New Zealand
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New Zealand


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Map of New Zealand territorial authorities. Cities are bolded and capitalised. Regions are indicated with colours.

Territorial authorities are the second tier of local government in New Zealand, below regional councils. There are 67 territorial authorities: 12 city councils, 53 district councils, Auckland Council and Chatham Islands Council. Six territorial authorities (Auckland Council, Nelson City Council, the Gisborne, Tasman, and Marlborough district councils and Chatham Islands Council) also perform the functions of a regional council and thus are unitary authorities. A unitary authority may also have local boards; currently only Auckland Council has them.[1]

Territorial authority districts are not subdivisions of regions, and some of them fall within more than one region. Taupo District has the distinction of straddling the boundaries of four different regions (see below). Regional council areas are based on water catchment areas, whereas territorial authorities are based on community of interest and road access. Regional councils are responsible for the administration of many environmental and public transport matters, while the territorial authorities administer local roading and reserves, sewerage, building consents, the land use and subdivision aspects of resource management, and other local matters. Some activities are delegated to council-controlled organisations.

Territorial authorities[]

Name Seat Area (km2)[2] Population[3] Rank
Density (/km2) Region(s)
Far North District Kaikohe &&&&&&&&&&&06677.&&&&&06,677 &&&&&&&&&&058400.&&&&&058,400 14 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&08.7500008.75 Northland
Whangarei District Whangarei &&&&&&&&&&&02712.&&&&&02,712 &&&&&&&&&&080800.&&&&&080,800 8 &&&&&&&&&&&&&029.79000029.79 Northland
Kaipara District Dargaville &&&&&&&&&&&03109.&&&&&03,109 &&&&&&&&&&019100.&&&&&019,100 43 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&06.1400006.14 Northland
Auckland Auckland &&&&&&&&&&&04940.&&&&&04,940 &&&&&&&&01507700.&&&&&01,507,700 1 &&&&&&&&&&&&0305.200000305.20 unitary authority
Thames-Coromandel District Thames &&&&&&&&&&&02207.&&&&&02,207 &&&&&&&&&&027000.&&&&&027,000 38 &&&&&&&&&&&&&012.23000012.23 Waikato
Hauraki District Paeroa &&&&&&&&&&&01270.&&&&&01,270 &&&&&&&&&&018750.&&&&&018,750 45 &&&&&&&&&&&&&014.76000014.76 Waikato
Waikato District Ngaruawahia &&&&&&&&&&&04403.&&&&&04,403 &&&&&&&&&&064700.&&&&&064,700 12 &&&&&&&&&&&&&014.69000014.69 Waikato
Matamata-Piako District Te Aroha &&&&&&&&&&&01755.&&&&&01,755 &&&&&&&&&&032000.&&&&&032,000 32 &&&&&&&&&&&&&018.23000018.23 Waikato
Hamilton City Hamilton &&&&&&&&&&&&0110.&&&&&0110 &&&&&&&&&0148200.&&&&&0148,200 4 &&&&&&&&&&&01347.2700001,347.27 Waikato
Waipa District Te Awamutu &&&&&&&&&&&01470.&&&&&01,470 &&&&&&&&&&046200.&&&&&046,200 21 &&&&&&&&&&&&&031.43000031.43 Waikato
Otorohanga District Otorohanga &&&&&&&&&&&01999.&&&&&01,999 &&&&&&&&&&&09350.&&&&&09,350 56 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&04.6800004.68 Waikato
South Waikato District Tokoroa &&&&&&&&&&&01819.&&&&&01,819 &&&&&&&&&&022700.&&&&&022,700 41 &&&&&&&&&&&&&012.48000012.48 Waikato
Waitomo District Te Kuiti &&&&&&&&&&&03535.&&&&&03,535 &&&&&&&&&&&09540.&&&&&09,540 56 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&02.7000002.70 Waikato (94.87%)
Manawatu-Wanganui (5.13%)
Taupo District Taupo &&&&&&&&&&&06333.&&&&&06,333 &&&&&&&&&&034300.&&&&&034,300 30 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&05.4200005.42 Waikato (73.74%)
Bay of Plenty (14.31%)
Hawke's Bay (11.26%)
Manawatu-Wanganui (0.69%)
Western Bay of Plenty District Greerton, Tauranga City &&&&&&&&&&&01951.&&&&&01,951 &&&&&&&&&&045700.&&&&&045,700 25 &&&&&&&&&&&&&023.42000023.42 Bay of Plenty
Tauranga City Tauranga &&&&&&&&&&&&0135.&&&&&0135 &&&&&&&&&0116400.&&&&&0116,400 6 &&&&&&&&&&&&0843.480000843.48 Bay of Plenty
