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Translations for table labels and form messages


The following text messages, (also known as "strings") are used in Familypedia's software including informational displays such as table headings and other standard text such as automatically generated biographies. When a user adds or edit the values of the terms on this page, these values appear instead of English values when the user is logged on in their preferred language. (Your user language may be set on your preferences page.)

Contributors are encouraged to translate or correct any items into languages they are familiar with.

String français English

fm-address Ligne(s) d'adresse comme sur une enveloppe ~ Address line(s) as on an envelope
fm-address warning Lignes d'adresse tels qu'ils apparaissent sur une lettre: des lignes séparées par un "plus" (+) ~ address lines as they would appear on a letter: separate lines with a plus (+)
fm-alternative names Autres noms ~ Alternative names
fm-and et ~ and
fm-article Article ~ Article
fm-attendees Les personnes présentes ou impliquées ~ People involved
fm-baptism Baptême ~ Baptism
fm-baptism information change Changer l'info de baptême ~ Change baptism/ christening info
fm-baptism information Des informations de baptême ~ Baptism/ christening information
fm-birth Naissance ~ Birth
fm-birth date Date de naissance ~ Birth date
fm-birth information change Changer des informations de naissance ~ Change birth information
fm-birth information Renseignements sur les naissances ~ Birth information
fm-burial Enterrement ~ Burial
fm-causes Cause(s) ~ Cause(s)
fm-children of Enfants de ~ Children of
fm-children Enfants ~ Children
fm-citizen of Citoyen de ~ Citizen of
fm-contributors Contributeurs ~ Contributors
fm-contributors notice S'il vous plaît ajoutez votre nom d'utilisateur (par exemple, Robin Patterson;) si vous avez apporté aucune contribution à cet article (utilisation des "+" pour séparer les noms) ~ Please add your username (e.g. Robin Patterson; ) if you have made any contribution to this article (use plus (+) to separate names)
fm-coordinates Coordinates ~ Coordinates
fm-county Comté ~ County
fm-date Date ~ Date
fm-date calendar Calendrier ~ Calendar
fm-date end Date de fin ~ End date
fm-date if bce BCE? ~ BCE?
fm-date modifier Date modificateur ~ Date modifier
fm-date partial Date partielle ~ Partial date
fm-date range Range ~ Range
fm-date start Date de début ~ Start date
fm-date warn exact Utiliser uniquement si la date et l'heure précise est connue ~ use only if precise date & time is known
fm-day Jour ~ Day
fm-death Mort ~ Death
fm-death date Date de décès ~ Death date
fm-death at event Mort lors d'un événement ~ Death at event
fm-death information change Changer un renseignement sur les décès ~ Change death information
fm-death information Informations sur les décès ~ Death information
fm-description Description ~ Description
fm-documents Documents ~ Documents
fm-does not exist n'existe pas ~ does not exist
fm-edit facts Modifier des faits ~ Edit facts
fm-edit info Modifier de l'info ~ Edit info
fm-edit noform Modifier l'article (sans forme) ~ Edit article (without form)
fm-edit children facts Modifier des faits sur les enfants ~ Edit children facts
fm-edit journeys Modifier des voyages ~ Edit journeys
fm-edit parent facts Ajouter & modifier les parents ~ Add & edit parents
fm-edit residences Modifier résidences ~ Edit residences
fm-education Éducation ~ Education
fm-family group Groupe familial ~ Family group
fm-family information Les renseignements familiaux ~ Family information
fm-family information change Changer d'information de famille ~ Change family information
fm-family information more Enfants par d'autres parents ~ Children by other parents
fm-familysearch afn AFN# ~ AFN #
fm-father Père ~ Father
fm-form heading misc properties Billets, les gens lors de la cérémonie, photos, documents et autres fichiers ~ Notes, people at event, pictures, documents and other files
fm-full name Nom complet ~ Full name
fm-general information Informations générales ~ General information
fm-general information change Changer des renseignements généraux ~ Change general information
fm-given name Prénom ~ Given name
fm-honors Honneurs ~ Honors
fm-husband Mari ~ Husband
