Tatyana Mstislavna of Tmutarak was born circa 1000 to Mstislav of Chernigov (c983-1036) and Anastasia and died circa 1050 of unspecified causes.
Little is known about Tatyana. Her name is mentioned in the genealogies of some Moscow boyar families (Beleutov, Dobrynsky , Sorokoumov-Glebov). According to these reports, she was the wife of Roman Rededin (c995-c1040), the son of Prince Kassog Prince Rededya.
Through her various princely and noble families (descendants of Roman Rededin) claimed a blood relationship with Rurik .
- Веселовский С.Б.: Исследования по истории класса служилых землевладельцев
- Зимин А. А.: Формирование боярской аристократии в России
- Tatiana Mistislavna (Тмутараканская)
Татьяна Тмутараканская and Roman Rededin (c995-c1040) | |||
Name | Birth | Death | Joined with |
Vasili Romanovich Rededin (c1230-c1280) |