Rotorua District Rotorua &&&&&&&&&&&02409.&&&&&02,409 &&&&&&&&&&068700.&&&&&068,700 13 &&&&&&&&&&&&&028.52000028.52 Bay of Plenty (61.52%)
Waikato (38.48%)
Whakatane District Whakatane &&&&&&&&&&&04450.&&&&&04,450 &&&&&&&&&&034400.&&&&&034,400 31 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&07.7300007.73 Bay of Plenty
Kawerau District Kawerau &&&&&&&&&&&&&024.&&&&&024 &&&&&&&&&&&06900.&&&&&06,900 64 &&&&&&&&&&&&0287.500000287.50 Bay of Plenty
Opotiki District Opotiki &&&&&&&&&&&03089.&&&&&03,089 &&&&&&&&&&&08710.&&&&&08,710 59= &&&&&&&&&&&&&&02.8200002.82 Bay of Plenty
Gisborne District Gisborne &&&&&&&&&&&08386.&&&&&08,386 &&&&&&&&&&046700.&&&&&046,700 24 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&05.5700005.57 Gisborne (Unitary authority)
Wairoa District Wairoa &&&&&&&&&&&04077.&&&&&04,077 &&&&&&&&&&&08140.&&&&&08,140 62 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&02.&&&&&02.00 Hawke's Bay
Hastings District Hastings &&&&&&&&&&&05227.&&&&&05,227 &&&&&&&&&&075500.&&&&&075,500 11 &&&&&&&&&&&&&014.44000014.44 Hawke's Bay
Napier City Napier &&&&&&&&&&&&0105.&&&&&0105 &&&&&&&&&&057800.&&&&&057,800 15 &&&&&&&&&&&&0550.480000550.48 Hawke's Bay
Central Hawke's Bay District Waipawa &&&&&&&&&&&03332.&&&&&03,332 &&&&&&&&&&013350.&&&&&013,350 50 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&04.&100004.01 Hawke's Bay
New Plymouth District New Plymouth &&&&&&&&&&&02205.&&&&&02,205 &&&&&&&&&&074200.&&&&&074,200 10 &&&&&&&&&&&&&033.65000033.65 Taranaki
Stratford District Stratford &&&&&&&&&&&02163.&&&&&02,163 &&&&&&&&&&&09220.&&&&&09,220 58 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&04.2600004.26 Taranaki (68.13%)
Manawatu-Wanganui (31.87%)
South Taranaki District Hawera &&&&&&&&&&&03575.&&&&&03,575 &&&&&&&&&&026900.&&&&&026,900 39 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&07.5200007.52 Taranaki
Ruapehu District Taumarunui &&&&&&&&&&&06734.&&&&&06,734 &&&&&&&&&&013150.&&&&&013,150 52= &&&&&&&&&&&&&&01.9500001.95 Manawatu-Wanganui
Whanganui District Whanganui &&&&&&&&&&&02373.&&&&&02,373 &&&&&&&&&&043200.&&&&&043,200 28 &&&&&&&&&&&&&018.20000018.20 Manawatu-Wanganui
Rangitikei District Marton &&&&&&&&&&&04484.&&&&&04,484 &&&&&&&&&&014600.&&&&&014,600 48 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&03.2600003.26 Manawatu-Wanganui (86.37%)
Hawke's Bay (13.63%)
Manawatu District Feilding &&&&&&&&&&&02657.&&&&&02,657 &&&&&&&&&&027700.&&&&&027,700 37 &&&&&&&&&&&&&010.43000010.43 Manawatu-Wanganui
Palmerston North City Palmerston North &&&&&&&&&&&&0395.&&&&&0395 &&&&&&&&&&085300.&&&&&085,300 9 &&&&&&&&&&&&0215.950000215.95 Manawatu-Wanganui
Tararua District Dannevirke &&&&&&&&&&&04364.&&&&&04,364 &&&&&&&&&&017550.&&&&&017,550 46= &&&&&&&&&&&&&&04.&200004.02 Manawatu-Wanganui (98.42%)
Wellington (1.58%)
Horowhenua District Levin &&&&&&&&&&&01064.&&&&&01,064 &&&&&&&&&&030700.&&&&&030,700 35 &&&&&&&&&&&&&028.85000028.85 Manawatu-Wanganui
Kapiti Coast District Paraparaumu &&&&&&&&&&&&0731.&&&&&0731 &&&&&&&&&&049900.&&&&&049,900 20 &&&&&&&&&&&&&068.26000068.26 Wellington
Porirua City Porirua &&&&&&&&&&&&0175.&&&&&0175 &&&&&&&&&&053000.&&&&&053,000 17 &&&&&&&&&&&&0302.860000302.86 Wellington
Upper Hutt City Upper Hutt &&&&&&&&&&&&0540.&&&&&0540 &&&&&&&&&&041600.&&&&&041,600 29 &&&&&&&&&&&&&077.&4000077.04 Wellington
Lower Hutt City Lower Hutt &&&&&&&&&&&&0376.&&&&&0376 &&&&&&&&&0102700.&&&&&0102,700 7 &&&&&&&&&&&&0273.140000273.14 Wellington
Wellington City Wellington &&&&&&&&&&&&0290.&&&&&0290 &&&&&&&&&0202200.&&&&&0202,200 3 &&&&&&&&&&&&0697.240000697.24 Wellington
Masterton District Masterton &&&&&&&&&&&02300.&&&&&02,300 &&&&&&&&&&023500.&&&&&023,500 40 &&&&&&&&&&&&&010.22000010.22 Wellington
Carterton District Carterton &&&&&&&&&&&01180.&&&&&01,180 &&&&&&&&&&&07730.&&&&&07,730 59= &&&&&&&&&&&&&&06.5500006.55 Wellington
South Wairarapa District Martinborough &&&&&&&&&&&02387.&&&&&02,387 &&&&&&&&&&&09400.&&&&&09,400 55 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&03.9400003.94 Wellington
