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September 24 in recent years
2009 (Thursday)
2008 (Wednesday)
2007 (Monday)
2006 (Sunday)
2005 (Saturday)
2004 (Friday)
2003 (Wednesday)
2002 (Tuesday)
2001 (Monday)
2000 (Sunday)

September 24 is the 268th day of the year (269th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 97 days remaining until the end of the year.




Holidays and observances[]

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This page uses content from the English language Wikipedia. The original content was at September 24. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with this Familypedia wiki, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons License.

127 Familypedia people were born on September 24

 FatherMotherAge mother at birth
Adrianus Adrianusz (1693-)Adrianus Adrianusz (1660-)Gertrudis Schout (1657-)
Eleazer Alden (1694-1773)Joseph Alden (1668-1747)Hannah Dunham (1670-1748)
Brigham Young Allred (1862-1949)James Tillmon Sanford Allred (1825-1905)Elizabeth Bridget Manwaring (1821-1866)
Elizabeth Jane Ames (1817-1850)Simon Eames (1790-1841)Jane Robinson (1793-1842)
Olive Andrews (1818-1879)John Andrews (1791-1886)Mary Morse (1791-)
Millard Andrus (1856-1936)Milo Andrus (1814-1893)Jane Lancaster Munday (1832-1900)
Katharina von Sachsen-Lauenburg-Ratzeburg (1513-1535)Magnus I. von Sachsen-Lauenburg (1470-1543)Katharina von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel (1488-1563)
Mary Barnard (1609-1683)Richard Barnard (1568-1641)Mary Bernard (1570-1665)
Lucreece Bassano (1556-1632)Antonio Bassano (1511-1574)Ellena De Nazzi (1515-1571)
Johann Georg Beingesser (1761-1823)Johannes Georgius Beingesser (1718-)Barbara Frantz (-)
Elizabeth Benedict (1791-1849)John Benedict (1741-1808)Marcy White (1759-)
Sarah Benkner (1766-1831)
Robert Bent (1566-1631)
Everard Vivian Abraham Blundell (1895-1964)John Blundell (1843-1927)Phoebe Anna Shumack (1857-1943)
Abigail Bradford (1728-1768)Gamaliel Bradford (1704-1778)Abigail Bartlett (1703-1776)
... further results

133 Familypedia people died on September 24

 FatherMotherAge at death
Trijn Andries (1690-1746)56
Elizabeth Adair (1756-1823)
Herman Elisha Adair (1883-1958)Elisha Young Adair (1832-1903)Lucy Frances Freeman (1846-1931)
Ebenezer Adams (1744-1820)John Adams (1714-1806)Thankful Washburn (1714-1805)
Emma Adlam (1854-1913)Matthew Adlam (-1908)Eliza59
Mahidol Adulyadej (1892-1929)Chulalongkorn the Great (1853-1910)Savang Vadhana (1862-1955)
Samuel Alger (1786-1874)John Alger (1750-1800)Elizabeth Humes (1746-1791)
Brigham Young Allred (1862-1949)James Tillmon Sanford Allred (1825-1905)Elizabeth Bridget Manwaring (1821-1866)
Elizabeth Diantha Allred (1852-1942)James Tillmon Sanford Allred (1825-1905)Elizabeth Bridget Manwaring (1821-1866)
James Burr Allred (1899-1959)Almond Renne Allred (1864-1949)Mary Magdalene Henson (1871-1954)
María Julia Alsogaray (1942-2017)Álvaro Carlos Alsogaray (1913-2005)Edith Lea Ana Gay (1919-2004)
Heinrich Adolf von Bardeleben (1819-1895)Johann August Andreas Schwager (c1790-1822)Friederike Dorothea Ulrike Jochmuß (c1800-1822)
Joshua Bates (1788-1864)Joshua Bates (1755-1804)Tirzah Pratt (1764-1841)
Warren Wallace Beckwith (1874-1955)Warren Winslow Beckwith (1833-1905)Luzenia Wallace Porter (1841-1880)
John Bennion (1786-1846)William Bennion (1760-1839)Elizabeth Eubale (1755-1824)
... further results

103 Familypedia people were first married on September 24

 FatherMotherJoined with
Franz Ferdinand von Hohenberg (1969-)Franz Ferdinand von Hohenberg (1937-1978)Heide Zechling (1941-)Christiane Pirker (1970-)
Richard Allyn (1563-1651)Matthew Allyn (1536-1566)Katherine Allyn (1536-1565)Margaret Wyatt (1557-1642)
Frank Leonard Andrews (1881-1936)William Andrews (c1844-1928)Ellen Hillier (1852-1923)Mary Ann Argent (1877-1944)
Constance of Aragon (1318-1346)Alfonso IV of Aragon (1299-1336)Teresa of Entença (1300-1327)Jaime III de Mallorca (1315-1349)
Jaime III de Mallorca (1315-1349)Ferran de Mallorca (1278-1316)Isabelle de Sabran (?-1315)Constance of Aragon (1318-1346)
Mary Ann Argent (1877-1944)John George Argent (1854-1918)Mary Ann Chivell (1853-1939)Frank Leonard Andrews (1881-1936)
Lewis Cass Austin (1859-1926)Jesse Austin (1815-1904)Sarah Ann Chaney (c1822-1869)Floretta J. Mann (1856-1887)
George Henry Avery (1847-1928)John Abel Avery (1798-1880)Charlotte Emma Davis (1808-1874)Rachel Cook (1854-1895)+Ellen Baker (1873-1947)
Timothy Baldwin (1691-1757)Samuel Baldwin (1655-1696)Abigail Baldwin (1658-1739)Bathsheba Stone (1695-1776)
Sarah Mary Bartlett (1612-1691)Christopher Grant (1608-1685)
Thomas Kinnicut Beecher (1824-1900)Lyman Beecher (1775-1863)Harriet Porter (1790-1835)Olivia Day (1826-1853)+Frances Juliana Jones (1826-1905)
John Bennion (1786-1846)William Bennion (1760-1839)Elizabeth Eubale (1755-1824)Elizabeth Roberts (1790-1830)
Mavis Adelina Blanch (1913-1995)Bernard Blanch (1888-1964)Lilly May Pitts (1892-1931)Charles Edward Moore (1911-2001)
Amy Louisa Botting (1917-1995)Charles Henry Botting (1884)Elizabeth May Tullett (1885)Gordon Walter Maynard (1915-1995)
John Thomas Burgess (1844-1899)Thomas BurgessMary Ann CadwalladerPhebe Eliza Laffoon
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