fm-image caption Légende photo ~ Image caption
fm-image width Largeur de l'image ~ Image width
fm-image Image ~ Image
fm-joined with Conjoint / partenaire ~ Spouse/Partner
fm-joined with-brief Compagnon ~ Companion
fm-journey Voyage ~ Journey
fm-journey information Information d'un yoyage ~ Information- Journey
fm-journey name Description d'un yoyage ~ Description
fm-journey kmz Liste de contacts Google Earth des marqueurs pour ce voyage (fichier. Kmz) ~ Google earth list of markers for this journey (.KMZ file)
fm-language descriptions Langue mondiale descriptions ~ World language descriptions
fm-locality long Localité (village / ville) ~ Locality (village/ city)
fm-locality Localité ~ Locality
fm-location Situation ~ Location
fm-location end Destination ~ Destination
fm-location start Lieu de départ ~ Start location
fm-marriage Mariage ~ Marriage
fm-married question Marié(e)? ~ Married?
fm-middle name Deuxième prénom ~ Middle name
fm-military Militaire ~ Military
fm-military information change Changement des renseignements militaires ~ Change military information
fm-military information Information militaire ~ Military information
fm-month Mois ~ Month
fm-more (plus) ~ (more)
fm-mother Mère ~ Mother
fm-person article change Créer un article sur une personne ~ Create an article about a person
fm-person article insert <type ici le nom de l'article sur la personne> ~ Type person article name below:
fm-person article Article sur une personne ~ Article on person
fm-places-other Autre lieu(x) ~ Other place(s)
fm-name Nom ~ Name
fm-nation Nation ~ Nation
fm-nation-subdiv1 Département/"État" ~ Province/State/UK "country"
fm-new search Nouvelle recherche ~ New search
fm-notes Note(s) ~ Footnote(s)
fm-notes warning Sources et notes peuvent contenir n'importe quel texte, des liens et Wikitexte autre.
Utilisez "<new note>" entre les notes.
Liens: Utiliser {{!}}
vertical bar.
fm-notes warning short Sources et notes peuvent utiliser du texte ou wikitext ~ Sources and footnotes may use any text or wikitext
fm-occupation Emploi ~ Occupation
fm-other files Autres dossiers ~ Other files
fm-other versions Les autres versions ~ Other versions
fm-page Page ~ Page
fm-partial date Date partielle ~ Partial date
fm-participated in events Environnement ~ Events
fm-people Les gens ~ People
fm-permission Permission ~ Permission
fm-pictures Images ~ Pictures
fm-public service Service Public ~ Public service
fm-beliefs La croyance religieuse(s) ~ Belief(s)
fm-remains D'information sur Reste / enterrement / incinération /Cérémonie Funerale ~ Remains/Burial/Cremation/Funeral ceremony information
fm-remains short Remains ~ Remains
fm-remains information change Changer des renseignements sur enterrement / crémation / les funérailles ~ Change Burial/Cremation/Funeral information
fm-remains information Renseignements sur Reste / enterrement / incinération / les funérailles ~ Remains/Burial/Cremation/Funeral information
fm-residence information change Changer d'information de résidence ~ Change residence information
fm-residence information Des informations sur Résidence (logements) ~ Residence (dwellings) information
fm-residence Résidence ~ Residence
fm-schools École(s) ~ School(s)
fm-search ancestors Chercher des ancêtres ~ Search for people
fm-sex Sexe ~ Sex
fm-short description Description succincte ~ Short description
fm-short name Nom abrégé ~ Short name
fm-sibling Frère ou sœur ~ Sibling
fm-siblings Les frères et sœurs ~ Siblings
fm-signature Signature ~ Signature
fm-sources Source(s) ~ Source(s)
fm-sources primary Les sources primaires ~ Primary sources
fm-sources secondary Les sources secondaires ~ Secondary sources
fm-street Rue/Avenue/routière; par exemple: "Napoleon Avenue" ~ Street/Road eg: "Hunt Avenue"
fm-surname Nom de famille ~ Surname
fm-tags Tags ~ Tags
fm-titles Titres ~ Titles
fm-topic location Thème lieu ~ Topic location
fm-topic sources Source Sujet(s) ~ Topic source(s)
fm-unknown Inconnu(e)(s ~ Unknown
fm-upload url Importation URL (http:// ...) ~ Upload URL (http://...)
fm-upload source Source d'importation ~ Upload source
fm-upload warning Pas de source spécifiée. S'il vous plaît modifier cette description de l'image et de fournir une source. ~ No source specified. Please edit this image description and provide a source.
