This page collects information about people with surname Steele who were known or believed to have lived in Utah County, Utah.
Notable Individuals
Notable Landmarks
See Also
- Steele in Utah
:Note, for the following tables, that there may be more than one county or district of this name and that some contributors may have entered a different (possibly shorter and/or ambiguous) name when this one was meant. Search for similar names to get a more complete result. Common abbreviations are "Co." and "Cty", but there may have been no word for "county" (or equivalent) included, or such a word may have been wrongly included.
Familypedia people with surname Steele in Utah County, Utah
See also: Utah County, Utah/bdm, Category:Steele (surname), Category:Resided in Utah County, Utah, and Category:People from Utah County, Utah
Readers can sort columns using the triangles at top.
Born in Utah County, Utah
Baptised in Utah County, Utah
Married in Utah County, Utah
- See also Category:Married in Utah County, Utah
Grouping is for "first marriage", "second marriage", etc as indicated in column headings
Died in Utah County, Utah
- See also Category:Died in Utah County, Utah
Death date | Death place | Birth place | Father | Mother | Joined with | |
Samuel Hamblin Steele (1822-1892) | 8 September 1892 | Goshen, Utah County, Utah, United States | Plattsburgh, Clinton County, New York, United States | William Steele (1777-1825) | Almira Wilcox Hamlin (1779-1826) | Elvira Saloma Thayer (1826-1913) + Nancy Maude Bailey (1830-1921) |
William Bailey Steele (1856-1944) | 14 August 1944 | Goshen, Utah County, Utah, United States | Grantsville, Tooele County, Utah, United States | Samuel Hamblin Steele (1822-1892) | Nancy Maude Bailey (1830-1921) | Louisa Marinda McKee (1863-1903)+ Sariah Harris (1871-1960) |
William Leonard Steele (1890-1957) | 10 August 1957 | Payson, Utah County, Utah, United States | Goshen, Utah County, Utah, United States | William Bailey Steele (1856-1944) | Louisa Marinda McKee (1863-1903) | Hazel Eudora Curtis (1892-1918) + Mary Evelyn Gill (1895-1975) |
Buried in Utah County, Utah
Remains date | Remains place | Birth place | Baptism place | Father | Mother | Joined with | |
William Leonard Steele (1890-1957) | 9999 | Goshen City Cemetery, Utah County, Utah | Goshen, Utah County, Utah, United States | William Bailey Steele (1856-1944) | Louisa Marinda McKee (1863-1903) | Hazel Eudora Curtis (1892-1918) + Mary Evelyn Gill (1895-1975) |