
Tree subpages are listed[]

Not good when the basepage is also listed. Another little quirk for the overworked programmer! — Robin Patterson (Talk) 04:51, April 19, 2010 (UTC)


This is incomplete. Please see Project Charlemagne if you would like to help. Click the icon at the head of each column to alphabetize the column; refresh to restore children to birth order. [<>] [<>] Father [<>] Mother [<>] Number of descendants Bouchard I de Craon (1035-1107) Suhard II de Craon (1013-1086) 33 Read more


Saying "This is incomplete." would be more of an understatement if it showed no entries, but showing only one is bad enough, and suggests that something has gone wrong with the reporting system! In case we get the occasional viewer who might be turned away by such a malfunction, I'd like to see the expert re-examine the manipulable parts of the coding. Robin Patterson 00:48, February 16, 2011 (UTC)


Elsewhere Mr Tol has reported that this generation is complete. So I've changed its introduction to match what's on gen 9. -- Robin Patterson (Talk) 04:15, September 29, 2016 (UTC)