Thibaut VI de Blois, comte de Blois, comte de Clermont-en-Beauvaisis, was born on an unknown date to Louis I de Blois (c1166-1205) and Catherine de Clermont (-aft1208) and died 1218 of unspecified causes. He married Matilda d'Alençon (-) 19 July 1213 JL . He married Clémence de Roches (-c1259) .
Theobald fought the Moors in Castile. During the campaign he contracted leprosy and returned home. After living withdrawn in his castle in La Ferté-Villeneuil for a few years he died in 1218, leaving his possessions to his aunts Margaret and Isabelle. The northern part of Blois was erected into the County of Chartres for Isabelle; Margaret received the remainder of the County of Blois, and he sold Clermont to the crown before he died.
Footnotes (including sources)
‡ General |