Duchy of Saxe-Marksuhl
Herzogtum Sachsen-Marksuhl
State of the Holy Roman Empire
1662–1671 Saxe-Weimar
Capital Marksuhl
Government Principality
Historical era Middle Ages
 -  Partitioned from
1662 1662
 -  Incorporated into Saxe-Eisenach  
1671 1671

The Duchy of Saxe-Marksuhl was one of the Saxon Duchies held by the Ernestine line of the Wettin Dynasty. Established in 1662 for John George I, third son of Wilhelm, Duke of Saxe-Weimar. Originally John George was supposed to shared Saxe-Eisenach with his older brother, Adolf William. Johann Georg finally accepted the receipt of an income from the duchy of Saxe-Eisenach and made his residence in the small town of Marksuhl. Saxe-Marksuhl was reincorporated into Saxe-Eisenach on the ascension of John George to the Duchy of Saxe-Eisenach upon his nephew's death in 1671.

Duke of Saxe-Marksuhl[]

Reincorporated into Saxe-Eisenach


Marksuhl Castle

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