
Shyamala Gopalan was born 1938 in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India (Madras) to Painganadu Venkataraman Gopalan (c1911-1998) and Rajam Unknown (-) and died 11 February 2009 Oakland, Alameda County, California, United States of unspecified causes. She married Donald Jasper Harris (1938-) 1963 in United States.


Offspring of Donald Jasper Harris (1938-) and Shyamala Gopalan
Name Birth Death Joined with
Kamala Devi Harris (1964-) 20 October 1964 Oakland, Alameda County, California, United States Douglas Craig Emhoff (1964-)
Maya Harris (1967-)

}}Shyamala Gopalan (known professionally as Gopalan Shyamala or G. Shyamala; December 7, 1938 – February 11, 2009) was an American biomedical scientist born in British India, whose work in isolating and characterizing the progesterone receptor gene stimulated advances in breast biology and oncology.[1]

She was the mother of Vice President of the United States Kamala Harris and Maya Harris, a lawyer and political commentator.[2]



Footnotes (including sources)

‡ General
Ω Birth
  • WikiTree says 7 April; Find A Grave and Wikipedia say 7 Dec.

Robin Patterson

External links


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This page uses content from the English language Wikipedia. The original content was at Shyamala Gopalan. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with this Familypedia wiki, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons License.