
Vasilko Svyatoslavich of Polotsk was born 1095 to Svyatoslav Vseslavich of Vitebsk (c1065-c1130) and Sofiya Vladimirovna (c1078-c1140) and died 1144 of unspecified causes.

Vasilko Svyatoslavich (died 1144), Prince of Vitebsk (1130-1132), Prince of Polotsk (1132-1144), son of Svyatoslav Vseslavich, Prince of Vitebsk [1]. The grandson of Vseslav Bryachislavich. It originated from the Vitebsk line of Izyaslavichi Polotsk . According to the late Voskresenskaya and Nikon's chronicles he was the grandson of Vladimir Monomakh .


In 1129, the Grand Prince of Kiev, Mstislav Vladimirovich the Great, made a march to the principality of Polotsk, capturing all Polotsk princes and members of their families, depriving them of their possessions and sending them to Byzantium. Vasilko was among the exiles. Probably, he served as the commander of the Emperor John .

However, already in 1131 or 1132, Vasilko returned from Byzantium. It is unclear whether he received any inheritance. Voitovich suggests that in the period 1130-1132 Vasilko could have been Prince of Vitebsk, and Rapov - that in 1132 he reigned in Izyaslavl [2]. But already in 1132 the Polovtsians drove out Svyatopolk Mstislavich, who had reigned from them , and Vasilko was invited instead.

Almost nothing is known about his reign. In order to stay in power, he supported the sons of Mstislav. In 1138, when Vsevolod Mstislavich, expelled from Novgorod, crossed the Polotsk, Vasilko accompanied him with honor and kissed him a cross.

In 1143, Vasilko gave his daughter to marry Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich , the son of Grand Prince of Kiev Vsevolod Olgovich. More about it is not mentioned. It is believed that Vasilko died in 1144 [3].


Изяслав Владимирович Полоцкий
Брячислав Изяславич Полоцкий
Всеслав Брячиславич Полоцкий
Святослав Всеславич Полоцко-Витебский
Василько Святославич Полоцко-Витебский
Ярослав Владимирович Мудрый
Всеволод Ярославич
Ингегерда, принцесса шведская
Владимир Всеволодович Мономах?
Константин IX Мономах?
Елена Склир??
Софья (Владимировна?)
Годвин Уэссекский
Гарольд II Годвинсон
Гита Торкельсдоттир
Гита Уэссекская?
Эдит Красивая

Marriage and children

His wife's name is unknown. It is not known exactly how many children he had. The following children are mentioned:

  1. Vseslav Vasilkovich, prince of Vitebsk, (1132-1162, 1175-1178, c11810-c1186), Prince of Polotsk (1162-1167, 1167-1175, 1178-c1181)
  2. Bryachislav Vasilkovich of Vitebsk (c1140-c1186) Prince of Izyaslavl (1158-1159), prince of Vitebsk (1168-1175, 1178-c1182)
  3. Vladimir (died after 1160)
  4. Izyaslav (died before 1185 ); died in battle with Lithuania , is mentioned in the " Lay of Igor's Regiment " along with the brothers Bryachislav and Vsevolod.
  5. Vsevolod Vasilkovich (died after 1185 ), Prince of Gorodnensky
  6. Olga , a nun (nun Evdokia)
  7. Maria ; husband: with 1143 Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich (died 25 July 1194 ), Prince of Chernigov and Grand Prince of Kiev


  1. ^ П. Строев и М. Погодин, вслед за Карамзиным, считали его сыном Рогволода (Бориса) Всеславича, полагая запись в Лаврентьевской летописи, где упомянуто отчество Василька, ошибочной.
  2. ^ Рапов О. М.. Княжеские владения на Руси в Х — первой половине XIII в. p. 59. 
  3. ^ Данилевич В. Е.. Очерк истории Полоцкой земли до конца XIV столетия. p. 86. 


  • Алексеев Л. В. (1975). Древнерусские княжества X—XIII вв. Moscow. pp. 202—239. 
  • Алексеев Л. В. (1966). Полоцкая земля (очерки истории северной Белоруссии) в IX — XIII вв.. Moscow: Наука. p. 29. 
  • Богуславский В.В.: Славянская энциклопедия. Киевская Русь - Московия
  • Войтович Л.: Княжеские династии Восточной Европы Ізяславичі полоцькі}}
  • Данилевич В. Е. (1896). Очерк истории Полоцкой земли до конца XIV столетия. Киев. p. 731. 
  • Коган В.М., Домбровский-Шалагин В.И.: Князь Рюрик и его потомки: Историко-генеалогический свод
  • Полоцкие князья // Русский биографический словарь : в 25 томах. — СПб.—М., 1896—1918.
  • Рапов О. М. (1977). Княжеские владения на Руси в Х — первой половине XIII в. Moscow. p. 261. 
  • Рыжов К.: Все монархи мира. Россия


Offspring of Vasilko Svyatoslavich of Polotsk and unknown parent
Name Birth Death Joined with
Vseslav Vasilkovich of Polotsk (c1120-c1186) 1120 1186
Mariya Vasilkovna of Polotsk (c1125-c1180) 1125 1180 Svyatoslav III Vsevolodovich of Kiev (c1123-1194)
Bryachislav Vasilkovich of Vitebsk (c1140-c1186) 1140 1186
Vladimir Vasilkovich ( -c1162)
Izyaslav Vasilkovich ( - c1182)
Vsevolod Vasilkovich (1185)
Olga Vasilkovna


Offspring of Svyatoslav Vseslavich of Vitebsk (c1065-c1130) and Sofiya Vladimirovna (c1078-c1140)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Vasilko Svyatoslavich of Polotsk (c1095-1144) 1095 1144
Predslava Svyatoslavna of Polotsk (1104-1167) 1104 Polotsk, Polatsk Rayon, Vitsebsk Voblasts, Belarus 1167 Mar Saba Monastery, Palestine
Gradislava Svyatoslavna of Polotsk (c1110-c1180) 1110 Polotsk, Polatsk Rayon, Vitsebsk Voblasts, Belarus 1180
Vyacheslav Svyatoslavich of Vitebsk (c1100-c1170) 1100 1170
Davyd Svyatoslavich of Vitebsk (c1105-c1170) 1105 1160


Vasilko Svyatoslavich of Polotsk
Born: c1095 Died: 1144
Preceded by
Svyatoslav Vseslavich
Prince of Vitebsk
Succeeded by
Vseslav Vasilkovich
Preceded by
Svyatopolk Mstislavich
Prince of Polotsk
Succeeded by
Rogvolod Borisovich

Footnotes (including sources)

