

Selina Margaret Green was born 16 September 1862 in Willow Springs, Oberon, New South Wales, Australia to George Spencer Green (1840-1862) and Mary Ann Cash (1841-1925) and died 5 November 1947 Oberon, New South Wales, Australia of unspecified causes. She married George Draper Shallvey (1862-1947) 1891 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.


Offspring of unknown parent and Selina Margaret Green
Name Birth Death Joined with
Fabius Grace Green (1882-1953)


The death took place on Wednesday at her daughter's residence at Wiseman's Creek, of Mrs. Selina Margaret Shallvey, at the age of 85, widow of the late George Draper Shallvey, who predeceased her by only 10 months. Deceased was born at Willow Springs, via Oberon, and had lived in the district all her life, being well known and highly respected by all. Although ailing for the last 12 months, she was in her usual health until last Thursday. She is survived by one daughter, Fabius Grace (Mrs. F. G. Burns, of Wiseman's Creek), two stepsisters, Mrs. E. Murphy and Mrs. B. McMahon and one brother, Mr. Thomas McMahon. The funeral moved from her daughter's residence on Thursday to the Catholic Church, O'Connell, where a service was conducted by the Rev. Father Foley, of Oberon. Interment was then made in the Catholic cemetery, O'Connell, Rev: Father Foley, also conducting the service at the graveside. Chief mourners were deceased's daughter and son in law, grandchildren, sister and brother. Cam Reed and Son had charge of the funeral arrangements.

National Advocate, 8 November 1947, page 2


Footnotes (including sources)

‡ General