Tasman District Richmond &&&&&&&&&&&09616.&&&&&09,616 &&&&&&&&&&048400.&&&&&048,400 23 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&05.&300005.03 unitary authority
Nelson City Nelson &&&&&&&&&&&&0424.&&&&&0424 &&&&&&&&&&046600.&&&&&046,600 22 &&&&&&&&&&&&0109.910000109.91 unitary authority
Marlborough District Blenheim &&&&&&&&&&010458.&&&&&010,458 &&&&&&&&&&045700.&&&&&045,700 27 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&04.3700004.37 unitary authority
Kaikoura District Kaikoura &&&&&&&&&&&02047.&&&&&02,047 &&&&&&&&&&&03790.&&&&&03,790 66 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&01.8500001.85 Canterbury
Buller District Westport &&&&&&&&&&&07942.&&&&&07,942 &&&&&&&&&&010150.&&&&&010,150 54 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&01.2800001.28 West Coast
Grey District Greymouth &&&&&&&&&&&03474.&&&&&03,474 &&&&&&&&&&013850.&&&&&013,850 49 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&03.9900003.99 West Coast
Westland District Hokitika &&&&&&&&&&011828.&&&&&011,828 &&&&&&&&&&&08900.&&&&&08,900 61 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&00.7500000.75 West Coast
Hurunui District Amberley &&&&&&&&&&&08641.&&&&&08,641 &&&&&&&&&&011500.&&&&&011,500 51 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&01.3300001.33 Canterbury
Waimakariri District Rangiora &&&&&&&&&&&02217.&&&&&02,217 &&&&&&&&&&049200.&&&&&049,200 16 &&&&&&&&&&&&&022.19000022.19 Canterbury
Christchurch City Christchurch &&&&&&&&&&&01415.&&&&&01,415[4] &&&&&&&&&0363200.&&&&&0363,200 2 &&&&&&&&&&&&0256.680000256.68 Canterbury
Selwyn District Rolleston &&&&&&&&&&&06381.&&&&&06,381 &&&&&&&&&&042300.&&&&&042,300 19 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&06.6300006.63 Canterbury
Ashburton District Ashburton &&&&&&&&&&&06183.&&&&&06,183 &&&&&&&&&&030600.&&&&&030,600 33 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&04.9500004.95 Canterbury
Timaru District Timaru &&&&&&&&&&&02733.&&&&&02,733 &&&&&&&&&&044900.&&&&&044,900 26 &&&&&&&&&&&&&016.43000016.43 Canterbury
Mackenzie District Fairlie &&&&&&&&&&&07140.&&&&&07,140 &&&&&&&&&&&04090.&&&&&04,090 65 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&00.5700000.57 Canterbury
Waimate District Waimate &&&&&&&&&&&03554.&&&&&03,554 &&&&&&&&&&&07660.&&&&&07,660 63 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&02.1600002.16 Canterbury
Chatham Islands Territory Waitangi &&&&&&&&&&&&0794.&&&&&0794 &&&&&&&&&&&&0610.&&&&&0610 67 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&00.7700000.77 unitary authority
Waitaki District Oamaru &&&&&&&&&&&07109.&&&&&07,109 &&&&&&&&&&020900.&&&&&020,900 42 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&02.9400002.94 Canterbury (59.61%)
Otago (40.39%)
Central Otago District Alexandra &&&&&&&&&&&09956.&&&&&09,956 &&&&&&&&&&018550.&&&&&018,550 44 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&01.8600001.86 Otago
Queenstown-Lakes District Queenstown &&&&&&&&&&&08719.&&&&&08,719 &&&&&&&&&&029200.&&&&&029,200 34 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&03.3500003.35 Otago
Dunedin City Dunedin &&&&&&&&&&&03287.&&&&&03,287 &&&&&&&&&0126900.&&&&&0126,900 5 &&&&&&&&&&&&&038.61000038.61 Otago
Clutha District Balclutha &&&&&&&&&&&06334.&&&&&06,334 &&&&&&&&&&017350.&&&&&017,350 46= &&&&&&&&&&&&&&02.7400002.74 Otago
Southland District Invercargill &&&&&&&&&&029552.&&&&&029,552[5] &&&&&&&&&&029800.&&&&&029,800 36 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&01.&100001.01 Southland
Gore District Gore &&&&&&&&&&&01254.&&&&&01,254 &&&&&&&&&&012250.&&&&&012,250 52= &&&&&&&&&&&&&&09.7700009.77 Southland
Invercargill City Invercargill &&&&&&&&&&&&0389.&&&&&0389 &&&&&&&&&&052900.&&&&&052,900 18 &&&&&&&&&&&&0135.990000135.99 Southland
  • ^  Population as of June 2012 estimate.
  • ^  Total of Christchurch City and Banks Peninsula areas.
  • ^  Includes Stewart Island/Rakiura, also listed separately below, and Solander Islands .

