1826)
Rolan Gorham (1757-)
Abigail Gorham (1760-1821)
Samuel Gorham (1764-1790)


Offspring of Josiah Gorham (1692-1775) and Sarah Gorham (c1692-)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Rebecca Gorham (1717-1799)

Offspring of Josiah Gorham (1692-1775) and Priscilla Sears (1701-1760)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Samuel Gorham (1722-1789) 3 January 1722 Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States 12 May 1789 Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States Abigail Hallett (1727-1789)
Isaac Gorham (1724-1747)
Joseph Gorham (1728-)
Josiah Gorham (1730-1763)
Hezekiah Gorham (1732-1790)
Stephen Gorham (1735-1806)
John Gorham (1735-)
David Gorham (1738-1780) 3 May 1738 Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States 9 March 1780 Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States Rebecca Hamblin (1740-1815)


Vital Records

Yarmouth Gravestone


In Memory of Mr SAMUEL GORHAM who departed this Life May 12th 1789 Aged 66 Years


Gorham History v1

Footnotes (including sources)