fm-uploaded documents Documents téléchargés ~ Uploaded documents
fm-view ahnentafel Voir Tableau généalogique de cet individu ~ View ahnentafel of this individual
fm-warning Attention! ~ Warning
fm-wedding information change Changer l'information-mariage ~ Change information- wedding
fm-wedding information Informations sur le mariage ~ Information on wedding
fm-wedding Mariage ~ Wedding
fm-wife Femme ~ Wife
fm-year Année ~ Year
fm-tmpl-translation-01 Parlez-vous: ~ Do you understand
fm-tmpl-translation-02 et ~ and
fm-tmpl-translation-03 ? Si oui, pourriez-vous aider à améliorer Familypedia en traduisant la page ~ ? If so, could you help improve Familypedia by translating page
fm-tmpl-translation-04 en ~ into
fm-form-interlingua Pour modifier les traductions des termes utilisés dans les tableaux et autres éléments de Familypedia, s'il vous plaît entrez le nom de la page des chaînes, incluant le code de langue.. Par exemple, pour la langue espagnole, la page sera Strings:es. ~ To edit translations of terms used in tables and other portions of Familypedia, please enter the name of the strings page including the language code. For example, for the Spanish language, the page would be Strings:es.
fm-in (location) à ~ in
fm-unknown parent Parent inconnu ~ Unknown parent
fm-tmpl-children-prefix Enfant(s) de ~ Offspring of
fm-tmpl-children-middle et ~ and
fm-tmpl-children-suffix ~
fm-tmpl-children-heading Enfants ~ Children
fm-form-interlingua intro En ce formulaire, vous pouvez traduire l'interface utilisateur de Familypedia en votre langue. ~ On this form, you may translate the familypedia User interface into your language.
fm-form-interlingua edit Modifier traductions ~ Edit translations
fm-form-children intro Liste des enfants de deux parents, avec leur "nombre de groupe" (g1, g2, etc). Enfants adoptes doivent avoir une autre groupe. Pour changer un nom d'un parent ou un état marital, changez la formulaire avancée pour ce parent. ~ On this form, you may list children for given parents. A group number is shared between the children of the same parents. Adoptees should be in their own group but may have the same parents as a group of biological children. To change other parent name or marrital status, use the general form (simple or advanced).
fm-tmpl-shownotes-heading Citations et remarques ~ Citations and remarks
fm-general Générale ~ General
fm-form-journeys intro En ce formulaire, vous pouvez lister des voyages, des vacances, ou des migrations. ~ On this form, you may list travels, vacations, or migrations.
fm-topic warning Ne noter pas la date de la création ou l'emplacement de l'ouvrage. Noter la date et le lieu de l'événement représenté par le travail. ~ Do Not state the creation date or location of the work. Record the date and location of the event depicted by the work.
fm-form-media facts intro Ce sont les faits médias Modifier page où vous pouvez modifier les informations sur des images qui ont été téléchargés. S'il vous plaît noter que Familypedia est axée sur des événements historiques. La date quand, ou le lieu ou, la photo a été prise d'une statue ou un tableau n'est pas d'intérêt prioritaire. Toutes les dates et lieux mentionnés sur le formulaire doivent porter sur le thème de l'œuvre. Par exemple, une peinture de la bataille de Hastings peut avoir été créée au 18e siècle, mais la date du sujet de la peinture est la date de la bataille d'Hastings (1066). Si vous le souhaitez, s'il vous plaît inclure des détails comme la date de création et l'emplacement actuel de l'œuvre dans le champ "Notes". ~ This form allows you to record information on Images and other files that have been uploaded. Please note that Familypedia is focused on historical events. The date or location that a photo was taken of a statue or a painting is not of primary interest. All dates and places fields on this form should relate to the topic or subject matter of the work, not the date or details of the work itself. For example, a painting of the battle of Hastings may have been painted in the 18th century, but this is not the topic date. The topic date would be the date of the battle of Hastings. If desired, please include details such as creation date and current location of the work in the notes field.
fm-author Auteur ~ Author