Offshore islands[]

There are a number of islands where the Minister of Local Government is the territorial authority, two of which have a 'permanent population and/or permanent buildings and structures.' The main islands are listed below (population according to 2001 census in parenthesis):

  • Mayor Island/Tuhua (3)
  • Motiti Island (30)
  • Whakaari/White Island
  • Moutohora Island
  • Bare Island

In addition, seven of the nine groups of the New Zealand Outlying Islands are outside of any territorial authority:

  • Kermadec Islands (3)
  • Three Kings Islands
  • Bounty Islands
  • The Snares
  • Antipodes Islands
  • Auckland Islands
  • Campbell Islands


1989 local government reforms[]

For many decades until the local government reforms of 1989, a borough with more than 20,000 people could be proclaimed a city. The boundaries of councils tended to follow the edge of the built-up area, so little distinction was made between the urban area and the local government area.

New Zealand’s local government structural arrangements were significantly reformed by the Local Government Commission in 1989 when approximately 700 councils and special purpose bodies were amalgamated to create 87 new local authorities. Regional councils were reduced in number from 20 to 13, territorial authorities (city/district councils) from 200 to 75, and special purpose bodies from over 400 to 7.[3] The new district and city councils were generally much larger and most covered substantial areas of both urban and rural land. Many places that once had a city council were now being administered by a district council.

As a result, the term "city" began to take on two meanings.

The word "city" came to be used in a less formal sense to describe major urban areas independent of local body boundaries. This informal usage is jealously guarded. Gisborne, for example, adamantly described itself as the first city in the world to see the new millennium. Gisborne is administered by a district council, but its status as a city is not generally disputed.

Under the current law the minimum population for a new city is 50,000.

Changes since 1989[]

Since the 1989 reorganisations, there have been few major reorganisations or status changes in local government. Incomplete list:

  • 1991: Invercargill re-proclaimed a city.
  • 1992: Nelson-Marlborough Regional Council abolished by a Local Government Amendment Act. Of its territorial authorities, Kaikoura District was transferred to the Canterbury Region, and Nelson City and Tasman and Marlborough districts became unitary authorities.
  • 1995: The Chatham Islands County was dissolved and reconstituted by a specific Act of Parliament as the "Chatham Islands Territory", with powers similar to those of territorial authorities and some functions similar to those of a regional council.[4]
  • 2004: Tauranga became a city again on 1 March.
  • 2006: Banks Peninsula District merged into Christchurch City as a result of 2005 referendum.
  • 2010: Auckland Council, a unitary authority, replaced seven local councils and the regional council.

Reports on completed reorganisation proposals since 1999 are available on the Local Government Commission's site (link below).

