Main Births etc
Country Netherlands
Province Gelderland
Municipality Oude IJsselstreek

(Former) town hall, Varsseveld

Varsseveld is a town in the Netherlands, located in the Dutch municipality of Oude IJsselstreek.

Varsseveld was a separate municipality between 1812 and 1818, when it was merged with Wisch.[1]


Varsseveld hosted the 2009 Dutch Sidecarcross Grand Prix, on 7 June.

Varsseveld hosted a Strongman contest, the Strongman Champions League Holland Grand Prix on June 1, 2008. The winner of the contest was Zydrunas Savickas from Lithuania.

Football coach Guus Hiddink and cyclist Robert Gesink were born and raised in Varsseveld.


  1. ^ Ad van der Meer and Onno Boonstra, Repertorium van Nederlandse gemeenten, KNAW, 2006.

External links[]

Coordinates: 51°57′N 6°28′E / 51.95, 6.467


Annual events include:

  • Nationale motorcross (May)
  • Eeuwig Erbarmen Festival/’n drom (first Saturday in July)
  • men-wedstrijden (July)
  • Varssevelds Volksfeest, thist Volksfeest is for a lot of people the best party ever (third weekend in August)
  • Koetsentocht en Monicadag it's very nice to see(July)

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