fm-form-person intro Entrez l'information sur une personne utilisant cette page. Tapez le nom d'un article existant ou d'un nouvel article, ainsi qu'un formulaire vous guidera à travers la mise en ce qu'on sait de l'ancêtre. Pour obtenir des conseils sur la façon de nommer les pages s'il vous plaît voir Familypedia:Page names. ~ Enter information about a person using this page. Familypedia's form will help you enter what is known about the person. You may return to the form at any time to correct or add information. Narrative text for the article is generally not added in the form, but is instead added later using either Familypedia's free form word processor or standard wiki markup. After publishing the form, please use the "edit this page" menu item to enter into the word processor so that you may add pictures and headings and format the text as you wish.
fm-see below Voir ci-dessous ~ See below
fm-information related topics Informations sur des thèmes liés ~ Information on related topics
fm-tmpl-media facts licensing Licence ~ Licensing
fm-bce BCE (avant J.C.?) ~ BCE
fm-date modifier keys c = Circa, bef = Avant, aft = Après ~ (c = Circa, bef = Before, aft = After)
fm-document type Type de document ~ Type of document
fm-topic date Thème date ~ Topic date
fm-small Small ~ Small
fm-medium Medium ~ Medium
fm-large Large ~ Large
fm-form-media display width Display recommended widths ~ Display recommended widths
fm-form-awards intro On this form, you may list awards for presentation in a visual list. ~ On this form, you may list awards for presentation in a visual list.
fm-form-residences intro On this form, you may list places where the person resided. ~ On this form, you may list places where the person resided.
fm-for translations For a translation into your language:
See Strings.en and click on the language at the top of the page. If the language is not listed, copy the contents created by another and create a page corresponding to the country code that you set your user preference to. Then use the form to fill out the translations of the phrases.
~ For a translation into your language:
See Strings.en and click on the language at the top of the page. If the language is not listed, copy the contents created by another and create a page corresponding to the country code that you set your user preference to. Then use the form to fill out the translations of the phrases.
fm-notice use semicolons Pour separer des phrases ou des mots dans une liste, utiliser seulement "+": pas de ",", ";", ou nouvelles lignes. ~ Note- Please do not use commas, semicolons, or new lines to separate items in lists of partners, children, or contributors. Instead use the plus key (+).
fm-view ancestors Voir Tableau des ancêtres de cet individu ~ View ancestors of this individual
fm-view descendants Voir Tableau des descendants de cet individu ~ View descendants of this individual
fm-view pedigree Voir Tableau des ancêtres ("pedigree") de cet individu ~ View pedigree of this individual
fm-warning form buttons Si vous avez changé d'information ici, utiliser le bouton dessus pour publier, avant d'utiliser les boutons dessous. ~ Warning- If you have made changes on this form, Be sure to use this "Publish" button before jumping elsewhere with the buttons below.
fm-advanced form Formulaire avancée ~ Advanced form
fm-simple form Formulaire simple ~ Simple form
fm-additional info D'information sur des autres choses ~ Additional information
fm-skills Emploi ou pouvoirs ~ Skill(s)
fm-form-interwiki intro Lien au Wikipedia. La colonne gauche tient la code pour la langue (par exemple: "fr"); la colonne droite contient le nom de l'article en le Wikipedia de cette langue ~ Wikipedia article link form (interwikis): Enter the language code in the left hand column and the article name as it appears in the Wikipedia for that language.
fm-form-interwiki change Liens aux sites Wikipédia ~ Add or edit Wikipedia links
fm-form-interwiki language Langue ~ Language
fm-form-interwiki article Wikipedia article ~ Wikipedia article
fm-form-create sensor page Create or update sensor page ~ Create or update sensor page
fm-form-create sensor intro This form is for creating or updating new sensor pages only. This page is like a control panel for an article about a person and performs maintenance tasks necessary for enhancing article quality.