2007–2009 Royal Commission on Auckland Governance[]

On 26 March 2009, the Royal Commission on Auckland Governance recommended the Rodney, North Shore, Waitakere, Auckland City, Manukau, Papakura and Franklin territorial councils and the Auckland Regional Council be abolished and the entire Auckland region to be amalgamated into one "supercity".[5] The area would consist of one city council (with statutory provision for three Maori councillors), four urban local councils, and two rural local councils:

  • Rodney local council would lose Orewa, Dairy Flat, and Whangaparaoa but retain the remainder of the current Rodney District. The split areas as well as the current North Shore City would form a Waitemata local council.
  • Waitakere local council would consist of the current Waitakere City as well as the Avondale area.
  • Tamaki Makaurau would consist of the current Auckland City and Otahuhu (excluding CBD)
  • Manukau local council would consist of the urban parts of the current Manukau City and of the Papakura District.
  • Hunua local council would consist of the entire Franklin District, much of which is currently in the Waikato Region, along with rural areas of the current Papakura District and Manukau City.
  • The entire Papakura District would be dissolved between urban and rural councils.

The National-led Government responded within about a week. Its proposal, which will go to a Select Committee, has the supercity and many community boards but no local councils and for the first election no separate seats for Maori.

Public reaction to the Royal Commission report was mixed, especially in regards to the Government's amended proposal. Auckland Mayor John Banks supported the amended merger plans.[6]

Criticism of the amended proposal came largely from residents in Manukau, Waitakere and North Shore Cities.[7][8][9][10][11][12][13] In addition, Maori Affairs Minister Pita Sharples spoke against the exclusion of the Maori seats, as recommended by the Royal Commission.[14][15] Opposition Leader Phil Goff called for a referendum on the issue.[16]

Failed proposed changes[]

  • 2015: Proposals to amalgamate local councils in Wellington[17] and Northland were accepted[18] by the Local Government Commission for consideration, although following consultation they ultimately were not formed into a final proposal. The status quo remains.
  • 2015: Amalgamation of four local councils and the regional council in Hawke's Bay was proposed by the Local Government Commission. A district wide referendum was held in Sep-2015, and the proposal was defeated by 66% of voters.[19]

See also[]


  1. ^ "Better Local Government". Department of Internal Affairs. Retrieved 21 November 2015. 
  2. ^ Living Density: Table 1, Housing Statistics, Statistics New Zealand. Accessed 25 January 2009. Areas are based on 2001 boundaries. Water bodies greater than 15 hectares are excluded.
  3. ^ Local Government Reform in New Zealand Wallis, J.and Dollery, B. (2000) Local Government Reform in New Zealand. Working Paper Series in Economics, No 2000-7,May 2000, ISBN 1-86389-682-1, University of New England School of Economic Studies, Armidale NSW 2351 Australia. Copyright 2000 by Joe Wallis and Brian Dollery.
  4. ^ Chatham Islands Council Act 1995, Parliament of New Zealand, 1995, Statute No 041, Commenced: 1 November 1995, retrieved 4 February 2008.
  5. ^ Thompson, Wayne (28 March 2009). "Super-city tipped to save $113m a year". The New Zealand Herald. Retrieved 2009-03-29. 
  6. ^ Thompson, Wayne (8 April 2009). "Proposal 'a great start' says Banks, but other mayors critical – Super City – NZ Herald News". The New Zealand Herald. Retrieved 13 November 2011. 
  7. ^ "Protest gets backing". Retrieved 13 November 2011. 
  8. ^ "Marching for Waitakere". Retrieved 13 November 2011. 
  9. ^ "Supercity protesters hit the streets – national". 22 April 2009. Retrieved 13 November 2011. 
  10. ^ Udanga, Romy. "Call for a united front". Retrieved 13 November 2011. 
  11. ^ Udanga, Romy. "Supercity fears emerge". Retrieved 13 November 2011. 
  12. ^ Kemeys, David. "Who stole our voice? – auckland". Retrieved 13 November 2011. 
  13. ^ "Govt's super-council leaflets anger mayor – National – NZ Herald News". The New Zealand Herald. 24 April 2009. Retrieved 13 November 2011. 
  14. ^ Tahana, Yvonne (8 April 2009). "Anger rises over lack of Maori seats – National – NZ Herald News". The New Zealand Herald. Retrieved 13 November 2011. 
  15. ^ Kotze, Karen. "Hui calls for representation". Retrieved 13 November 2011. 
  16. ^ "Let Auckland decide on local government changes | Scoop News". 24 April 2009. Retrieved 13 November 2011. 
  17. ^ [1]
  18. ^ [2]
  19. ^ "Hawke's Bay Reorganisation Poll : PROGRESS RESULT" (PDF). Retrieved 2015-10-04. 

External links[]

This page uses content from the English language Wikipedia. The original content was at Territorial authorities of New Zealand. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with this Familypedia wiki, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons License.