
Too much simplified?[]

Many contributors enter month names instead of numbers despite the form's guidance. Does the new coding miss those? -- Robin Patterson (Talk) 05:41, January 7, 2017 (UTC)

No, if you include these in the query, you get an error message (look at the previous version). If you enter the month names, then the values won't be stored in the properties because of the data mismatch, and you won't see them with any query. Thurstan (talk) 05:58, January 7, 2017 (UTC)
I wonder whether your first word should have been "Yes". I had looked at the coding of the previous version, but not the article itself, which is indeed a shocker, and I wonder why nobody had noticed it before! I don't mind if people who have defied instructions and entered text will have their pages ignored (because text can't be handled there), which is what I presume your answer means. Thank you for an obvious fix. -- Robin Patterson (Talk) 12:30, January 7, 2017 (UTC)
I think nobody had noticed it before because it must have worked originally, so one of the SMW upgrades must have broken it. Thurstan (talk) 19:21, January 7, 2017 (UTC)