To create or update a sensor page, type the name of an existing article with /sensor following; stricly speaking, the page URL should be like page/article name/sensor
~ This form is for creating or updating new sensor pages only. This page is like a control panel for an article about a person and performs maintenance tasks necessary for enhancing article quality.

To create or update a sensor page, type the name of an existing article with /sensor following; stricly speaking, the page URL should be like page/article name/sensor
fm-form-create sensor message To finish updating the Sensor page, press the save button. ~ To finish updating the Sensor page, press the save button.
fm-form-create tab Create tab ~ Create tab
fm-form-create tree intro This form is for creating new Family ancestor tree pages only. The page displays up to 6 generations of ancestors in a graphical tree with photos and short bios if provided.

To create this page, type the name of an existing article with /tree following.
~ This form is for creating new Family ancestor tree pages only. The page displays up to 6 generations of ancestors in a graphical tree with photos and short bios if provided.

To create this page, type the name of an existing article with /tree following.
fm-form-create tree message To finish creating the Ancestor tree page, click the save button. After this step, click the Update Sensor button and the tree tab should appear; edit the article and it should show tabs too. ~ To finish creating the Ancestor tree page, click the save button. After this step, click the Update Sensor button and the tree tab should appear; edit the article and it should show tabs too.
fm-tab tree Ancestor tree ~ Ancestor tree
fm-tab ahnentafel Ahnentafel ~ Ahnentafel
fm-tab biography Biography ~ Biography
fm-tab descendants Descendants ~ Descendants
fm-tab pedigree Pedigree ~ Pedigree
fm-tab pictures Pictures ~ Pictures
fm-tab ancestors Ancestors ~ Ancestors
fm-tab main Main ~ Main
fm-tab documents Documents ~ Documents
fm-form-create subpage intro This form is for creating an article tab such as for pictures and ahnentafels. ~ This form is for creating an article tab such as for pictures and ahnentafels.
fm-form-create subpage message To finish creating the tab, click the save button. After this step you will have to click the Update Sensor button for the tree tab to appear.
See Help:Picture pages for further information on how to create a pictures tab for your article. ||~ To finish creating the tab, click the save button. After this step you will have to click the Update Sensor button for the tree tab to appear.
See Help:Picture pages for further information on how to create a pictures tab for your article.''
fm-form-create descendants intro This form is for creating new descendant pages only. The page displays several generations of descendants in a tabular format.

To create this page, type the name of an existing article with /descendants following.
~ This form is for creating new descendant pages only. The page displays several generations of descendants in a tabular format.

To create this page, type the name of an existing article with /descendants following.
fm-form-create descendants message To finish creating the descendants page, click the save button. After this step, click the Update Sensor button and the descendants tab should appear; edit the article and it should show tabs too. ~ To finish creating the descendants page, click the save button. After this step, click the Update Sensor button and the descendants tab should appear; edit the article and it should show tabs too.
fm-tab descendants Descendants ~ Descendants
fm-intro descendants Descendancy outline for up to 8 generations of descendants of ~ Descendancy outline for up to 8 generations of descendants of
fm-with With ~ With
fm-tab bdm Births, deaths and marriages in a given settlement ~ Births, deaths and marriages in a given settlement